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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Dev Setup Instructions

  1. Create .env files in the frontend and backend folder and fill in information specified by corresponding .env.example files
  2. Create a file called private.key and public.key with RSA Private and public keys in the backend folder. It will be used for the JWT token signing and verification respectively

Run Locally

  1. Start a local instance of mongodb on port 27017
  2. cd into backend folder, run npm run dev
  3. cd into frontend folder, run npm run dev

Run with Docker

  1. Create a .env file at the project root folder and fill with enter values for MONGO_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD. This will be used in docker-compose for creation of the mongodb admin user
  2. Update mongodb credentials in mongo-init.js. This file contains the script to create a user that can read/write to the records database
  3. At root folder, run docker-compose up --build -d Note: This doesn't work with Windows

LXC Container Setup and Deployment Instructions

  1. Install Node.js using the NodeSource repo
  2. Install Git
  3. Optional: Install Docker
    • Before installing Docker, configure the lxd container first
  4. Install MongoDB (
    • Will need to first install WGET by running sudo apt-get install wget
    • To setup database:
      1. Run command mongod in container terminal
      2. In separate terminal, run mongo shell with mongo
      3. In shell, run db.createUser({ user: {ADMIN_USERNAME}, pwd: {ADMIN_PWD}, roles: [{ role: "root", db: "admin" }] })
      4. Terminate mongodb process and exit mongo shell
      5. Start mongodb process again in the background with authentication enabled by running mongod --auth --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod.log
      6. In separate terminal, run mongo shell again with mongo
      7. In shell, run use admin to go to admin db
      8. Run db.auth({ADMIN_USERNAME}, {ADMIN_PWD}) to authenticate as admin user
      9. Upon successful authentication, run use records to create database to store survey data
      10. Run db.createUser({ user: {RECORDS_USERNAME}, pwd: {RECORDS_PWD}, roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "records" }] }) to create a separate user to read and write to the records db
  5. Install the Nodejs process manager, PM2, by running sudo npm install pm2 -g, this is needed to manage/run project in background
  6. Clone this repo and follow instructions to setup .env files in the frontend and backend folder
  7. Install Python 2 and Pip if they are not yet installed in the container
  8. Install the pandas and xlrd library by running pip install pandas and pip install xlrd. The two python libraries are required when executing the python script for parsing FNH and MCML fob data report.
  9. Go into the frontend folder in repo and create a production build of the front-end by running npm run prod
  10. Go into the backend folder and run pm2 --name Covid-dashboard start npm – start to start the project in the background
  11. Tada! The app can now be accessed in the specified port in .env


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