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Build from source

This document describes how to build an Aeternity node from source on current Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and MacOS (latest). The commands below assume you are logged in with sudo user.

Dependencies installation


Common tools and libraries

Make sure your Ubuntu version and it's packages are up to date, then install required tools and libraries:

sudo apt-get -qq update \
&& sudo apt-get -y upgrade \
&& sudo apt-get -qq -y install git curl autoconf build-essential ncurses-dev libssl-dev

OTP install

Required Erlang OTP version is 20.1.

Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get install erlang
Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 16.04 ships with outdated erlang version. Version 20 can be installed from source:

curl -fsSL -o otp-src.tar.gz "$OTP_DOWNLOAD_URL" \
&& mkdir otp-src \
&& tar -zxf otp-src.tar.gz -C otp-src --strip-components=1 \
&& cd otp-src \
&& export ERL_TOP=`pwd` \
&& ./otp_build autoconf && ./configure && make -j$(nproc) && sudo make install \
&& cd ..

Libsodium install

Required Libsodium version is 1.0.16.

Ubuntu 18.04

Since Ubuntu 18.04 ships with libsodium version 1.0.16 it can be installed from apt package:

sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev
Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 16.04 ships with older than required version of libsodium thus it must be installed from source running below commands:

curl -fsSL -o libsodium-src.tar.gz "$LIBSODIUM_DOWNLOAD_URL" \
&& mkdir libsodium-src \
&& tar -zxf libsodium-src.tar.gz -C libsodium-src --strip-components=1 \
&& cd libsodium-src \
&& ./configure && make -j$(nproc) \
&& sudo make install \
&& sudo ldconfig \
&& cd ..


Install brew if not done yet:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Also, install dependencies:

brew update
brew install erlang
brew install openssl libsodium
brew install autoconf

For more details read the dedicated Libsodium documentation.


The source code of the Aeternity node can be obtained by cloning the public GitHub repository:

git clone aeternity_source && cd aeternity_source

Identify the version to be built:


Checkout the version to be built:

git checkout tags/v${VERSION:?}

Production build

One can create a production build by running:

make prod-build

Make sure beneficiary account is set in configuration, as this is mandatory to successfully start a node. There is no default beneficiary configured.

See configuration documentation for configuration details.

If prod-build went fine, configuration is in place, one should be able to navigate to the build artifacts directory and start the Aeternity node:

cd _build/prod/rel/aeternity/
bin/aeternity start

See operation documentation for more details.

Production package

Alternatively a production package similar to what is distributed via GitHub releases can be created by running:

make prod-package

Once the packaging is done, the package is created in the _build/prod/rel/aeternity/ directory, e.g. _build/prod/rel/aeternity/aeternity-${VERSION:?}.tar.gz.

To deploy the package for example in ~/aeternity/node one should just unarchive it to that directory:

mkdir -p ~/aeternity/node
tar xf _build/prod/rel/aeternity/aeternity-${VERSION:?}.tar.gz -C ~/aeternity/node

Make sure beneficiary account is set in configuration, as this is mandatory to successfully start a node. There is no default beneficiary configured.

See configuration documentation for configuration details.

Then start the node:

~/aeternity/node/bin/aeternity start

See operation documentation for more details.