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Your code usually has less than ten milliseconds to run before it causes a frame drop.1

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#Visualize Bad Drawings On The Fly

Injects 4 classes:

  • UITableViewCell
  • UICollectionViewCell
  • UITableViewHeaderFooterView
  • UICollectionReusableView (as footers/headers)

Monitors 6 time sensitive API calls:

  • [UIView drawRect:]
  • tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
  • tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:
  • tableView:viewForFooterInSection:
  • collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:
  • collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:

Visualizes bad drawing code in 2 ways:

  • Displays non-recycled UIView, CALayer and UIImage objects with bold red bolders.
  • Displays the time it takes to complete each time sensitive API calls, in milliseconds.

#Usage Step 1: Drop DWURecyclingAlert.m into your project, Swift or ObjC.

Step 2: There's no step 2.

(Optionally) Using CocoaPods and manually start the injection:

pod 'DWURecyclingAlert'

Then manually start injection by running the following function anywhere in your project:

void Inject_DWURecyclingAlert();

#UI Configuration It's likely that your project happens to use lots of [UIColor redColor] here and there. Or, maybe you want to localize the millisecond warning string with your team's first language. Take a look at the UI Configuration section and customize them the way you like. #How It Works Method swizzling and associated objects. You could always read the source.

#Disabled in Release By Default DWURecyclingAlert.m requires the DEBUG macro to compile and run. As a result, it's disabled in Release by default. If you also want to disable it in debug builds, comment out the DWURecyclingAlertEnabled macro at the top of the file. #Misc

  • Whether your cell / header / footer are created by code or by nib/storyboard, DWURecyclingAlert.m has a way to scan it.
  • It's perfectly normal for a cell to have multiple subviews that override drawRect:, if that's the case, DWURecyclingAlert.m will calculate the sum for all the time it takes to go through each drawRect: call.
  • DWURecyclingAlert.m requires iOS 6 or higher to compile.

#Example Project Inside this repo you can find the RecyclingAlert example project. #License DWURecyclingAlert is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

1: Facebook AsyncDisplayKit Guide. (


Optimizing UITableViewCell For Fast Scrolling







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  • Objective-C 98.7%
  • C++ 1.3%