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58 lines (37 loc) · 1.98 KB

How to split utterances into train/dev/eval sets.

This explains how to create the uttid's (utterance identifiers), split them randomly into three disjoint train/dev/eval sets, and store them in data/lists/$lang/{train,dev,eval}. They will also end up in $ids_file aka $trainids aka Exp/$lang/lists/train.

Stage 1's makes uttid's like part-7-uzbek_432_013 from the batchfile. So at the end of the settings file, set startstage=1 and endstage=3.

 ../../ settings

Stage 2 fails now, but after the rest of these commands, it'll succeed. Do one of these, or something similar:

 lang=uzbek;    cd PTgen/test/2016-08-24
 lang=uyghur;   cd PTgen/test/2016-12-04
 lang=russian;  cd PTgen/test/mcasr-rus

Now make uttid's like $lang_432_013, using shuf to shuffle them.

 grep $lang Exp/$lang/transcripts.txt | sed -e 's/:.*//' -e 's/part-[^-]*-//' | sort -u | shuf > /tmp/ids

If /tmp/ids turns out to be empty, replace $lang with whatever you see that's appropriate in transcripts.txt. For example, grep RUS ... .

How to split ids into 2/3 train, 1/6 dev, 1/6 eval.

Split the ids into train and not-train.

 numLines=$(wc -l < /tmp/ids)
 numTrain=$(printf %.0f `echo "$numLines*.6666667" | bc`)
 head -n $numTrain /tmp/ids > train
 tail -n +$(($numTrain + 1)) /tmp/ids > /tmp/not-train

Split not-train ids into dev and eval.

 numDev=$(printf %.0f `echo "$(wc -l < /tmp/not-train)*.5" | bc`)
 head -n $numDev /tmp/not-train > dev
 tail -n +$(($numDev + 1)) /tmp/not-train > eval

If the split worked, this command's output will be empty.

diff <(cat train dev eval) /tmp/ids

Move the files to the destination directory.

 mv train dev eval data/lists/$lang

In settings, set startstage=2, and rerun.

 ../../ settings

How to instead split ids into all train, 0 dev, 0 eval.

 cp /tmp/ids data/lists/$lang/train
 > data/lists/$lang/dev
 > data/lists/$lang/eval