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MSC2957: Cryptographically Concealed Credentials

When logging in to Matrix using the POST /login endpoint, the client transmits the password to the server, so the server is able to see the user's password. It is generally expected that the server would handle the password securely, for example, only storing the password in a salted and hashed format. However a malicious server could store the user's password. If a user re-uses their password on other services, the server administrator could then use the stored password to log in to the user's other accounts. Also, this means that the user's login password should not be the same as the password that they use for Secret Storage.

This proposal defines a way for users to authenticate without sending their password to the server. Additional goals of this proposal include:

  • relatively simple to implement
  • the data stored on the server cannot be used (apart from attacking the underlying cryptographic operations) to authenticate with the server
  • the user can verify that the server that they are authenticating against is the same as the server where they originally created their account
  • a man-in-the-middle cannot use information from observing a registration or login to log in as the user
  • a malicious user who unsuccessfully tries to authenticate against the server does not gain any information about the user's password. For example, an attacker cannot take any of the server's responses to perform any offline computations or guesses to try to obtain the user's password.

Another benefit of the method proposed here, compared to the current practice of sending the password to the server, is that the costly operation of key stretching is moved to the client rather than the server. This means that an attacker cannot easily DoS the server by sending a large number of login attempts.


Protocol overview

The protocol operates by generating a Curve25519 key pair based on the user's password using PBKDF2. When a user registers their account, the server is provided with the public part of the key pair and the PBKDF2 parameters. Thus the server is not given the user's password directly.

When logging in, the client retrieves the PBKDF2 parameters from the server and generates the Curve25519 key from the password. It then uses this key, along with other ephemeral Curve25519 keys, to generate a MAC key, and calculates the MAC for a shared message with the server. The server is able to generate the same MAC key and verify the MAC calculated by the client to confirm that the client is in possession of the private key.

Other keys and cryptographic operations are used to provide additional security properties.


  • A Curve25519 key pair is denoted <Kpriv,Kpub>, where Kpriv is the private key and Kpub is the public key.
  • ECDH(Apriv,Bpub): the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman of the private key Apriv and the public key Bpub.
  • HKDF(K, S, I, L): HKDF-SHA-256 where K is the initial key material, S is the salt, I is the info, and L is the number of bits to generate.
  • PBKDF2(P, S, I, L): PBKDF2 using HMAC-SHA-256 as the hash function, where P is the password, S is the salt, I is the iteration count, and L is the length.
  • text in monospace denotes a literal byte string; "" denotes the empty byte string
  • "+" denotes concatenation of byte strings


When registering, the client generates an ephemeral Curve25519 key pair <Cpriv,Cpub>, and sends to the server:

  • the user's desired Matrix ID
  • Cpub

The server generates its own ephemeral Curve25519 key pair <Spriv,Spub>, and sends the Spub to the user.

The ephemeral keys will be used to encrypt the PBKDF2 parameters and the authentication key when sending them to the server. The server's ephemeral key is also used, in conjunction with the authentication key, to generate the "confirmation key", which is used to ensure that the server that the user registers with is the same as the server that the user later logs into. Since the PBKDF2 parameters and authentication key are encrypted using the server's ephemeral key, a man-in-the-middle that tries to obtain the PBKDF2 parameters and authentication key would need to replace the server's ephemeral key with their own, which means that the server would not calculate the same confirmation key as the client. Thus the next time the user logs in, they would be alerted to the fact that the entity that they were communicating with is different, unless the same man-in-the-middle is present at the next login attempt.

The client calculates:

  • parameters used for future authentication:
    • Salt = HKDF(R, "", salt| + MatrixID), where R is a random byte string
    • Kbase = PBKDF2(Password, Salt, I, 256), where I is an iteration count chosen by the client (Kbase can be used as the Secret Storage key)
    • the Curve25519 private key Apriv = HKDF(Kbase, "", authentication key| + MatrixID, 256) (which is called the "authentication key") and the corresponding public key Apub
  • parameters used for encrypting the above information (the server performs the corresponding calculations to decrypt):
    • K1 = ECDH(Cpriv,Spub)
    • KAES = HKDF(K1, "", encryption key|+ MatrixID+ | + Cpub + | + Spub, 256)
    • KIV = HKDF(K1, "", encryption iv| + MatrixID + | + Cpub + | + Spub, 256)
    • KMAC = HKDF(K1, "", mac key| + MatrixID + | + Cpub + | + Spub, 256)

The client sends to the server (encrypted with AES-256-CBC using the key KAES and the initialization vector KIV, and MACed with HMAC-SHA-256 using KMAC as the key):

  • Apub
  • R, and I, which can be used to reconstruct the PBKDF2 parameters

The server then generates K1 = ECDH(Spriv,Cpub) and the derived keys KAES, KIV, and KMAC, decrypts the information and stores:

  • Apub
  • R and I
  • the "confirmation key", calculated as Kconf = HKDF(ECDH(Spriv, Cpub) + ECDH(Spriv, Apub), "", confirmation key| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + Cpub + | + Spub, 16)

The client calculates

  • the confirmation key Kconf = HKDF(ECDH(Cpriv, Spub) + ECDH(Apriv, Spub), "", confirmation key| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + Cpub + | + Spub, 16),
  • a security check number HKDF(Apriv + Kconf, "", security check| + MatrixID, 3), giving a number between 0 and 7

The client then displays the emoji (or the text equivalent) from the SAS verification emoji list corresponding to that number. The user remembers/records the emoji for later verification. Since this emoji is constructed based on the user's password (by way of Apriv) and the confirmation key, it can be used to by the user on later login attempts as a hint indicating (with some probability):

  • whether they have entered the right password, and
  • whether they are logging into the same server.

Changing/resetting a user's password would happen similarly, with the addition that the data in Secret Storage would need to be re-encrypted if the user is using the same password for that, or re-created if the user does not remember their previous password.

Logging in

The client generates an ephemeral Curve25519 key pair <C'priv,C'pub> and sends their Matrix ID and C'pub to the server.

The server then generates its own ephemeral Curve25519 key pair <S'priv,S'pub>, calculates

  • K2 = ECDH(S'priv, Apub) + ECDH(S'priv, C'pub)
  • K'AES = HKDF(K2, "", encryption key| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub, 256)
  • K'IV = HKDF(K2, "", encryption iv| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub, 256)

and sends to the client:

  • the parameters R and I that it received from the client when registering
  • S'pub
  • a random 32-byte nonce
  • Kconf, encrypted with AES-256-CBC using the key K'AES and the initialization vector K'IV. Note that this data is not MACed; if it is MACed, an attacker could perform an offline attack by testing passwords to see which one results in a key that gives the correct MAC.

The client calculates:

  • the authentication key, as follows:
    • Salt = HKDF(R, "", salt| + MatrixID)
    • Kbase = PBKDF2(Password, Salt, I, 256)
    • the authentication key: Apriv = HKDF(Kbase, "", authentication key| + MatrixID, 256) and the corresponding public key Apub
  • the confirmation key, as follows:
    • K2 = ECDH(Apriv, S'pub) + ECDH(C'priv, S'pub)
    • K'AES = HKDF(K2, "", encryption key| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub, 256)
    • K'IV = HKDF(K2, "", encryption iv| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub, 256)
    • Kconf by decrypting the ciphertext sent by the server using K'AES and K'IV
  • the security check number HKDF(Apriv + Kconf, "", security check| + MatrixID, 3)

The client displays the emoji (or text equivalent) from the SAS verification emoji list corresponding to the number given by the last calculation, and allows the user to check that the emoji matches the one displayed when the user registered their account. This allows the user to verify (to a degree of confidence) that they entered their password correctly, and that they are communicating with the same entity that they were communicating with when they registered.

To authenticate with the server, the client generates a message that the server is also able to construct and calculates the MAC for that message using a key that the server is also able to generate. The server can prove to the client that it is the same entity that the user originally registered with in a similar manner.

The client calculates

  • K'MAC = HKDF(K2, "", client MAC| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub + | + Kconf, 256)

and sends an HMAC of the nonce using the key K'MAC to the server.

The server calculates

  • K'MAC = HKDF(K2, "", client MAC| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub + | + Kconf, 256)
  • K''MAC = HKDF(K2, "", server MAC| + MatrixID + | + Apub + | + C'pub + | + S'pub + | + Kconf, 256)

and verifies the HMAC sent by the client, which proves to the server that the client is in possession of the secret key Apriv. The server then responds with an HMAC of the nonce using the key K''MAC, which the client can check to show that the server is in possession of the public key Apub.

Protocol details


Security characteristics

Different ciphersuites

Although the proposal specifically mentions certain cryptographic algorithms (such as Curve25519 and SHA-256), these can be swapped out for different algorithms should one algorithm be found to be insecure.

TODO: the protocol details should say how the algorithms are negotiated

Replay attacks

If an attacker tries to replay the client's messages to the server to authenticate with it, the authentication will fail since authentication depends on the randomly chosen ephemeral key and nonce which will be different for the attacker's session.

Data breach

If the server's database is leaked, this could reveal Apub and Kconf.

An attacker could try to brute-force the user's password by trying various passwords and performing the PBKDF2 and HKDF operations to see if it yields a Curve25519 private key that matches Apub. However, PBKDF2 will slow down the attacker's attempts. This is no worse than the current practice of storing a hashed version of the user's password. This can also be made more secure by encrypting Apub using a key that is stored separately from the database, similarly to how Synapse allows specifying a "pepper" value that is used when hashing the user's password. In this way, an attacker who only has the database, and not the additional encryption key, cannot retrieve information about the user's password.

If the attacker obtains Apub and Kconf, they can impersonate the server to the user. Again, this can be partially mitigated by encrypting Kconf in addition to Apub using a key that is stored separately from the database.

Since the server does not know the private key Apriv, the attacker cannot use the data stored on the server to authenticate as the given user short of attacking Curve25519 to obtain Apriv from Apub.


Even though the protocol allows the server to authenticate the user, it cannot prove to a third party that the user authenticated with it, even if it produces a full transcript of the authentication process. All information contained in the client's requests is either known to the server or could be created by the server, so the server cannot prove that the requests were created by the user and not fabricated by the server.

Offline computation

If an attacker initiates a login attempt, the server does not reveal any information that would help the attacker determine the user's password. The server only reveals: the PBKDF2 parameters to use (which should be viewed as public information, and do not give any information about the password), S'pub and a random 32-byte nonce (which are single-use and are not related to the user's password), and an encrypted version of Kconf.

If the attacker knows Kconf, they could try to brute-force the user's password until they can decrypt the encrypted version of Kconf to obtain the known value of Kconf. However, Kconf is only 16 bits long, so there may be multiple passwords that can result in its correct decryption. Also, if the attacker knows Kconf, they would most likely also know Apub, which would already allow them to try to brute-force the user's password, so in this case, the attacker does not gain any information by attempting to log in. Note that in this case, it is important that the encryption of Kconf is done in an unauthenticated manner to ensure that an attacker is not given any information about whether or not they have guessed the right decryption key.

It should be noted that an attacker who shoulder-surfs when the user registers or logs in will be able to see the emoji security check displayed to the user. The attacker may then use this to reduce the search space when trying passwords. Since there are eight possible emoji, this reduces the search space by a factor of 8, which can be compensated for by the user adding an extra character to their password. As well, the attacker still needs to test each password by submitting requests to the server, and so can be rate-limited by the server. Since the emoji security check provides some feedback to the user on whether they mistyped their password (a mistyped password would have a 7/8 chance of displaying the wrong emoji), servers can more aggressively rate-limit login attempts when using this method. Clients could also make the emoji security check optional so that users can disable it when they are in a situation where shoulder-surfing is likely.

Man-in-the-middle attacks

An attacker who is able to eavesdrop on the protocol messages could gain information (for example, Apub, if they eavesdrop during the user's registration) that would allow them to brute-force the user's password. Since the sensitive data is encrypted using a key produced by an ECDH, it is not enough for the attacker to be a passive eavesdropper; they would need to be an active man-in-the-middle who uses their own set of ephemeral Curve25519 keys.

If there is a man-in-the-middle during the registration phase, then the Kconf values calculated by the client and server will be different. If the user later connects to the server without the man-in-the-middle, the value of Kconf encrypted and sent by the server will be different from the value calculated by the client during registration, yielding a 7/8 chance that the emoji security check will not match.

Conversely, if there is no man-in-the-middle during the registration phase, but there is one during the login phase, the man-in-the-middle will receive the value of Kconf encrypted using a key based on their ephemeral Curve25519 key. However, they cannot decrypt it and re-encrypt it to send to the user since the key is also based on the authentication key, which they do not have. Thus the best they can do is pass the ciphertext along, or replace it with a random value, which has a 7/8 chance of being detected with the emoji security check.

There is no protection against a man-in-the-middle who is present during the registration phase and all login phases.

While a 1/8 chance of success is significant, a 7/8 chance of failure may be enough to dissuade some attackers if the consequences of tipping of the user to the attacker is viewed as sufficiently significant.

Malicious PBKDF2 parameters

A malicious server could present incorrect PBKDF2 parameters to a client in order to perform an attack.

A malicious server could present a very large iteration count in order to DoS a client by making it perform many calculations. To guard against this, clients may define a maximum number of iterations that they are willing to perform, and fail the login if the requested number of iterations exceeds this number.

On the other hand, a malicious server could present a very small iteration count. The server can then try to brute-force the user's password by trying various passwords using this reduced iteration count until it can reproduce the MAC sent by the client. To guard against this, clients may define a minimum number of iterations that they are willing to perform.

If the server were allowed to send the PBKDF2 salt, it could send a salt for which it has pre-computed a rainbow table giving possible Kbase values. Then, when it receives the MAC from the client, it could try the various Kbase values until it finds one that matches (if present), giving it the user's password. To mitigate against this, the PBKDF2 salt is first passed through HKDF, which means that the server can no longer control the PBKDF2 salt.


It may be possible that a user is tricked into trying to log into a malicious homeserver, thinking that it is their homeserver. In such a case, there is a 7/8 chance that the emoji security check will not match. Still, an attacker might still be happy to trick 1/8 of the people who try to log in. In the case where the emoji security check fails to alert the user (either because it matched or because they ignored it), the attacker would need to brute-force the user's password based on their response. This is essentially the same as the situation given above under "Malicious PBKDF2 parameters".


Potential issues

This proposal cannot be used by users who log in using SSO, or whose passwords are managed by an external system. In such cases, users will have to use the current system where they have a separate SSSS password.



A Password-authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) is a method by which a password is used to generate a key that is shared between two parties. Some PAKEs, those which define a client and server role where the server does not store password-equivalent data, are suitable for client-server authentication.

TODO: compare with various PAKEs (e.g. SRP, OPAQUE)


SCRAM is another protocol that allows a user to authenticate without the server receiving the user's password. It also has the feature that the user is also able to authenticate the server since the client proves that it has access to the StoredKey. One of its goals is that the information stored on the server is not sufficient to impersonate a user. However, if an attacker has access to the server's storage AND is able to eavesdrop on an authentication (or impersonate the server), they can compute the ClientKey, which is sufficient for the attacker to authenticate with the server. This is noted in the "Security Considerations" section of RFC-5802:

If an attacker obtains the authentication information from the authentication repository and either eavesdrops on one authentication exchange or impersonates a server, the attacker gains the ability to impersonate that user to all servers providing SCRAM access using the same hash function, password, iteration count, and salt. For this reason, it is important to use randomly generated salt values.

Socialist Millionaire

The socialist millionaire protocol could be used to construct an authentication protocol. Such an authentication protocol might look something like this: the user's password is used to generate a Curve25519 key part, and the public part is given to the server, as is done in this proposal. On login, the Curve25519 key is used to generate a shared secret, possibly in a way similar to what is done in this proposal. The client and server can then use the socialist millionaire protocol to determine if they have the shared secret. In this way, if either party is not who they claim to be, they will not gain any information about the user's credentials.

This would address some of the vulnerabilities in the protocol from this proposal. However, the current socialist millionaire protocol is tied to the discrete logarithm problem. It would also be harder for Matrix clients to implement since it uses cryptography that is not currently used by Matrix clients.


Argon2 would likely be a better option than PBKDF2 for generating a key from a password. However, this proposal uses PBKDF2 for compatibility with Secret Storage, which used PBKDF2 due to the availability of implementations of both algorithms. (For example, WebCrypto includes a PBKDF2 implementation, but not an Argon2 implementation.) In the future, we may switch to Argon2 for both authentication and Secret Storage.

Security considerations

Old clients

If a user tries to log into their account using a server that does not follow this proposal may send the user's password to the server by trying to log in using the current POST /login endpoint. This can be partially mitigated in two ways.

  1. Deployments in which the choice of clients is not well controlled should not enable this feature until most of the commonly-used clients are updated to support this feature. It is up to individual server administrators to determine when to do this.

  2. Users should be educated to expect to see and verify the emoji security check before submitting the password. Old clients will not display the emoji, providing a hint to users that the client does not support this authentication method.

User enumeration

Since users log in by first submitting their user ID to the server before supplying their credentials, an attacker could determine which user IDs are active if the server responds differently for user IDs that are not in use. If a server does not want attackers to be able to learn this information, it should respond to such requests with a response consistent with how it would respond to an existing user. When it does so, the PBKDF2 parameters should be the same when a specific user ID is requested multiple times. Otherwise, an attacker could make two login requests in quick succession and compare the PBKDF2 parameters to see if they are different. One way to do this is to set the iteration count to a value that is used in a common client, and set the salt to a hash of the requested user ID, salted by a secret value.

Possible future work

TODO: combine 2FA?

Unstable prefix