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MSC3814: Dehydrated Devices with SSSS

MSC2697 introduces device dehydration -- a method for creating a device that can be stored in a user's account and receive Megolm sessions. In this way, if a user has no other devices logged in, they can rehydrate the device on the next login and retrieve the Megolm sessions.

However, the approach presented in that MSC has some downsides, making it tricky to implement in some clients, and presenting some UX difficulties. For example, it requires that the device rehydration be done before any other API calls are made (in particular /sync), which may conflict with clients that currently assume that /sync can be called immediately after logging in.

In addition, the user is required to enter a key or passphrase to create a dehydrated device. In practice, this is usually the same as the SSSS key/passphrase, which means that the user loses the advantage of verifying their other devices via emoji or QR code: either they will still be required to enter their SSSS key/passphrase (or a separate one for device dehydration), or else that client will not be able to dehydrate a device.

This proposal introduces another way to use the dehydrated device that solves these problems by storing the dehydration key in SSSS, and by not changing the client's device ID. Rather than changing its device ID when it rehydrates the device, it will keep its device ID and upload its own device keys. The client will separately rehydrate the device, fetch its to-device messages, and decrypt them to retrieve the Megolm sessions.


Dehydrating a device

The dehydration process is similar as in MSC2697. One important change is that the dehydrated device, the public device keys, and one-time keys are all uploaded in the same request. This change should prevent the creation of dehydrated devices which do not support end-to-end encryption.

To upload a new dehydrated device, a client will use PUT /dehydrated_device. Each user has at most one dehydrated device; uploading a new dehydrated device will remove any previously-set dehydrated device.

The client must use the public Curve25519 identity key of the device, encoded as unpadded Base64, as the device ID.

The device_keys, one_time_keys, and fallback_keys fields use the same structure as for the /keys/upload request.

We add a new optional property to the device keys: dehydrated, which is set to true for dehydrated devices. Defaults to false. Clients can use this flag to handle the dehydrated device specially. For example:

  • display dehydrated devices differently from normal devices, to avoid confusing from users who do not expect to see another device
  • don't send key forwarding requests to the dehydrated device, since it will not respond to them
  • don't send room keys to the dehydrated device if the user has a sufficient number of other devices, with the assumption that if the user logs in to a new device, they can get the room keys from one of their other devices and/or from key backup. This will reduce the chances that the dehydrated device will run out of one-time keys, and reduce the number of events that the dehydrated device will need to decrypt.

PUT /dehydrated_device

  "device_id": "dehydrated_device_id",
  "device_data": {
    "algorithm": "m.dehydration.v1.olm"
    "other_fields": "other_values"
  "initial_device_display_name": "foo bar", // optional
  "device_keys": {
    "user_id": "<user_id>",
    "device_id": "<device_id>",
    "valid_until_ts": <millisecond_timestamp>,
    "dehydrated": true,
    "algorithms": [
    "keys": {
        "<algorithm>:<device_id>": "<key_base64>",
    "signatures": {
        "<user_id>": {
            "<algorithm>:<device_id>": "<signature_base64>"
  "fallback_keys": {
    "<algorithm>:<device_id>": "<key_base64>",
    "signed_<algorithm>:<device_id>": {
      "fallback": true,
      "key": "<key_base64>",
      "signatures": {
        "<user_id>": {
          "<algorithm>:<device_id>": "<key_base64>"
  "one_time_keys": {
    "<algorithm>:<key_id>": "<key_base64>"


  "device_id": "dehydrated device's ID"

Rehydrating a device

To rehydrate a device, a client first calls GET /dehydrated_device to see if a dehydrated device is available. If a device is available, the server will respond with the dehydrated device's device ID and the dehydrated device data.

GET /dehydrated_device


  "device_id": "dehydrated device's ID",
  "device_data": {
    "algorithm": "m.dehydration.v1.olm",
    "other_fields": "other_values"

If no dehydrated device is available, the server responds with an error code of M_NOT_FOUND, HTTP code 404.

If the client is able to decrypt the data and wants to use the dehydrated device, the client retrieves the to-device messages sent to the dehydrated device by calling POST /dehydrated_device/{device_id}/events, where {device_id} is the ID of the dehydrated device. Since there may be many messages, the response can be sent in batches: the response must include a next_batch parameter, which can be used in a subsequent call to POST /dehydrated_device/{device_id}/events to obtain the next batch.

POST /dehydrated_device/{device_id}/events
  "next_batch": "token from previous call" // (optional)


  "events": [
    // array of to-device messages, in the same format as in
  "next_batch": "token to obtain next events"

Once a client calls POST /dehydrated_device/{device_id}/events with a next_batch token, unlike the /sync endpoint, the server should not delete any to-device messages delivered in previous batches. This should prevent the loss of messages in case the device performing the rehydration gets deleted. In the case the rehydration process gets aborted, another device will be able to restart the process.

For the last batch of messages, the server will still send a next_batch token, and return an empty events array when called with that token, this signals to the client that it has received all to-device events and it can delete the dehydrated device and create a new one.

If the given device_id is not the dehydrated device ID, the server responds with an error code of M_FORBIDDEN, HTTP code 403.

Deleting a dehydrated device

A dehydrated device will get replaced whenever a new device gets uploaded using the PUT /dehydrated_device, this makes a DELETE /dehydrated_device unnecessary, though for completeness sake and to give client authors to get back to a state where no dehydrated device exists for a given user we will introduce one.

DELETE /dehydrated_device


  "device_id": "dehydrated device's ID"

Device Dehydration Format

TODO: define a format. Unlike MSC2679, we don't need to worry about the dehydrated device being used as a normal device, so we can omit some information. So we should be able to get by with defining a fairly simple standard format, probably just the concatenation of the private device keys and the private one-time keys. This will come at the expense of implementations such as libolm needing to implement extra functions to support dehydration, but will have the advantage that we don't need to figure out a format that will fit into every possible implementation's idiosyncrasies. The format will be encrypted, which leads to ...

   │                        Pickle                             │
   │Name                    │ Type          │ Size (bytes)     │
   │Version                 │ u32           │ 4                │
   │Ed25519 key pair        │ KeyPair       │ 64               │
   │Curve25519 key pair     │ KeyPair       │ 64               │
   │Number of one-time keys │ u32           │ 4                │
   │One-time keys           │ [OneTimeKey]  │ N * 69           │
   │Fallback keys           │ FallbackKeys  │ 2 * 69           │
   │Next key ID             │ u32           │ 4                │
   │                        KeyPair                            │
   │Name                    │ Type          │ Size (bytes)     │
   │Public key              │ [u8; 32]      │ 32               │
   │Private key             │ [u8; 32]      │ 32               │

   │                      OneTimeKey                           │
   │Name                    │ Type          │ Size (bytes)     │
   │Key ID                  │ u32           │ 4                │
   │Is published            │ u8            │ 1                │
   │Curve 25519 key pair    │ KeyPair       │ 69               │

   │                     FallbackKeys                          │
   │Name                    │ Type          │ Size (bytes)     │
   │Number of fallback keys │ u8            │ 1                │
   │Fallback-key            │ OneTimeKey    │ 69               │
   │Previous fallback-key   │ OneTImeKey    │ 69               │

TODO: Explain why we must ignore public keys when decoding them and why they are included in the first place.

When decoding, clients must ignore the public keys and instead derive the public key from the private one.

Encryption key

TODO: Explain why the double derivation is necessary.

The encryption key used for the dehydrated device will be randomly generated and stored/shared via SSSS using the name m.dehydrated_device.

The randomly generated encryption key must be expanded using the HMAC-based Key Derivation function defined in RFC5869.

$$\begin{aligned} DEVICE\_KEY &= \text{HKDF} \left(\text{``Device ID``}, RANDOM\_KEY, \text{``dehydrated-device-pickle-key"}, 32\right) \end{aligned}$$

The device_key is then further expanded into a AES256 key, HMAC key and initialization vector.

$$\begin{aligned} AES\_KEY \parallel HMAC\_KEY \parallel AES\_IV &= \text{HKDF}\left(0,DEVICE\_KEY,\text{``Pickle"},80\right) \end{aligned}$$

The plain-text is encrypted with AES-256 in CBC mode with PKCS#7 padding, using the key $AES\_KEY$ and the IV $AES\_IV$ to give the cipher-text.

Then the cipher-text are passed through HMAC-SHA-256. The first 8 bytes of the MAC are appended to the cipher-text.

The cipher-text, including the appended MAC tag, are encoded using unpadded Base64 to give the device pickle.

The device pickle is then inserted into the device_pickle field of the device_data JSON message.

 "device_data": {
   "algorithm": "m.dehydration.v1.olm",
   "device_pickle": "encrypted dehydrated device"

Test vectors

Device pickle:


Potential issues

The same issues as in MSC2697 are present for this proposal. For completeness, they are repeated here:

One-time key exhaustion

The dehydrated device may run out of one-time keys, since it is not backed by an active client that can replenish them. Once a device has run out of one-time keys, no new olm sessions can be established with it, which means that devices that have not already shared megolm keys with the dehydrated device will not be able to share megolm keys. This issue is not unique to dehydrated devices; this also occurs when devices are offline for an extended period of time.

This may be addressed by using fallback keys.

To reduce the chances of one-time key exhaustion, if the user has an active client, it can periodically replace the dehydrated device with a new dehydrated device with new one-time keys. If a client does this, then it runs the risk of losing any megolm keys that were sent to the dehydrated device, but the client would likely have received those megolm keys itself.

Alternatively, the client could perform a /sync for the dehydrated device, dehydrate the olm sessions, and upload new one-time keys. By doing this instead of overwriting the dehydrated device, the device can receive megolm keys from more devices. However, this would require additional server-side changes above what this proposal provides, so this approach is not possible for the moment.

Accumulated to-device messages

If a dehydrated device is not rehydrated for a long time, then it may accumulate many to-device messages from other clients sending it Megolm sessions. This may result in a slower initial sync when the device eventually does get rehydrated, due to the number of messages that it will retrieve. Again, this can be addressed by periodically replacing the dehydrated device, or by performing a /sync for the dehydrated device and updating it.


As mentioned above, MSC2697 tries to solve the same problem in a similar manner, but has several disadvantages that are fixed in this proposal.

Rather than keep the name "dehydrated device", we could change the name to something like "shrivelled sessions", so that the full expansion of this MSC title would be "Shrivelled Sessions with Secure Secret Storage and Sharing", or SSSSSS. However, despite the alliterative property, the term "shrivelled sessions" is less pleasant, and "dehydrated device" is already commonly used to refer to this feature.

The alternatives discussed in MSC2697 are also alternatives here.

Security considerations

A similar security consideration to the one in MSC2697 also applies to this proposal: if SSSS is encrypted using a weak passphrase or key, an attacker could access it and rehydrate the device to read the user's encrypted messages.

Unstable prefix

While this MSC is in development, the /dehydrated_device endpoints will be reached at /unstable/org.matrix.msc3814.v1/dehydrated_device, and the /dehydrated_device/{device_id}/events endpoint will be reached at /unstable/org.matrix.msc3814.v1/dehydrated_device/{device_id}/events. The dehydration algorithm m.dehydration.v1.olm will be called org.matrix.msc3814.v1.olm. The SSSS name for the dehydration key will be org.matrix.msc3814 instead of m.dehydrated_device.

