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9. Creating a Pull Request

GeorgeGayno-NOAA edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 10 revisions

When your code updates are completed and they are ready to be included as part of the official repository, create a pull request. Your request should include the following information:


  • One or more paragraphs describing the problem, solution, and required changes.



  • Explicitly state what tests were run on these changes, or if any are still pending (for README or other text-only changes, just put "None required". Make note of the compilers used, the platform/machine, and other relevant details as necessary. For more complicated changes, or those resulting in scientific changes, please be explicit!

  • Please specify if the changes require any new or updated unit tests.

  • Please specify if the relevant consistency tests were run and whether they succeeded. If baselines need to be updated as a result of this PR, please specify the machine(s) and path(s) to the new files.


  • Add any links to external PRs. For example: NOAA-EMC/UFS_UTILS/pull/<pr_number>


  • If this PR is contributing new capabilities that need to be documented, please also include updates to the RST files in the docs/source directory as supporting material.

CONTRIBUTORS (optional):

  • If others have contributed to this work aside from the PR author, list them here.