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File metadata and controls

195 lines (145 loc) · 5.63 KB

Quick start guide

There are essentially two ways to specify and execute a graph of tasks. One involves writing a JSON file <json-configuration> that is executed by the runjson utility, the other way uses the provided language bindings to setup the task graph specifically.

Using a JSON description

The custom JSON format, described here <json-configuration>, has the advantage to be language-agnostic and portable across different versions of the UFO framework. Let's start with a simple example, that computes the one-dimensional Fourier-transform on a set of input files:

    "nodes" : [
            "plugin": "reader",
            "name": "reader",
            "properties" : { "path": "*.tif" }
            "plugin": "fft",
            "name": "fft"
            "plugin": "writer",
            "name": "writer",
            "properties" : { "prefix": "fft-" }
    "edges" : [
            "from": { "name": "reader" },
            "to": { "name": "fft" }
            "from": { "name": "fft" },
            "to": { "name": "writer" }

Save this to a file named fft.json and execute it by calling the runjson tool:

$ runjson fft.json

runjson takes two optional parameters. -p or --path expects a path name to a location where UFO plugins are stored. This can be useful if the standard nodes were installed in a user-defined location or third-party nodes should be looked up too.

The -a or --address parameter expects a ZeroMQ-conform address where a ufod server is running. Part of the work is then distributed to that machine. For more information, read up on clustering <using-cluster>.

C interface


A simple UFO program written in C that loads the JSON description can look like this:

/* ufo/ufo.h is the only header allowed to be included */
#include <ufo/ufo.h>

int main (void)
    UfoTaskGraph *graph;
    UfoScheduler *scheduler;
    UfoPluginManager *manager;

    g_type_init ();  /* you _must_ call this! */

    graph = ufo_graph_new ();
    manager = ufo_plugin_manager_new ();

    ufo_task_graph_read_from_json (graph, manager, "hello-world.json", NULL);

    scheduler = ufo_scheduler_new (NULL, NULL);
    ufo_scheduler_run (scheduler, graph, NULL);

    /* Destroy all objects */
    g_object_unref (graph);
    g_object_unref (scheduler);
    g_object_unref (manager);
    return 0;


You can compile this with:

$ gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs ufo` foo.c -o foo

As you can see we simply construct a new UfoGraph object from a JSON encoded configuration file <json-configuration> and execute the computation pipeline with a UfoScheduler object.


Rather than loading the structure from a file, you can also construct it by hand:

int main(void)
    UfoGraph *graph;
    UfoPluginManager *manager;
    UfoScheduler *scheduler;
    UfoNode *reader;
    UfoNode *writer;

    g_type_init ();  /* you _must_ call this! */

    graph = ufo_graph_new ();
    manager = ufo_plugin_manager_new (NULL);
    scheduler = ufo_scheduler_new (NULL, NULL);
    reader = ufo_plugin_manager_get_task (manager, "reader", NULL);
    writer = ufo_plugin_manager_get_task (manager, "writer", NULL);

    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (reader),
                  "path", "/home/user/data/*.tif",
                  "count", 5,

    ufo_graph_connect_nodes (graph, reader, writer, NULL);
    ufo_scheduler_run (scheduler, graph, NULL);
    return 0;

Python Interface

There are no plans to support any languages with manually written language bindings. However, UFO is a GObject-based library from which gir (GObject Introspection) files can be generated at build time. Any language that supports GObject Introspection and the gir/typelib format is thus able to integrate UFO. No manual intervention is need if the GObject Introspection tools are found.

Because several languages support GObject Introspection, you have to consult the appropriate reference manuals to find out how the GObjects are mapped to their language equivalents. Some of the options are

  • Python: PyGObject
  • Javascript: Gjs and Seed
  • Vala has direct support using the --pkg option

A GNOME wiki page lists all available runtime bindings.


The simple example from the beginning -- with Python-GObject installed -- would look like this:

from gi.repository import Ufo

manager = Ufo.PluginManager()
graph = Ufo.TaskGraph()
scheduler = Ufo.Scheduler()

graph.read_from_json(manager, "some-graph.json")

Similarly, constructing the graph by hand maps one-to-one to the Python object and keyword system:

from gi.repository import Ufo

graph = Ufo.Graph()
manager = Ufo.PluginManager()
scheduler = Ufo.Scheduler()

reader = manager.get_task('reader')
writer = manager.get_task('writer')
reader.set_properties(path='/home/user/data/*.tif', count=5)

graph.connect_nodes(reader, writer)