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#Module contract_driver#

Generic protocol driver process for protocol sessions.


This module defines the contract_driver behaviour.

Required callback functions: start/1, start/2, init/1, init/2, encode/3, decode/5.

##Function Index##


Driver main loop.

  • A driver sits between a socket and a Pid

  • Stuff on the socket is send to the Pid

  • Stuff from the Pid is send to the socket

  • When it is called the Socket has been set to send messages to the driver and the Pid exists

  • If one side dies the process dies


##Function Details##


behaviour_info(Other) -> any()


loop(Module, Contract, Options, Pid, Socket) -> any()


loop(Module, Contract, Options, Pid, Socket, Timeout) -> any()


loop(Module, Contract, Options, Pid, Socket, Timeout, Cont) -> any()

Driver main loop.

  • A driver sits between a socket and a Pid

  • Stuff on the socket is send to the Pid

  • Stuff from the Pid is send to the socket

  • When it is called the Socket has been set to send messages to the driver and the Pid exists

  • If one side dies the process dies


relay(Module, Pid, Pid1) -> any()


start(Module, Contract, Options) -> any()