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Model Deployers

Clipper provides a collection of model deployer modules to simplify the process of deploying a trained model to Clipper and avoid the need to figure out how to save models and build custom Docker containers capable of serving the saved models for some common use cases. With these modules, you can deploy models directly from Python to Clipper.

Currently, Clipper provides the following deployer modules:

  1. Arbitrary Python functions
  2. PySpark Models
  3. PyTorch Models
  4. Tensorflow Models
  5. MXNet Models
  6. PyTorch Models exported as ONNX file with Caffe2 Serving Backend (Experimental)

These deployers support function that can only be pickled using Cloudpickle and/or pure python libraries that can be installed via pip. For reference, please use the following flowchart to make decision about which deployer to use.

digraph foo {

"Pure Python?" -> "Use python deployer & pkg_to_install arg" [ label="Yes" ]; "Pure Python?" -> "Does Clipper provide a deployer?" [ label="No" ]; "Does Clipper provide a deployer?" -> "Use {PyTorch | TensorFlow | PySpark | ...} deployers" [ label="Yes" ]; "Does Clipper provide a deployer?" -> "Build your own container" [ label="No" ];



You can find additional examples of using model deployers in Clipper's integration tests.

Pure Python functions

This module supports deploying pure Python function closures to Clipper. A function deployed with this module must take a list of inputs as the sole argument, and return a list of strings of exactly the same length. The reason the prediction function takes a list of inputs rather than a single input is to provide models the possibility of computing multiple predictions in parallel to improve model performance. For example, many models that run on a GPU can significantly improve throughput by batching predictions to better utilize the many parallel cores of the GPU.

In addition, the function must only use pure Python code. More specifically, all of the state captured by the function will be pickled using Cloudpickle, so any state captured by the function must be able to be pickled. Most Python libraries that use C extensions create objects that cannot be pickled. This includes many common machine-learning frameworks such as PySpark, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Caffe. You will have to use Clipper provided containers or create your own Docker containers and call the native serialization libraries of these frameworks in order to deploy them.

While this deployer will serialize your function, any Python libraries that the function depends on must be installed in the container to be able to load the function inside the model container. You can specify these libraries using the pkgs_to_install argument. All the packages specified by that argument will be installed in the container with pip prior to running it.

If your function has dependencies that cannot be installed directly with pip, you will need to build your own container.



PySpark Models

The PySpark model deployer module provides a small extension to the Python closure deployer to allow you to deploy Python functions that include PySpark models as part of the state. PySpark models cannot be pickled and so they break the Python closure deployer. Instead, they must be saved using the native PySpark save and load APIs. To get around this limitation, the PySpark model deployer introduces two changes to the Python closure deployer discussed above.

First, a function deployed with this module takes two additional arguments: a PySpark SparkSession object and a PySpark model object, along with a list of inputs as provided to the Python closures in the deployers.python module. It must still return a list of strings of the same length as the list of inputs.

Second, the pyspark.deploy_pyspark_model and pyspark.create_endpoint deployment methods introduce two additional arguments:

  • pyspark_model: A PySpark model object. This model will be serialized using the native PySpark serialization API and loaded into the deployed model container. The model container creates a long-lived SparkSession when it is first initialized and uses that to load this model once at initialization time. The long-lived SparkSession and loaded model are provided by the container as arguments to the prediction function each time the model container receives a new prediction request.
  • sc: The current SparkContext. The PySpark model serialization API requires the SparkContext as an argument

The effect of these two changes is to allow the deployed prediction function to capture all pure Python state through closure capture but explicitly declare the additional PySpark state which must be saved and loaded through a separate process.



PyTorch Models

Similar to the PySpark deployer, the PyTorch deployer provides a small extension to the Python closure deployer to allow you to deploy Python functions that include PyTorch models.

For PyTorch, Clipper will serialize the model using and it will be loaded using torch.load. It is expected the model has a forward method and can be called using model(input) to predict output.



Tensorflow Models

Similar to the PySpark deployer, the TensorFlow deployer provides a small extension to the Python closure deployer to allow you to deploy Python functions that include TensorFlow models.

For Tensorflow, Clipper will save the Tensorflow Session.



MXNet Models

Similar to PySpark deployer, the MXNet deployer provides a small extension to the Python closure deployer to allow you to deploy Python functions that include MXNet models.

For MXNet, Clipper will serialize the model using mxnet_model.save_checkpoint(..., epoch=0).



Create Your Own Container

If none of the provided model deployers will meet your needs, you will need to create your own model container.

Tutorial on building your own model container