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Running the SRW App

This section explains how to set up and run the basic "out-of-the-box" case for the SRW Application. However, the steps are relevant to any SRW App experiment and can be modified to suit user goals. This chapter assumes that users have already built the SRW App by following the steps in :numref:`Section %s <BuildSRW>` (or :numref:`Section %s <DownloadCodeC>` if running the containerized version of the SRW App).

The out-of-the-box SRW App case builds a weather forecast for June 15-16, 2019. Multiple convective weather events during these two days produced over 200 filtered storm reports. Severe weather was clustered in two areas: the Upper Midwest through the Ohio Valley and the Southern Great Plains. This forecast uses a predefined 25-km Continental United States (:term:`CONUS`) domain (RRFS_CONUS_25km), the Global Forecast System (:term:`GFS`) version 16 physics suite (FV3_GFS_v16 :term:`CCPP`), and :term:`FV3`-based GFS raw external model data for initialization.


The SRW Application has four levels of support. The steps described in this section will work most smoothly on preconfigured (Level 1) systems. They should also work on other systems (including generic Linux/Mac systems), but the user may need to perform additional troubleshooting.

The overall procedure for generating an experiment is shown in :numref:`Figure %s <AppOverallProc>`, with the scripts to generate and run the workflow shown in red. Once the SRW App has been built, as described in :numref:`Chapter %s <BuildSRW>`, the steps to run a forecast are as follows:

  1. :ref:`Download and stage data <Data>`
  2. :ref:`Optional: Configure a new grid <GridSpecificConfig>`
  3. :ref:`Generate an SRW App experiment <GenerateForecast>`
  4. :ref:`Run the SRW App workflow <Run>`
Flowchart describing the SRW App workflow steps.

Overall Layout of the SRW App Workflow

Download and Stage the Data

The SRW App requires input files to run. These include static datasets, initial and boundary conditions files, and model configuration files. On Level 1 systems, the data required to run SRW App tests are already available in the following locations:

Data Locations for Level 1 Systems
Machine File location
Derecho /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data
Gaea (C3/C4/C5) /lustre/f2/dev/role.epic/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data/
Hera /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data/
Hercules /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data/
Jet /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data/
NOAA Cloud /contrib/EPIC/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data/
Orion /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/|data|/input_model_data/
WCOSS2 /lfs/h2/emc/lam/noscrub/UFS_SRW_App/develop/input_model_data/

For Level 2-4 systems, the data must be added to the user's system. Detailed instructions on how to add the data can be found in :numref:`Section %s: Downloading and Staging Input Data <DownloadingStagingInput>`. Sections :numref:`%s: Input Files <Input>` and :numref:`%s: Output Files <OutputFiles>` contain useful background information on the input and output files used in the SRW App.

Grid Configuration

The SRW App officially supports the five predefined grids shown in :numref:`Table %s <PredefinedGrids>`. The out-of-the-box SRW App case uses the RRFS_CONUS_25km predefined grid option. More information on the predefined and user-generated grid options can be found in :numref:`Section %s: Limited Area Model (LAM) Grids <LAMGrids>`. Users who plan to utilize one of the five predefined domain (grid) options may continue to the next step (:numref:`Step %s: Generate the Forecast Experiment <GenerateForecast>`). Users who plan to create a new custom predefined grid should refer to the instructions in :numref:`Section %s: Creating User-Generated Grids <UserDefinedGrid>`. At a minimum, these users will need to add the new grid name to the valid_param_vals.yaml file and add the corresponding grid-specific parameters in the predef_grid_params.yaml file.

Predefined Grids Supported in the SRW App
Grid Name Grid Type Quilting (write component)
RRFS_CONUS_25km ESG grid lambert_conformal
RRFS_CONUS_13km ESG grid lambert_conformal
RRFS_CONUS_3km ESG grid lambert_conformal
SUBCONUS_Ind_3km ESG grid lambert_conformal
RRFS_NA_13km ESG grid lambert_conformal

Generate the Forecast Experiment

Generating the forecast experiment requires three steps:

  1. :ref:`Load the workflow environment <SetUpPythonEnv>`
  2. :ref:`Set experiment configuration parameters <ExptConfig>`
  3. :ref:`Run a script to generate the experiment workflow <GenerateWorkflow>`

The first two steps depend on the platform being used and are described here for each Level 1 platform. Users will need to adjust the instructions to reflect their machine's configuration if they are working on a Level 2-4 platform. Information in :numref:`Section %s: Configuring the Workflow <ConfigWorkflow>` can help with this.

Load the Conda/Python Environment

The SRW App workflow is often referred to as the regional workflow because it runs experiments on a regional scale (unlike the global workflow used in other applications). The SRW App workflow requires installation of Python3 using conda; it also requires additional packages built in a separate conda evironment named |wflow_env|. On Level 1 systems, a |wflow_env| environment already exists, and users merely need to load the environment. On Level 2-4 systems, users must create and then load the environment. The process for each is described in detail below.

Loading the Workflow Environment on Level 1 Systems


Users on a Level 2-4 system should skip to the :ref:`next section <Load-WF-L234>` for instructions.

The |wflow_env| conda/Python environment has already been set up on Level 1 platforms and can be activated in the following way:

source /path/to/ufs-srweather-app/etc/ <platform>
module use /path/to/ufs-srweather-app/modulefiles
module load wflow_<platform>

where <platform> refers to a valid machine name (see :numref:`Section %s <user>` for MACHINE options). In a csh shell environment, users should replace with lmod-setup.csh.


If users source the lmod-setup file on a system that doesn't need it, it will not cause any problems (it will simply do a module purge).

The wflow_<platform> modulefile will then output instructions to activate the SRW App workflow. The user should run the commands specified in the modulefile output. The command may vary from system to system. For example, if the output says:

Please do the following to activate conda:
    > conda activate workflow_tools

then the user should run |activate|. This activates the |wflow_env| conda environment, and the user typically sees |prompt| in front of the Terminal prompt at this point.

After loading the workflow environment, users may continue to :numref:`Section %s <ExptConfig>` for instructions on setting the experiment configuration parameters.

Loading the Workflow Environment on Level 2-4 Systems

Users on non-Level 1 systems will need to create a conda workflow environment, modify a wflow_* file to reflect the location of required modules, and load the workflow modules using the modified wflow_* file.

Create a conda Workflow Environment


Examples in this subsection presume that the user is running in the Terminal with a bash shell environment. If this is not the case, users will need to adjust the commands to fit their command line application and shell environment.

MacOS ONLY: Install/Upgrade Mac-Specific Packages


This subsection is for Mac OS users only. Users on Linux systems can skip to :ref:`Creating the workflow_tools Environment on Linux and Mac OS <LinuxMacVEnv>` for instructions.

MacOS requires the installation of a few additional packages and, possibly, an upgrade to bash. Users running on MacOS should execute the following commands:

bash --version
brew install bash       # or: brew upgrade bash
brew install coreutils
brew install gsed       # follow directions to update the PATH env variable
Creating the |wflow_env| Environment on Linux and Mac OS

On generic Mac and Linux systems, users need to create a conda |wflow_env| environment that contains python packages required for running the workflow. Other conda environments may need to be activated for running graphics generation tasks (|graphics_env|) or when testing the AQM/CMAQ (|cmaq_env|). Python packages in these other environments may conflict with those in |wflow_env|. The environments can be stored in a local path, which can be a default location or a user-specified location (e.g., $HOME/condaenv/venvs/ directory). (To determine the default location, use the conda info command, and look for the envs directories list.) These conda environments can be added to the existing python or conda modules.

There are several options available for building virtual conda environments on non-Level 1 platforms. The examples in this section use the aarch64 (64-bit ARM) Miniforge for Linux and install into $HOME/conda. Users should adjust as needed for their target system.


  1. Users can add the following environment .yaml files:

    1. workflow_tools.yaml for |wflow_env|
    name: workflow_tools
      - conda-forge
      - defaults
      - python=3.9*
      - boto3=1.22*
      - black
      - f90nml=1.4*
      - jinja2=3.0*
      - numpy=1.21*
      - pylint
      - pytest
      - pyyaml=6.0*
      - tox
    1. regional_workflow.yaml for |graphics_env|
    name: regional_workflow
      - conda-forge
      - defaults
      - python=3.9.*
      - f90nml
      - jinja2
      - pyyaml
      - scipy
      - matplotlib=3.5.2*
      - pygrib
      - cartopy
    1. regional_workflow_cmaq.yaml for |cmaq_env|
    name: regional_workflow_cmaq
      - conda-forge
      - defaults
      - python=3.9.12
      - f90nml=1.4*
      - jinja2=3.0*
      - pyyaml=6.0*
      - scipy
      - matplotlib
      - pygrib
      - cartopy
      - netcdf4
      - xarray
  2. Users can instead install Miniforge. This example uses the aarch64 (64-bit ARM) Miniforge for Linux that installs into $HOME/conda. Users should adjust as needed for their target system.

    bash -bfp ~/conda
    source ~/conda/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate
    conda install -y conda-build conda-verify
    cd path/to/your/workflow-tools/clone
    conda build recipe
    conda create -y -n workflow_tools -c local workflow_tools
    conda activate workflow_tools

    In future shells, you can activate and use this environment with:

    source ~/conda/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate workflow_tools

    See the workflow-tools repository for additional documentation.

  3. A third option is to build miniconda3 and create an Lmod modulefile that can be loaded with other modules during the workflow. The module can be added to the user's wflow_<platform>.lua modulefile, and the environments can be activated or deactivated as needed for a particular workflow task. A repository with full installation instructions, a modulefile template, and environment configuration files can be accessed in NOAA-EPIC/miniconda3 repository. Full instructions can be viewed in the file.

Modify a wflow_<platform> File

Users can copy one of the provided wflow_<platform> files from the modulefiles directory and use it as a template to create a wflow_<platform> file that functions on their system. The wflow_macos and wflow_linux template modulefiles are provided as a starting point, but any wflow_<platform> file could be used. Users must modify the files to provide paths for python, miniconda modules, module loads, conda initialization, and the user's |wflow_env| conda environment.

Load the Workflow Environment

After creating a |wflow_env| environment and making modifications to a wflow_<platform> file, users can run the commands below to activate the workflow environment:

source /path/to/ufs-srweather-app/etc/ <platform>
module use /path/to/ufs-srweather-app/modulefiles
module load wflow_<platform>

where <platform> refers to a valid machine name (i.e., linux or macos).


If users source the lmod-setup file on a system that doesn't need it, it will not cause any problems (it will simply do a module purge).

The wflow_<platform> modulefile will then output the following instructions:

Please do the following to activate conda:
    > conda activate workflow_tools

After running |activate|, the user will typically see |prompt| in front of the Terminal prompt. This indicates that the workflow environment has been loaded successfully.


conda needs to be initialized before running the |activate| command. Depending on the user's system and login setup, this may be accomplished in a variety of ways. Conda initialization usually involves the following command: source <conda_basedir>/etc/profile.d/, where <conda_basedir> is the base conda installation directory.

Set Experiment Configuration Parameters

Each experiment requires certain basic information to run (e.g., date, grid, physics suite). Default values are assigned in config_defaults.yaml, and users adjust the desired variables in the experiment configuration file named config.yaml. When generating a new experiment, the SRW App first reads and assigns default values from config_defaults.yaml. Then, it reads and (re)assigns variables from the user's custom config.yaml file.

Default configuration: config_defaults.yaml

In general, config_defaults.yaml is split into sections by category (e.g., user:, platform:, workflow:, task_make_grid:). Users can view a full list of categories and configuration parameters in the :doc:`Table of Variables in config_defaults.yaml <DefaultVarsTable>`. Definitions and default values of each of the variables can be found in :numref:`Section %s: Workflow Parameters <ConfigWorkflow>` and in the config_defaults.yaml file comments. Some of these default values are intentionally invalid in order to ensure that the user assigns valid values in their config.yaml file. There is usually no need for a user to modify config_defaults.yaml because any settings provided in config.yaml will override the settings in config_defaults.yaml.

User-specific configuration: config.yaml

The user must set the specifics of their experiment configuration in a config.yaml file located in the ufs-srweather-app/ush directory. Two example templates are provided in that directory: and config.nco.yaml. The first file is a basic example for creating and running an experiment in community mode (with RUN_ENVIR set to community). The second is an example for creating and running an experiment in the NCO (operational) mode (with RUN_ENVIR set to nco). The community mode is recommended in most cases, and user support is available for running in community mode. The operational/NCO mode is typically used by developers at the Environmental Modeling Center (:term:`EMC`) and the Global Systems Laboratory (:term:`GSL`) who are working on pre-implementation testing for the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (:term:`RRFS`). :numref:`Table %s <ConfigCommunity>` compares the configuration variables that appear in the with their default values in config_defaults.yaml.

Configuration variables specified in the script
Parameter Default Value Value
RUN_ENVIR "nco" "community"
ACCOUNT "" "an_account"
CCPA_OBS_DIR "{{ workflow.EXPTDIR }}/obs_data/ccpa/proc" ""
MRMS_OBS_DIR "{{ workflow.EXPTDIR }}/obs_data/mrms/proc" ""
NDAS_OBS_DIR "{{ workflow.EXPTDIR }}/obs_data/ndas/proc" ""
EXPT_SUBDIR "" "test_community"
PREEXISTING_DIR_METHOD "delete" "rename"
VERBOSE true true
COMPILER "intel" "intel"
FV3GFS_FILE_FMT_ICS "nemsio" "grib2"
FV3GFS_FILE_FMT_LBCS "nemsio" "grib2"
QUILTING true true
DO_ENSEMBLE false false
VX_FCST_MODEL_NAME '{{ nco.NET_default }}.{{ task_run_post.POST_OUTPUT_DOMAIN_NAME }}' FV3_GFS_v16_CONUS_25km
General Instructions for All Systems

To get started with a basic forecast in community mode, make a copy of From the ufs-srweather-app directory, run:

cd ush
cp config.yaml

The default settings in this file include a predefined 25-km :term:`CONUS` grid (RRFS_CONUS_25km), the :term:`GFS` v16 physics suite (FV3_GFS_v16 :term:`CCPP`), and :term:`FV3`-based GFS raw external model data for initialization.

Next, users should edit the new config.yaml file to customize it for their machine. On most systems, the following fields need to be updated or added to the appropriate section of the config.yaml file in order to run the out-of-the-box SRW App case:

   MACHINE: hera
   ACCOUNT: an_account
   EXPT_SUBDIR: test_community
   EXTRN_MDL_SOURCE_BASEDIR_ICS: /path/to/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/input_model_data/<model_type>/<data_type>/${yyyymmddhh}
   EXTRN_MDL_SOURCE_BASEDIR_LBCS: /path/to/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/input_model_data/<model_type>/<data_type>/${yyyymmddhh}
  • MACHINE refers to a valid machine name (see :numref:`Section %s <user>` for options).
  • ACCOUNT refers to a valid account name. Not all systems require a valid account name, but most Level 1 & 2 systems do.


  • To determine an appropriate ACCOUNT field for Level 1 systems, run groups, and it will return a list of projects you have permissions for. Not all of the listed projects/groups have an HPC allocation, but those that do are potentially valid account names.
  • Users can also run saccount_params, which provides more information but is not available on all systems.
  • EXPT_SUBDIR is changed to an experiment name of the user's choice.
  • /path/to/ is the path to the SRW App data on the user's machine (see :numref:`Section %s <Data>` for data locations on Level 1 systems).
  • <model_type> refers to a subdirectory containing the experiment data from a particular model. Valid values on Level 1 systems correspond to the valid values for EXTRN_MDL_NAME_ICS and EXTRN_MDL_NAME_LBCS (see :numref:`Section %s <basic-get-extrn-ics>` or :numref:`%s <basic-get-extrn-lbcs>` for options).
  • <data_type> refers to one of 3 possible data formats: grib2, nemsio, or netcdf.
  • ${yyyymmddhh} refers to a subdirectory containing data for the :term:`cycle` date (in YYYYMMDDHH format). Users may hardcode this value or leave it as-is, and the experiment will derive the correct value from DATE_FIRST_CYCL and related information.

On platforms where Rocoto and :term:`cron` are available, users can automate resubmission of their experiment workflow by adding the following lines to the workflow: section of the config.yaml file:



On Orion, cron is only available on the orion-login-1 node, so users will need to work on that node when running cron jobs on Orion.

When running with GNU compilers (i.e., if the modulefile used to set up the build environment in :numref:`Section %s <BuildExecutables>` uses a GNU compiler), users must also set COMPILER: "gnu" in the workflow: section of the config.yaml file.


On JET, users should add PARTITION_DEFAULT: xjet and PARTITION_FCST: xjet to the platform: section of the config.yaml file.

For example, to run the out-of-the-box experiment on Gaea using cron to automate job submission, users can add or modify variables in the user, workflow, task_get_extrn_ics, and task_get_extrn_lbcs sections of config.yaml according to the following example (unmodified variables are not shown here):

   MACHINE: gaea
   ACCOUNT: hfv3gfs
   EXPT_SUBDIR: run_basic_srw
   EXTRN_MDL_SOURCE_BASEDIR_ICS: /lustre/f2/dev/role.epic/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/input_model_data/FV3GFS/grib2/2019061518
   EXTRN_MDL_SOURCE_BASEDIR_LBCS: /lustre/f2/dev/role.epic/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/input_model_data/FV3GFS/grib2/2019061518


  • Valid values for configuration variables should be consistent with those in the ush/valid_param_vals.yaml script.
  • Various sample configuration files can be found within the subdirectories of tests/WE2E/test_configs.
  • Users can find detailed information on configuration parameter options in :numref:`Section %s: Configuring the Workflow <ConfigWorkflow>`.
Turning On/Off Workflow Tasks

The ufs-srweather-app/parm/wflow directory contains several YAML files that configure different workflow task groups. Each task group file contains a number of tasks that are typically run together. :numref:`Table %s <task-group-files>` describes each of the task groups.

Task Group Files
File Function
aqm_post.yaml SRW-AQM post-processing tasks
aqm_prep.yaml SRW-AQM pre-processing tasks
coldstart.yaml Tasks required to run a cold-start forecast
default_workflow.yaml Sets the default workflow (prep.yaml, coldstart.yaml, post.yaml)
plot.yaml Plotting tasks
post.yaml Post-processing tasks
prdgen.yaml Horizontal map projection processor that creates smaller domain products from the larger domain created by the UPP.
prep.yaml Pre-processing tasks
verify_det.yaml Deterministic verification tasks
verify_ens.yaml Ensemble verification tasks
verify_pre.yaml Verification pre-processing tasks

The default workflow task groups are set in parm/wflow/default_workflow.yaml and include prep.yaml, coldstart.yaml, and post.yaml. To turn on/off tasks in the workflow, users must alter the list of task groups in the rocoto: tasks: taskgroups: section of config.yaml. The list in config.yaml will override the default and run only the task groups listed. For example, to omit :term:`cycle-independent` tasks and run plotting tasks, users would delete prep.yaml from the list of tasks and add plot.yaml:

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml", "parm/wflow/plot.yaml"]|include }}'

Users may need to make additional adjustments to config.yaml depending on which task groups they add or remove. For example, when plotting, the user should add the plotting increment (PLOT_FCST_INC) for the plotting tasks in task_plot_allvars (see :numref:`Section %s <PlotOutput>` on plotting).

Users can omit specific tasks from a task group by including them under the list of tasks as an empty entry. For example, if a user wanted to run only task_pre_post_stat from aqm_post.yaml, the taskgroups list would include aqm_post.yaml, and the tasks that the user wanted to omit would be listed with no value:

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/prep.yaml", "parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml", "parm/wflow/aqm_post.yaml"]|include }}'

Next Steps:

Configuring an Experiment on General Linux and MacOS Systems


Examples in this subsection presume that the user is running in the Terminal with a bash shell environment. If this is not the case, users will need to adjust the commands to fit their command line application and shell environment.

Optional: Install Rocoto


Users may install Rocoto if they want to make use of a workflow manager to run their experiments. However, this option has not yet been tested on MacOS and has had limited testing on general Linux plaforms.

Configure the SRW App:

After following the steps in :numref:`Section %s: General Configuration <GeneralConfig>` above, users should have a config.yaml file with settings from community.config.yaml and updates similar to this:

   MACHINE: macos
   ACCOUNT: user
   EXPT_SUBDIR: my_test_expt
   COMPILER: gnu
   EXTRN_MDL_SOURCE_BASEDIR_ICS: /path/to/input_model_data/FV3GFS/grib2/2019061518
   EXTRN_MDL_SOURCE_BASEDIR_LBCS: /path/to/input_model_data/FV3GFS/grib2/2019061518

Due to the limited number of processors on MacOS systems, users must also configure the domain decomposition parameters directly in the section of the predef_grid_params.yaml file pertaining to the grid they want to use. Domain decomposition needs to take into account the number of available CPUs and configure the variables LAYOUT_X, LAYOUT_Y, and WRTCMP_write_tasks_per_group accordingly.

The example below is for systems with 8 CPUs:

   LAYOUT_X: 3
   LAYOUT_Y: 2
   WRTCMP_write_tasks_per_group: 2


The number of MPI processes required by the forecast will be equal to LAYOUT_X * LAYOUT_Y + WRTCMP_write_tasks_per_group.

For a machine with 4 CPUs, the following domain decomposition could be used:

   LAYOUT_X: 3
   LAYOUT_Y: 1
   WRTCMP_write_tasks_per_group: 1

Configure the Machine File

Configure the macos.yaml or linux.yaml machine file in ufs-srweather-app/ush/machine based on the number of CPUs (NCORES_PER_NODE) in the system (usually 8 or 4 in MacOS; varies on Linux systems). Job scheduler (SCHED) options can be viewed :ref:`here <sched>`. Users must also set the path to the fix file directories.

   # Architecture information
   SCHED: none
   # Run commands for executables
   RUN_CMD_FCST: 'mpirun -np ${PE_MEMBER01}'
   RUN_CMD_POST: 'mpirun -np 4'
   RUN_CMD_UTILS: 'mpirun -np 4'
   # Commands to run at the start of each workflow task.
   PRE_TASK_CMDS: '{ ulimit -a; }'
   FIXaer: /path/to/FIXaer/files
   FIXgsm: /path/to/FIXgsm/files
   FIXlut: /path/to/FIXlut/files

   # Path to location of static input files used by the make_orog task
   FIXorg: path/to/FIXorg/files

   # Path to location of static surface climatology input fields used by sfc_climo_gen
   FIXsfc: path/to/FIXsfc/files

   #Path to location of NaturalEarth shapefiles used for plotting
   FIXshp: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/NaturalEarth

   FV3GFS: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/FV3GFS

The data: section of the machine file can point to various data sources that the user has pre-staged on disk. For example:

      nemsio: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/FV3GFS/nemsio
      grib2: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/FV3GFS/grib2
      netcdf: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/FV3GFS/netcdf
   RAP: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/RAP/grib2
   HRRR: /Users/username/DATA/UFS/HRRR/grib2

This can be helpful when conducting multiple experiments with different types of data.

Next Steps:

Plotting Configuration (optional)

An optional Python plotting task (plot_allvars) can be activated in the workflow to generate plots for the :term:`FV3`-:term:`LAM` post-processed :term:`GRIB2` output over the :term:`CONUS`. It generates graphics plots for a number of variables, including:

  • 2-m temperature
  • 2-m dew point temperature
  • 10-m winds
  • 250 hPa winds
  • Accumulated precipitation
  • Composite reflectivity
  • Surface-based :term:`CAPE`/:term:`CIN`
  • Max/Min 2-5 km updraft helicity
  • Sea level pressure (SLP)

This workflow task can produce both plots from a single experiment and difference plots that compare the same cycle from two experiments. When plotting the difference, the two experiments must be on the same domain and available for the same cycle starting date/time and forecast hours. Other parameters may differ (e.g., the experiments may use different physics suites).

Cartopy Shapefiles

The Python plotting tasks require a path to the directory where the Cartopy Natural Earth shapefiles are located. The medium scale (1:50m) cultural and physical shapefiles are used to create coastlines and other geopolitical borders on the map. On Level 1 systems, this path is already set in the system's machine file using the variable FIXshp. Users on other systems will need to download the shapefiles and update the path of $FIXshp in the machine file they are using (e.g., $SRW/ush/machine/macos.yaml for a generic MacOS system, where $SRW is the path to the ufs-srweather-app directory). The subset of shapefiles required for the plotting task can be obtained from the SRW Data Bucket. The full set of medium-scale (1:50m) Cartopy shapefiles can be downloaded here.

Task Configuration

Users will need to add or modify certain variables in config.yaml to run the plotting task(s). At a minimum, to activate the plot_allvars tasks, users must add the task's .yaml file to the default list of taskgroups under the rocoto: tasks: section.

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/prep.yaml", "parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml", "parm/wflow/plot.yaml"]|include }}'

Users may also wish to adjust the start, end, and increment value for the plotting task in the config.yaml file. For example:


If the user chooses not to set these values, the default values will be used (see :numref:`Section %s <PlotVars>` for defaults).


If a forecast starts at 18 UTC, this is considered the 0th forecast hour, so "starting forecast hour" should be 0, not 18.

When plotting output from a single experiment, no further adjustments are necessary. The output files (in .png format) will be located in the experiment directory under the $CDATE/postprd subdirectory where $CDATE corresponds to the cycle date and hour in YYYYMMDDHH format (e.g., 2019061518).

Plotting the Difference Between Two Experiments

When plotting the difference between two experiments (expt1 and expt2), users must set the COMOUT_REF template variable in expt2's config.yaml file to point at forecast output from the expt1 directory. For example, in community mode, users can set COMOUT_REF as follows in the expt2 configuration file:

   COMOUT_REF: '${EXPT_BASEDIR}/expt1/${PDY}${cyc}/postprd'

This will ensure that expt2 can produce a difference plot comparing expt1 and expt2. In community mode, using default directory names and settings, $COMOUT_REF will resemble /path/to/expt_dirs/test_community/2019061518/postprd. Additional details on the plotting variables are provided in :numref:`Section %s <PlotVars>`.

The output files (in .png format) will be located in the postprd directory for the experiment.

Next Steps:

Configure METplus Verification Suite (Optional)

Users who want to use the METplus verification suite to evaluate their forecasts need to add additional information to their machine file (ush/machine/<platform>.yaml) or their config.yaml file. Other users may skip to the next step (:numref:`Section %s: Generate the SRW App Workflow <GenerateWorkflow>`).


If METplus users update their METplus installation, they must update the module load statements in ufs-srweather-app/modulefiles/tasks/<machine>/run_vx.local to correspond to their system's updated installation:

module use -a /path/to/met/modulefiles
module load met/<version.X.X>
module load metplus/<version.X.X>

To use METplus verification, MET and METplus modules need to be installed. To turn on verification tasks in the workflow, include the parm/wflow/verify_*.yaml file(s) in the rocoto: tasks: taskgroups: section of config.yaml. For example:

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/prep.yaml", "parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml", "parm/wflow/verify_pre.yaml", "parm/wflow/verify_det.yaml"]|include }}'

:numref:`Table %s <VX-yamls>` indicates which functions each verify_*.yaml file configures. Users must add verify_pre.yaml anytime they want to do verification (VX); it runs preprocessing tasks that are necessary for both deterministic and ensemble VX. Then users can add verify_det.yaml for deterministic VX or verify_ens.yaml for ensemble VX (or both). Note that ensemble VX requires the user to be running an ensemble forecast or to stage ensemble forecast files in an appropriate location.

Verification YAML Task Groupings
File Description
verify_pre.yaml Contains (meta)tasks that are prerequisites for both deterministic and ensemble verification (vx)
verify_det.yaml Perform deterministic vx
verify_ens.yaml Perform ensemble vx (must set DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml)

The verify_*.yaml files include the definitions of several common verification tasks by default. Individual verification tasks appear in :numref:`Table %s <VXWorkflowTasksTable>`. The tasks in the verify_*.yaml files are independent of each other, so users may want to turn some off depending on the needs of their experiment. To turn off a task, simply include its entry from verify_*.yaml as an empty YAML entry in config.yaml. For example, to turn off PointStat tasks:

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/prep.yaml", "parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml", "parm/wflow/verify_pre.yaml", "parm/wflow/verify_det.yaml"]|include }}'

More information about configuring the rocoto: section can be found in :numref:`Section %s <DefineWorkflow>`.

If users have access to NOAA :term:`HPSS` but have not pre-staged the data, the default verify_pre.yaml taskgroup will activate the tasks, and the workflow will attempt to download the appropriate data from NOAA HPSS. In this case, the *_OBS_DIR paths must be set to the location where users want the downloaded data to reside.

Users who do not have access to NOAA HPSS and do not have the data on their system will need to download :term:`CCPA`, :term:`MRMS`, and :term:`NDAS` data manually from collections of publicly available data, such as the ones listed here.

Users who have already staged the observation data needed for METplus (i.e., the :term:`CCPA`, :term:`MRMS`, and :term:`NDAS` data) on their system should set the path to this data in config.yaml.

   CCPA_OBS_DIR: /path/to/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/obs_data/ccpa/proc
   NOHRSC_OBS_DIR: /path/to/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/obs_data/nohrsc/proc
   MRMS_OBS_DIR: /path/to/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/obs_data/mrms/proc
   NDAS_OBS_DIR: /path/to/UFS_SRW_data/v2p2/obs_data/ndas/proc

After adding the VX tasks to the rocoto: section and the data paths to the platform: section, users can proceed to generate the experiment, which will perform VX tasks in addition to the default workflow tasks.

Generate the SRW App Workflow

Run the following command from the ufs-srweather-app/ush directory to generate the workflow:


The last line of output from this script, starting with */1 * * * * or */3 * * * *, can be saved and used later to automatically run portions of the workflow if users have the Rocoto workflow manager installed on their system.

This workflow generation script creates an experiment directory and populates it with all the data needed to run through the workflow. The flowchart in :numref:`Figure %s <WorkflowGeneration>` describes the experiment generation process. The script:

  1. Runs the script to set the configuration parameters. This script reads four other configuration scripts in order:
    1. config_defaults.yaml (:numref:`Section %s <DefaultConfigSection>`)
    2. ${machine}.yaml (the machine configuration file)
    3. config.yaml (:numref:`Section %s <UserSpecificConfig>`)
    4. valid_param_vals.yaml
  2. Symlinks the time-independent (fix) files and other necessary data input files from their location to the experiment directory ($EXPTDIR).
  3. Creates the input namelist file input.nml based on the input.nml.FV3 file in the parm directory.
  4. Creates the workflow XML file FV3LAM_wflow.xml that is executed when running the experiment with the Rocoto workflow manager.

The generated workflow will appear in $EXPTDIR, where EXPTDIR=${EXPT_BASEDIR}/${EXPT_SUBDIR}; these variables were specified in config_defaults.yaml and config.yaml in :numref:`Step %s <ExptConfig>`. The settings for these directory paths can also be viewed in the console output from the ./ script or in the log.generate_FV3LAM_wflow file, which can be found in $EXPTDIR.

Flowchart of the workflow generation process. Scripts are called in the following order: (which calls bash_utils), then,,, and reads several yaml configuration files (config_defaults.yaml, config.yaml, {machine_config}.yaml, valid_param_vals.yaml, and others) and calls several scripts:,,,, and Then, it sets a number of variables, including FIXgsm, fixorg, and FIXsfc variables. Next, is called, and the FIXam and FIXLAM directories are set, along with the forecast input files. The setup script also calls, sets the GRID_GEN_METHOD with HALO, checks various parameters, and generates shell scripts. Then, the workflow generation script produces a YAML configuration file and generates the actual Rocoto workflow XML file from the template file (by calling workflow-tools set_template). The workflow generation script checks the crontab file and, if applicable, copies certain fix files to the experiment directory. Then, it copies templates of various input files to the experiment directory and sets parameters for the input.nml file. Finally, it generates the workflow. Additional information on each step appears in comments within each script.

Experiment Generation Description

Description of Workflow Tasks


This section gives a general overview of workflow tasks. To begin running the workflow, skip to :numref:`Step %s <Run>`

:numref:`Figure %s <WorkflowTasksFig>` illustrates the overall workflow. Individual tasks that make up the workflow are detailed in the FV3LAM_wflow.xml file. :numref:`Table %s <WorkflowTasksTable>` describes the function of each baseline task. The first three pre-processing tasks; make_grid, make_orog, and make_sfc_climo; are optional. If the user stages pre-generated grid, orography, and surface climatology fix files, these three tasks can be skipped by removing the prep.yaml file from the default taskgroups entry in the config.yaml file before running the script:

    taskgroups: '{{ ["parm/wflow/coldstart.yaml", "parm/wflow/post.yaml"]|include }}'
Flowchart of the default workflow tasks. If the make_grid, make_orog, and make_sfc_climo tasks are toggled off, they will not be run. If toggled on, make_grid, make_orog, and make_sfc_climo will run consecutively by calling the corresponding exregional script in the scripts directory. The get_ics, get_lbcs, make_ics, make_lbcs, and run_fcst tasks call their respective exregional scripts. The run_post task will run, and if METplus verification tasks have been configured, those will run during post-processing by calling their exregional scripts.

Flowchart of the Default Workflow Tasks

The FV3LAM_wflow.xml file runs the specific j-job scripts (jobs/JREGIONAL_[task name]) in the prescribed order when the experiment is launched via the script or the rocotorun command. Each j-job task has its own source script (or "ex-script") named exregional_[task name].sh in the ufs-srweather-app/scripts directory. Two database files named FV3LAM_wflow.db and FV3LAM_wflow_lock.db are generated and updated by the Rocoto calls. There is usually no need for users to modify these files. To relaunch the workflow from scratch, delete these two *.db files and then call the launch script repeatedly for each task.

Baseline Workflow Tasks in the SRW App
Workflow Task Task Description
make_grid Pre-processing task to generate regional grid files. Only needs to be run once per experiment.
make_orog Pre-processing task to generate orography files. Only needs to be run once per experiment.
make_sfc_climo Pre-processing task to generate surface climatology files. Only needs to be run once per experiment.
get_extrn_ics Cycle-specific task to obtain external data for the initial conditions (ICs)
get_extrn_lbcs Cycle-specific task to obtain external data for the lateral boundary conditions (LBCs)
make_ics_* Generate ICs from the external data
make_lbcs_* Generate LBCs from the external data
run_fcst_* Run the forecast model (UFS Weather Model)
run_post_* Run the post-processing tool (UPP)

In addition to the baseline tasks described in :numref:`Table %s <WorkflowTasksTable>` above, users may choose to run a variety of optional tasks, including plotting and verification tasks.

Plotting Task in the SRW App
Workflow Task Task Description
plot_allvars Run the plotting task and, optionally, the difference plotting task

METplus verification tasks are described in :numref:`Table %s <VXWorkflowTasksTable>` below. The column "taskgroup" indicates the taskgroup file that must be included in the user's config.yaml file under rocoto: tasks: taskgroups: (see :numref:`Section %s <DefineWorkflow>` for more details). For each task, mem### refers to either mem000 (if running a deterministic forecast) or a specific forecast member number (if running an ensemble forecast). "Metatasks" indicate task definitions that will become more than one workflow task based on different variables, number of hours, etc., as described in the Task Description column. See :numref:`Section %s <defining_metatasks>` for more details about metatasks.

Verification (VX) Workflow Tasks in the SRW App
Workflow Task taskgroup Task Description
task_get_obs_ccpa verify_pre.yaml If user has staged :term:`CCPA` data for verification, checks to ensure that data exists in the specified location (CCPA_OBS_DIR). If data does not exist, attempts to retrieve that data from NOAA :term:`HPSS`.
task_get_obs_ndas verify_pre.yaml If user has staged :term:`NDAS` data for verification, checks to ensure that data exists in the specified location (NDAS_OBS_DIR). If data does not exist, attempts to retrieve that data from NOAA HPSS.
task_get_obs_nohrsc verify_pre.yaml Retrieves and organizes hourly :term:`NOHRSC` data from NOAA HPSS. Can only be run if verify_pre.yaml is included in a tasksgroups list and user has access to NOAA :term:`HPSS` data. ASNOW should also be added to the VX_FIELDS list.
task_get_obs_mrms verify_pre.yaml If user has staged :term:`MRMS` data for verification, checks to ensure that data exists in the specified location (MRMS_OBS_DIR). If data does not exist, attempts to retrieve that data from NOAA HPSS.
task_run_MET_Pb2nc_obs verify_pre.yaml Converts files from prepbufr to NetCDF format.
metatask_PcpCombine_obs verify_pre.yaml Derives 3-hr, 6-hr, and 24-hr accumulated precipitation observations from the 1-hr observation files. In log files, tasks will be named like MET_PcpCombine_obs_APCP##h, where ##h is 03h, 06h, or 24h.
metatask_check_post_output_all_mems verify_pre.yaml Ensures that required post-processing tasks have completed and that the output exists in the correct form and location for each forecast member. In log files, tasks will be named like check_post_output_mem###.
metatask_PcpCombine_fcst_APCP_all_accums_all_mems verify_pre.yaml Derives accumulated precipitation forecast for 3-hr, 6-hr, and 24-hr windows for all forecast members based on 1-hr precipitation forecast values. In log files, tasks will be named like MET_PcpCombine_fcst_APCP##h_mem###, where ##h is 03h, 06h, or 24h.
metatask_PcpCombine_fcst_ASNOW_all_accums_all_mems verify_pre.yaml Derives accumulated snow forecast for 6-hr and 24-hr windows for all forecast members based on 1-hr precipitation forecast values. In log files, tasks will be named like MET_PcpCombine_fcst_ASNOW##h_mem###, where ##h is 06h or 24h.
metatask_GridStat_CCPA_all_accums_all_mems verify_det.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid verification for 1-h, 3-h, 6-h, and 24-h (i.e., daily) accumulated precipitation. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_APCP##h_mem###.
metatask_GridStat_NOHRSC_all_accums_all_mems verify_det.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid verification for 6-h and 24-h (i.e., daily) accumulated snow. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_ASNOW##h_mem###.
metatask_GridStat_MRMS_all_mems verify_det.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid verification for composite reflectivity and :term:`echo top`. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_REFC_mem### or run_MET_GridStat_vx_RETOP_mem###.
metatask_PointStat_NDAS_all_mems verify_det.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-point verification for surface and upper-air variables. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_PointStat_vx_SFC_mem### or run_MET_PointStat_vx_UPA_mem###.

(formerly VX_ENSGRID_##h)
verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid ensemble verification for 1-h, 3-h, 6-h, and 24-h (i.e., daily) accumulated precipitation. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_EnsembleStat_vx_APCP##h or run_MET_GenEnsProd_vx_APCP##h. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.
metatask_GenEnsProd_EnsembleStat_NOHRSC verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid ensemble verification for 6-h and 24-h (i.e., daily) accumulated snow. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_EnsembleStat_vx_ASNOW##h or run_MET_GenEnsProd_vx_ASNOW##h. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.

verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid ensemble verification for composite reflectivity and :term:`echo top`. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_GenEnsProd_vx_[REFC|RETOP] or run_MET_EnsembleStat_vx_[REFC|RETOP]. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.

(formerly VX_ENSGRID_MEAN_##h and VX_ENSGRID_PROB_##h)
verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid verification for (1) ensemble mean 1-h, 3-h, 6-h, and 24h (i.e., daily) accumulated precipitation and (2) 1-h, 3-h, 6-h, and 24h (i.e., daily) accumulated precipitation probabilistic output. In log files, the ensemble mean subtask will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_ensmean_APCP##h and the ensemble probabilistic output subtask will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_ensprob_APCP##h, where ##h is 01h, 03h, 06h, or 24h. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.
metatask_GridStat_NOHRSC_ensmeanprob_all_accums verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid verification for (1) ensemble mean 6-h and 24h (i.e., daily) accumulated snow and (2) 6-h and 24h (i.e., daily) accumulated snow probabilistic output. In log files, the ensemble mean subtask will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_ensmean_ASNOW##h and the ensemble probabilistic output subtask will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_ensprob_ASNOW##h, where ##h is 06h or 24h. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.

verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-grid verification for ensemble probabilities for composite reflectivity and :term:`echo top`. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_GridStat_vx_ensprob_[REFC|RETOP]. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.

(formerly VX_ENSPOINT)
verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-point ensemble verification for surface and upper-air variables. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_GenEnsProd_vx_[SFC|UPA] or run_MET_EnsembleStat_vx_[SFC|UPA]. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.

verify_ens.yaml Runs METplus grid-to-point verification for (1) ensemble mean surface and upper-air variables and (2) ensemble probabilities for surface and upper-air variables. In log files, tasks will be named like run_MET_PointStat_vx_ensmean_[SFC|UPA] or run_MET_PointStat_vx_ensprob_[SFC|UPA]. Can only be run if DO_ENSEMBLE: true in config.yaml.

Run the Workflow

The workflow can be run using the Rocoto workflow manager (see :numref:`Section %s <UseRocoto>`) or using standalone wrapper scripts (see :numref:`Section %s <RunUsingStandaloneScripts>`).


If users are running the SRW App on a system that does not have Rocoto installed (e.g., Level 3 & 4 systems, such as many MacOS or generic Linux systems), they should follow the process outlined in :numref:`Section %s <RunUsingStandaloneScripts>`.

Run the Workflow Using Rocoto

The information in this section assumes that Rocoto is available on the desired platform. All official HPC platforms for the UFS SRW App make use of the Rocoto workflow management software for running experiments. However, if Rocoto is not available, it is still possible to run the workflow using stand-alone scripts according to the process outlined in :numref:`Section %s <RunUsingStandaloneScripts>`.

There are three ways to run the workflow with Rocoto: (1) automation via crontab (2) by calling the script, and (3) by manually issuing the rocotorun command.


Users may find it helpful to review :numref:`Section %s: Rocoto Introductory Information <RocotoInfo>` to gain a better understanding of Rocoto commands and workflow management before continuing, but this is not required to run the experiment.

Optionally, an environment variable can be set to navigate to the experiment directory ($EXPTDIR) more easily. If the login shell is bash, it can be set as follows:

export EXPTDIR=/path/to/experiment/directory

If the login shell is csh/tcsh, it can instead be set using:

setenv EXPTDIR /path/to/experiment/directory

Automated Option

The simplest way to run the Rocoto workflow is to automate the process using a job scheduler such as :term:`Cron`. For automatic resubmission of the workflow at regular intervals (e.g., every 3 minutes), the user can add the following commands to their config.yaml file before generating the experiment (as outlined in :numref:`Section %s <GeneralConfig>`):


This will automatically add an appropriate entry to the user's :term:`cron table` and launch the workflow. Alternatively, the user can add a crontab entry manually using the crontab -e command. As mentioned in :numref:`Section %s <GenerateWorkflow>`, the last line of output from ./ (usually starting with */3 * * * *), can be pasted into the crontab file. It can also be found in the $EXPTDIR/log.generate_FV3LAM_wflow file. The crontab entry should resemble the following:

*/3 * * * * cd /path/to/experiment/directory && ./ called_from_cron="TRUE"

where /path/to/experiment/directory is changed to correspond to the user's $EXPTDIR. The number 3 can be changed to a different positive integer; it simply means that the workflow will be resubmitted every three minutes.


  • On NOAA Cloud instances, */1 * * * * (or CRON_RELAUNCH_INTVL_MNTS: 1) is the preferred option for cron jobs because compute nodes will shut down if they remain idle too long. If the compute node shuts down, it can take 15-20 minutes to start up a new one.
  • On other NOAA HPC systems, administrators discourage using */1 * * * * due to load problems. */3 * * * * (or CRON_RELAUNCH_INTVL_MNTS: 3) is the preferred option for cron jobs on other Level 1 systems.

To check the experiment progress:

rocotostat -w FV3LAM_wflow.xml -d FV3LAM_wflow.db -v 10

Users can track the experiment's progress by reissuing the rocotostat command above every so often until the experiment runs to completion. The following message usually means that the experiment is still getting set up:

08/04/23 17:34:32 UTC :: FV3LAM_wflow.xml :: ERROR: Can not open FV3LAM_wflow.db read-only because it does not exist

After a few (3-5) minutes, rocotostat should show a status-monitoring table.

The workflow run is complete when all tasks have "SUCCEEDED". If everything goes smoothly, users will eventually see a workflow status table similar to the following:

CYCLE              TASK                   JOBID         STATE        EXIT STATUS   TRIES   DURATION
201906151800   make_grid                4953154       SUCCEEDED         0          1          5.0
201906151800   make_orog                4953176       SUCCEEDED         0          1         26.0
201906151800   make_sfc_climo           4953179       SUCCEEDED         0          1         33.0
201906151800   get_extrn_ics            4953155       SUCCEEDED         0          1          2.0
201906151800   get_extrn_lbcs           4953156       SUCCEEDED         0          1          2.0
201906151800   make_ics_mem000          4953184       SUCCEEDED         0          1         16.0
201906151800   make_lbcs_mem000         4953185       SUCCEEDED         0          1         71.0
201906151800   run_fcst_mem000          4953196       SUCCEEDED         0          1       1035.0
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f000     4953244       SUCCEEDED         0          1          5.0
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f001     4953245       SUCCEEDED         0          1          4.0
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f012     4953381       SUCCEEDED         0          1          7.0

If users choose to run METplus verification tasks as part of their experiment, the output above will include additional lines after run_post_mem000_f012. The output will resemble the following but may be significantly longer when using ensemble verification:

CYCLE          TASK                                 JOBID          STATE       EXIT STATUS   TRIES   DURATION
201906151800   make_grid                            30466134       SUCCEEDED        0          1          5.0
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f012                 30468271       SUCCEEDED        0          1          7.0
201906151800   get_obs_ccpa                         46903539       SUCCEEDED        0          1          9.0
201906151800   get_obs_mrms                         46903540       SUCCEEDED        0          1         12.0
201906151800   get_obs_ndas                         46903541       SUCCEEDED        0          1          9.0
201906151800   run_gridstatvx                       30468420       SUCCEEDED        0          1         53.0
201906151800   run_gridstatvx_refc                  30468421       SUCCEEDED        0          1        934.0
201906151800   run_gridstatvx_retop                 30468422       SUCCEEDED        0          1       1002.0
201906151800   run_gridstatvx_03h                   30468491       SUCCEEDED        0          1         43.0
201906151800   run_gridstatvx_06h                   30468492       SUCCEEDED        0          1         29.0
201906151800   run_gridstatvx_24h                   30468493       SUCCEEDED        0          1         20.0
201906151800   run_pointstatvx                      30468423       SUCCEEDED        0          1        670.0
201906151800   run_MET_GridStat_vx_APCP01h_mem000          -               -        -          -            -
201906151800   run_MET_GridStat_vx_APCP03h_mem000          -               -        -          -            -
201906151800   run_MET_GridStat_vx_APCP06h_mem000          -               -        -          -            -
201906151800   run_MET_GridStat_vx_REFC_mem000             -               -        -          -            -
201906151800   run_MET_GridStat_vx_RETOP_mem000            -               -        -          -            -
201906151800   run_MET_PointStat_vx_SFC_mem000             -               -        -          -            -
201906151800   run_MET_PointStat_vx_UPA_mem000             -               -        -          -            -

After finishing the experiment, open the crontab using crontab -e and delete the crontab entry.

Launch the Rocoto Workflow Using a Script

Users who prefer not to automate their experiments can run the Rocoto workflow using the script provided. Simply call it without any arguments from the experiment directory:


This script creates a log file named log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow in $EXPTDIR or appends information to the file if it already exists. The launch script also creates the log/FV3LAM_wflow.log file, which shows Rocoto task information. Check the end of the log file periodically to see how the experiment is progressing:

tail -n 40 log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow

In order to launch additional tasks in the workflow, call the launch script again; this action will need to be repeated until all tasks in the workflow have been launched. To (re)launch the workflow and check its progress on a single line, run:

./; tail -n 40 log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow

This will output the last 40 lines of the log file, which lists the status of the workflow tasks (e.g., SUCCEEDED, DEAD, RUNNING, SUBMITTING, QUEUED). The number 40 can be changed according to the user's preferences. The output will look similar to this:

CYCLE                          TASK                       JOBID        STATE   EXIT STATUS   TRIES  DURATION
201906151800              make_grid         druby://hfe01:33728   SUBMITTING             -       0       0.0
201906151800              make_orog                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800         make_sfc_climo                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800          get_extrn_ics         druby://hfe01:33728   SUBMITTING             -       0       0.0
201906151800         get_extrn_lbcs         druby://hfe01:33728   SUBMITTING             -       0       0.0
201906151800        make_ics_mem000                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800       make_lbcs_mem000                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800        run_fcst_mem000                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f000                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f001                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f002                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f003                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f004                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f005                           -            -             -       -         -
201906151800   run_post_mem000_f006                           -            -             -       -         -

Summary of workflow status:

  0 out of 1 cycles completed.
  Workflow status:  IN PROGRESS

If all the tasks complete successfully, the "Workflow status" at the bottom of the log file will change from "IN PROGRESS" to "SUCCESS". If certain tasks could not complete, the "Workflow status" will instead change to "FAILURE". Error messages for each task can be found in the task log files located in $EXPTDIR/log. Users can look at the log file for a failed task to determine what caused the failure. For example, if the make_grid task failed, users can open the make_grid.log file to see what caused the problem:

cd $EXPTDIR/log
vi make_grid.log

After making any required changes, users can restart a DEAD or failed task as described in :numref:`Section %s of the FAQ <RestartTask>`.

The workflow run is complete when all tasks have "SUCCEEDED", and the rocotostat command outputs a table similar to the one :ref:`above <Success>`.

Launch the Rocoto Workflow Manually

Load Rocoto

Instead of running the ./ script, users can load Rocoto and any other required modules manually. This gives the user more control over the process and allows them to view experiment progress more easily. On Level 1 systems, the Rocoto modules are loaded automatically in :numref:`Step %s <SetUpPythonEnv>`. For most other systems, users can load a modified wflow_<platform> modulefile, or they can use a variant on the following commands to load the Rocoto module:

module use <path_to_rocoto_package>
module load rocoto

Some systems may require a version number (e.g., module load rocoto/1.3.3)

Run the Rocoto Workflow

After loading Rocoto, cd to the experiment directory and call rocotorun to launch the workflow tasks. This will start any tasks that are not awaiting completion of a dependency. As the workflow progresses through its stages, rocotostat will show the state of each task and allow users to monitor progress:

rocotorun -w FV3LAM_wflow.xml -d FV3LAM_wflow.db -v 10
rocotostat -w FV3LAM_wflow.xml -d FV3LAM_wflow.db -v 10

The rocotorun and rocotostat commands above will need to be resubmitted regularly and repeatedly until the experiment is finished. In part, this is to avoid having the system time out. This also ensures that when one task ends, tasks dependent on it will run as soon as possible, and rocotostat will capture the new progress.

If the experiment fails, the rocotostat command will indicate which task failed. Users can look at the log file in the log subdirectory for the failed task to determine what caused the failure. For example, if the make_grid task failed, users can open the make_grid.log file to see what caused the problem:

cd $EXPTDIR/log
vi make_grid.log


If users have the Slurm workload manager on their system, they can run the squeue command in lieu of rocotostat to check what jobs are currently running.

Run the Workflow Using Stand-Alone Scripts

The SRW App workflow can be run using standalone shell scripts in cases where the Rocoto software is not available on a given platform. If Rocoto is available, see :numref:`Section %s <UseRocoto>` to run the workflow using Rocoto.


When working on an HPC system, users should allocate a compute node prior to running their experiment. The proper command will depend on the system's resource manager, but some guidance is offered in :numref:`Section %s <WorkOnHPC>`. It may be necessary to reload the build_<platform>_<compiler> scripts (see :numref:`Section %s <CMakeApproach>`) and the workflow environment (see :numref:`Section %s <SetUpPythonEnv>`) after allocating the compute node.


Examples in this subsection presume that the user is running in the Terminal with a bash shell environment. If this is not the case, users will need to adjust the commands to fit their command line application and shell environment.

  1. cd into the experiment directory. For example, from ush, presuming default directory settings:

    cd ../../expt_dirs/test_community
  2. Set the environment variable $EXPTDIR:

    export EXPTDIR=`pwd`
  3. Copy the wrapper scripts from the ush directory into the experiment directory. Each workflow task has a wrapper script that sets environment variables and runs the job script.

    cp /path/to/ufs-srweather-app/ush/wrappers/* .
  4. Set the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable.

    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
  5. Run each of the listed scripts in order. Scripts with the same stage number (listed in :numref:`Table %s <RegionalWflowTasks>`) may be run simultaneously.


Each task should finish with error code 0. For example:

End at Wed Nov 16 18:08:19 UTC 2022 with error code 0 (time elapsed: 00:00:01)

Check the batch script output file in your experiment directory for a “SUCCESS” message near the end of the file.

List of tasks in the SRW App workflow in the order that they are executed. Scripts with the same stage number may be run simultaneously. The number of processors and wall clock time is a good starting point for NOAA HPC systems when running a 48-h forecast on the 25-km CONUS domain. For a brief description of tasks, see :numref:`Table %s <WorkflowTasksTable>`.
Stage/ Task Run Script Number of Processors Wall Clock Time (H:mm)
1 1 0:20 (depends on HPSS vs FTP vs staged-on-disk)
1 1 0:20 (depends on HPSS vs FTP vs staged-on-disk)
1 24 0:20
2 24 0:20
3 48 0:20
4 48 0:30
4 48 0:30
5 48 0:30
6 48 0:25 (2 min per output forecast hour)

Users can access log files for specific tasks in the $EXPTDIR/log directory. To see how the experiment is progressing, users can also check the end of the log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow file from the command line:

tail -n 40 log.launch_FV3LAM_wflow


If any of the scripts return an error that "Primary job terminated normally, but one process returned a non-zero exit code," there may not be enough space on one node to run the process. On an HPC system, the user will need to allocate a(nother) compute node. The process for doing so is system-dependent, and users should check the documentation available for their HPC system. Instructions for allocating a compute node on NOAA HPC systems can be viewed in :numref:`Section %s <WorkOnHPC>` as an example.


On most HPC systems, users will need to submit a batch job to run multi-processor jobs. On some HPC systems, users may be able to run the first two jobs (serial) on a login node/command-line. Example scripts for Slurm (Hera) and PBS (Cheyenne) resource managers are provided ( and, respectively). These examples will need to be adapted to each user's system. Alternatively, some batch systems allow users to specify most of the settings on the command line (with the sbatch or qsub command, for example).