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Monte Carlo Tree Search in the Presence of Model Uncertainty

This repository provides implementation for the paper Monte Carlo Tree Search in the Presence of Transition Uncertainty (AAAI 2024).

Libraries requirements

You need to have installed Python 3.8. You also need to install PyTorch, NumPy, Matplotlib, torchvision, tqdm packages:

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install tqdm

You also need to install the modified version of the MinAtar Environments than includes the corrupted models. To install the MinAtar Environments, use the following command in terminal:

pip install MinAtar/.


We run the experiments on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz processor. To run the experiments, use the following command:

python3 [-h] --env ENV --scenario SCENARIO --file_name FILE_NAME
               [--selection] [--expansion] [--simulation]
               [--backpropagation] [--num_run NUM_RUN]
               [--num_episode NUM_EPISODE] [--ni NI] [--ns NS] [--ds DS]
               [--c C] [--tau TAU] [--learn_transition] [--use_true_model]
  • ENV can be "space_invaders", "freeway", "breakout, "two_way", or "two_way_icy".
  • SCENARIO can be "online" or "offline".
  • FILE_NAME is the name of the file of the result of the experiments which will be saved in Results/ directory. This file contians a dictionary with keys 'num_steps' and 'rewards'.
  • Use any of the commands --selection, --expansion, --simulation, or --backpropagation to active the the UA corresponding component.
  • NUM_RUN and NUM_EPISODE are the number of runs and episodes.
  • NI, NS, and DS are the number of iterations, number of simulations, and depth o simulations respectively.
  • C is exploration constant and TAU is uncertainty factor. For the online scenario of UAMCTS, TAU is the initial value of the uncertainty factor.
  • Use use_true_model option if you want the agent to have access to the true model of the environment.
  • Use learn_transition option if you want to run an experiment with the MCTS agent that learns the transition function online. This option works only for the "two_way" environment, "online" scenario, and it does not work for the UA components.
  • If you want to change the maximum number of episodes, uncertainty function or the transition function networks' hyper-parameter, go to


To plot the result of experiments, use the following command:

python3 --scenario SCENARIO --file_name FILE_NAME --plot_name
                  PLOT_NAME --metric METRIC
  • FILE_NAME is the name of the file of the result of the experiments in the Results/ directory. This file contians a dictionary with keys 'num_steps' and 'rewards'.
  • SCENARIO can be "online" or "offline".
  • PLOT_NAME is the name of the generated plot. The plot will be saved with name PLOT_NAME.png in the UAMCTS/Plot/ directory.
  • METRIC can be "num_steps" or "rewards".


Young, K.; and Tian, T. 2019. MinAtar: An Atari-inspired testbed for thorough and reproducible Reinforcement Learn- ing experiments. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03176.


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