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Push notifications

Let's assume that you have an app created with Clickable and published on the OpenStore. But now you want to be able to send Push Notifications to your users. First of all, you need to understand how this is working:



  1. Every app which uses push notifications has got a unique token. This token identifies the user, the device and the app itself. The token is generated by the UBports Push Service.
  2. You will need the token to send a push notification. So the app sends its token to the app developer's server.
  3. With the token you can send a HTTP request to the UBports Push Server which will forward the notification the user's device.

Let's practice this step-by-step.


In the following example we will not implement a server. Also the communication between your app and your server is up to you. Please inform the user about the communication with your server by providing a privacy policy!

Make the app ready for push notifications

Implementing the PushClient

First we need to add the policy group "push-notification-client". Your apparmor file could look like this:

    "policy_groups": [
    "policy_version": 16.04

In the next step we need to modify the Qml parts. We need to add a pushclient component:


import Ubuntu.PushNotifications 0.1


PushClient {
    id: pushClient
    appId: "myapp.yourname_hookname"
    onTokenChanged: console.log("👍", pushClient.token)

You need to set the correct appId! If the app name in your manifest file is myapp.yourname and the name of the main hook (the one which handles the .desktop file) is hookname, then the appId is: myapp.yourname_hookname. When we now start the app, it will get a token and print this token in the logs. With clickable logs we will be able to copy this token out of the terminal. But the app is not yet ready to receive a push notification. For this we need something called a pushhelper!

Implementing the pushhelper

The pushhelper is a part of the app which will receive all push notifications and process them before sending them to the system notification center. It will receive a json-file and must output another json-file in the correct format. The pushhelper is seperated from the app. So we need a new hook in the manifest. It could look like this:


    "title": "myapp",
    "hooks": {
    "myapp": {
        "apparmor": "myapp.apparmor",
        "desktop":  "myapp.desktop"
    "push": {
        "apparmor": "push-apparmor.json",
        "push-helper": "push.json"


It should be clear that we now need a different apparmor file and a different executable file. The push-apparmor.json file must only contain the policy group push-notification-client and should look like this:

    "template": "ubuntu-push-helper",
    "policy_groups": [
    "policy_version": 16.04

The push.json is for redirecting to the executable file:

    "exec": "pushexec"

In our tutorial we will use python to create a executable named pushexec which will forward the notification without changing anything:


import sys

f1, f2 = sys.argv[1:3]

open(f2, "w").write(open(f1).read())

We also need to add this new files to the CMakeLists.txt and make the pushexec executable:


install(FILES push.json DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR})
install(FILES push-apparmor.json DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR})


Now the app is ready to receive and process push notifications!

Using the Push Service API

So now you have the token and the app is ready to receive and process push notifications. To send a notification, you need to send a HTTP request to this address: The content-type must be application/json and it must fit in the correct format. A example in javascript could look like this:

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", "", true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if ( req.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
            console.log("✍ Answer:", req.responseText);
var approxExpire = new Date ();
    "appid" : "appname.yourname_hookname",
    "expire_on": approxExpire.toISOString(),
    "token": "aAnqwiFn§DF%2",
    "data": {
        "notification": {
            "card": {
                "icon": "notification",
                    "summary": "Push Notification",
                        "body": "Hello world",
                        "popup": true,
                        "persist": true
            "vibrate": true,
            "sound": true

Push Notification Object

Parameter Type Description
appid string
Required. ID of the application that will receive the notification,
as described in the client side documentation.
expire_on string
Required. Expiration date/time for this message, in
ISO8601 Extendendformat.
token string
Required. The token identifying the user+device to which the message is
directed, as described in the client side documentation.
clear_pending bool
Discards all previous pending notifications. Usually in response to
getting a "too-many-pending" error. Defaults to false.
replace_tag string
If there's a pending notification with the same tag, delete it before
queuing this new one.
data Data
A JSON object. The contents of the data field are arbitrary. We can use
it to send any data to the app.


Parameter Type Description
notification Notification A JSON object which defines how this notification will be presented.
message object A JSON object that is passed as-is to the application via PopAll.


Parameter Type Description
tag string
The tag of the push notification.
sound bool or string
This is either a boolean (play a predetermined sound) or the
path to a sound file. The user can disable it, so don't rely
on it exclusively. Defaults to empty (no sound). The path is
relative, and will be looked up in (a) the application's
.local/share/<pkgname>, and (b) standard xdg dirs.
vibrate bool or Vibrate
The notification can contain a vibrate field, causing haptic
feedback, which can be either a boolean (if true, vibrate a
predetermined way) or an Vibrate object.
emblem-counter Emblem-counter
A JSON object, which defines how to display the emblem
card Card
A JSON object with information about the notification card.


Parameter Type Description
summary string
Required. A title. The card will not be presented if this is
body string
Longer text, defaults to empty.
actions array
If empty (the default), a bubble notification is
non-clickable. If you add a URL, then bubble notifications
are clickable and launch that URL. One use for this is using
a URL like appid://com.ubuntu.developer.ralsina.hello
which will switch to the app or launch it.
icon string
An icon relating to the event being notified. Defaults to
empty (no icon); a secondary icon relating to the application
will be shown as well, regardless of this field.
timestamp integer
Seconds since the unix epoch, only used for persist for now.
If zero or unset, defaults to current timestamp.
persist bool
Whether to show in notification centre; defaults to false.
popup bool
Whether to show in a bubble. Users can disable this, and can
easily miss them, so don't rely on it exclusively. Defaults
to false.


Parameter Type Description
pattern array
A list of integers describing a vibration pattern (duration of alternating
vibration/no vibration times, in milliseconds).
repeat integer
Number of times the pattern has to be repeated (defaults to 1, 0 is the
same as 1).


Parameter Type Description
count integer A number to be displayed over the application's icon in the launcher.
visible bool Set to true to show the counter, or false to hide it.