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Getting started with Soot Transformer and Packs

Setup Project in IDE

  1. Create an empty Java project and include pre-compile Soot as jar located under /libs. (For IntelliJ follow here and continue to step 2)
  2. Add located under /src to your project.
  3. Add located under /src to your project.
  4. Download Test.class located under /inputs and provide path in, where "inputs" is a directory containing .class file.
String classPath =  "inputs";
  1. Configure Soot as it mentioned in Part 1 and follow next for code reference inside both provided classes.
  2. Inside main method of, create object for our VNTransformer class.
VNTransformer mVNTransformer = new VNTransformer();
  1. Then, create an object for Transform.
Transform mVNTransform = new Transform("wjtp.valNumbering", mVNTransformer);
//First Argument is name of Transform, second argument is an object of our Transformer
  1. Add Transform to the whole-jimple transformation pack.

Code Guidelines for

  1. Next, here are pointers for Soot APIs used in VNTransformer class. Get Main class as a SootClass Object.
SootClass mainClass = Scene.v().getMainClass();
  1. Get test method as a SootMethod Object and get method body.
SootMethod testMethod = mainClass.getMethodByName("test");
Body methodBody = testMethod.retrieveActiveBody();
  1. Create Directed graph object for method body.
UnitGraph graph = new BriefUnitGraph(methodBody);
  1. Next, iterate over the UnitGraph object and go through the statements.
Iterator<Unit> unitIt = graph.iterator();  
while (unitIt.hasNext()) { 
  Unit unit =;
  1. Following API helps to get Used Boxes of current Unit (statement) -- These are the things appearing right hand side of the statement. Local is Soot's representation of local variables of a method.
for (ValueBox useBox : unit.getUseBoxes()) {  
    // if Value of defBox is Local variable  
  if (useBox.getValue() instanceof Local) {  
        Local useLocal = (Local) useBox.getValue();  
    System.out.println("Used:" + useLocal.getName());  
  1. Comparing and casting to Assignment Statement.
if (unit instanceof AssignStmt) {
  AssignStmt assignStmt = (AssignStmt) unit;
  1. Comparing and casting Right hand operands of Assignment Statement.
if (assignStmt.getRightOp() instanceof AddExpr) {
  // This is Add Operation on right
if (assignStmt.getRightOp() instanceof MulExpr) { 
  // This is Multiply Operation on right
if (assignStmt.getRightOp() instanceof DivExpr) { 
  // This is Divide operation on right
if (assignStmt.getRightOp() instanceof SubExpr) {
  // This is Subtract operation on right
  1. Following API helps to get Defined Boxes of current Unit (statement) -- These are the things appearing left hand side of the statement.
for (ValueBox defBox : unit.getDefBoxes()) {  
    // if Value of defBox is Local variable  
  if (defBox.getValue() instanceof Local) {  
        Local defLocal = (Local) defBox.getValue();  
    System.out.println("Defined:" + defLocal.getName());  

IntelliJ Import instructions

  1. Import project to IntelliJ idea (You might need to configure dependencies, Click File → Project Structure → Modules → click + → JARs or directories → Browse the jar file in lib directory)


Getting started with Soot Transformer and Packs








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