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UCAN Invocation Receipt Specification v1.0.0



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UCAN Invocation defines a format for expressing the intention to execute delegated UCAN capabilities. UCAN Invocation Receipt is a signed assertion of the Executor state describing Result and Effects of the invocation.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


A Receipt is a Invocation of the /ucan/assert capability. It represents signed assertion from the Executor state describing Result and Effects of some task invocation. Receipt is a signed commitment by Executor to a state, described by it, within the timeframe of the Receipt.

High-Level Concepts



The executor is directed to perform some task described in the UCAN by the invoker.

The executor MUST be the UCAN delegate. Their DID MUST be set the in aud field of the contained UCAN.



A Task is like a deferred function application: a request to perform some action on a resource with specific input.


A Result is the output of a Task.


An Effect is a Task caused by the invoked Task.

IPLD Schema

type UCAN union {
  | Invocation "ucan/i/1.0.0-rc.1"
  | Receipt    "ucan/o/1.0.0-rc.1"
} representation keyed

type Receipt struct {
  p SignaturePayload
  s Signature

type SignaturePayload struct {
  h VarsigHeader
  p ReceiptPayload

type ReceiptPayload union {
  | AssertPayload "/ucan/assert"
} representation inline {
  discriminantKey "cmd"

type AssertPayload struct {
  uiv SemVer

  iss DID
  sub DID
  aud DID

  args Assertion
  nonce String

  meta Meta
  prf [&Delegation]
  exp Expiry

type Assertion struct {
  about &Task
  facts InvocationFacts

type InvocationFacts struct {
  # Output of the invocation
  out     Result

  # Effects to be performed
  run     Effect[]

type Result union {
  | any    "ok"    # Success
  | any    "error" # Error
} representation keyed

# Represents a task caused by the invocation
type Effect struct {
  cmd Command
  sub  DID
  args {String : Any}
  nonce String

  # Optionally effect can specify other invocation details
  iss optional DID
  aud optional DID

  meta optional Meta
  prf optional [&Delegation]
  exp optional Integer

type Command String
type DID String
type Meta { String: Any }

type Expiry union {
  | Timestapm int
  | Never     null
} representation kinded

type Timestamp int
type Never null


The ReceiptPayload MUST be a /ucan/assert Invocation.

Receipt Issuer

The iss field of the ReceiptPayload MUST be DID of the Invocation Executor or a delegate authorized by it. If iss is not the Invocation Executor, the prf field of the AssertPayload MUST provide a valid delegation chain from Executor to the iss DID authorizing it to issue this receipt.

Receipt Subject

The sub field of the ReceiptPayload MUST be the DID of the Invocation Executor.

Receipt Audience

The aud field of the ReceiptPayload MUST be the DID of the Invoaction Executor and be equal to sub field. This creates an authorization loop that is rooted and terminated with an Executor, which in turn can be used by anyone to prove that described state has been asserted by the Executor.

Receipt Expiry

The exp field of the ReceiptPayload denotes time until which Executor is commited to uphold issued assertion. The exp field MUST be set to null for assertions that are permanent.

Receipts for the pure computation SHOULD set exp field to null. On the other hand when result of the task is imprmanent, the exp field MUST be set to the time reflecting it TTL.


The args field of the ReceiptPayload MUST be set to the value conforming to the Assertion schema.

Asserted Task

The about field of the Assertion MUST be set to the executed Task this receipt is for.

Asserted Facts

The facts field of the Assertion MUST be set to value that conforms InvocationFacts schema.

Asserted Result

The facts.out field of the Assertion MUST be set to the result of the invocation and conform to the Result schema.

Result Variants

The success branch MUST contain the value returned from a successful Task wrapped in the "ok" tag. The exact shape of the returned data is left undefined to allow for flexibility in various Task types.

{ "ok": 42 }

The failure branch MAY contain detail about why execution failed wrapped in the "error" tag. It is left undefined in this specification to allow for Task types to standardize the data that makes sense in their contexts.

Asserted Effects

The field of the Assertion MUST be set to the list of values conforming to Effect schema. It describes set of Tasks that are caused by the Invocation.

Pure computational tasks MUST set to an empty list. Effectful tasks MUST populate with set of requested tasks to be performed.

Please note that issuing receipt cedes control to the runtime which can decide when and whether to run requested tasks.


The prf field defines all [Delegation]s required to prove that this Invocation has an unbroken authorization chain.


The OPTIONAL meta field MAY be omitted or used to contain additional data about the receipt. This field MAY be used for tags, commentary, trace information, and so on.