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Extending ESBMTK

The ElementProperties and SpeciesProperties Classes

ESBMTK uses the :pyesbmtk.esbmtk.SpeciesProperties() and :pyesbmtk.esbmtk.ElementProperties() class primarily to control plot labeling. Each SpeciesProperties instance is a child of an ElementProperties instance. Within the model hierarchy, one would access e.g., DIC as M.Carbon.DIC . However, this results in a lot of redundant code, so the SpeciesProperties instances are also registered with the Model instance.

from esbmtk import Model

M = Model(stop="6 Myr", max_timestep="1 kyr", element=["Carbon", "Oxygen"])
# Access using complete hirarchy
# Access using shorthand

The distinction between ElementProperties and SpeciesProperties exists to group information that is common to all species of a given element. The current entry for Oxygen reads, e.g., like this

def Oxygen(model: Model) -> None:
    """Common Properties of Oxygen

    model : Model
        Model instance

    eh = ElementProperties(
        model=model,  # model handle
        mass_unit="mol",  # base mass unit
        li_label="$^{16$}O",  # Name of light isotope
        hi_label="$^{18}$)",  # Name of heavy isotope
        d_label=r"$\delta^{18}$)",  # Name of isotope delta
        d_scale="mUr VSMOV",  # 
        r=2005.201e-6,  #

and the associated species definitions are:

SpeciesProperties(name="O", element=eh, display_as="O", register=eh)
SpeciesProperties(name="O2", element=eh, display_as=r"O$_{2}$", register=eh)
SpeciesProperties(name="OH", element=eh, display_as=r"OH$^{-}$", register=eh)

Note that the variable eh is used to associate the SpeciesProperties instance with the ElementProperties instance. Upon startup, ESBMTK loads all predefined species definitions for each element named in the element_list keyword and registers them with the model instance. See the file in the source-code for the currently defined elements and species (

To see a list of all known species for a given element use the list_species method of the ElementProperties instance


Modifying/Extending an existing SpeciesProperties/ElementProperties definition

Modifying and existing definition is done after the model has been loaded, but before running the solver. The following two lines, show, e.g, how to change the isotope scale of Oxygen from mUR to permil, and how to set the plot concentration unit of O2 to μ mol:


see the :pyesbmtk.esbmtk.SpeciesProperties() and :pyesbmtk.esbmtk.ElementProperties() definitions for a full list of implemented properties.

Adding custom SpeciesProperties definitions

To add a new species follow the examples in the source code file. Provided you loaded Oxygen in the model definition, defining a new species instance for dissolved oxygen would look like this

from esbmtk import SpeciesProperties
M.O2aq = M.Oxygen.O2aq  # register shorthand with model

Adding a new ElementProperties and its species

In this example, I use Boron to demonstrate how to add a new element and its respective species. Note, however, that Boron is already part of ESBMTK, for this example it is simply not loaded.

from esbmtk import Model, ElementProperties, SpeciesProperties

M = Model(stop="6 Myr", max_timestep="1 kyr")

    model=M,  # model handle
    mass_unit="mmol",  # base mass unit
    li_label=r"$^{11$}B",  # Name of light isotope
    hi_label=r"$^{10$}B",  # Name of heavy isotope
    d_label=r"$\delta{11}B",  # Name of isotope delta
    d_scale="mUr SRM951",  # Isotope scale.
    r=0.26888,  # isotopic abundance ratio for species

SpeciesProperties(name="B", element=M.Boron, display_as="B")
SpeciesProperties(name="BOH", element=M.Boron, display_as="BOH")
SpeciesProperties(name="BOH3", element=M.Boron, display_as=r"B(OH)$_{3}$")
SpeciesProperties(name="BOH4", element=M.Boron, display_as=r"B(OH)$_{4}^{-}$")

# register the species shorthands with the model.
for sp in M.Boron.lsp:
    setattr(M,, sp)

# verify the sucess

Note that in the above example, we leverage that ElementProperties instances keep track of their species in the lsp variable. Provided that none of the species was defined previously, we can thus simply loop over the list of species to register them with the model.

Adding custom functions to ESBMTK

ESBMTK has some rudimentary support to add custom functions. This is currently not very user-friendly, and a better interface may become available in the future. Adding a custom function to ESBMTK requires the following considerations:

  • ESBMTK must be able to import the function so that it can be used in the equation system
  • ESBMTK must have a way to assign the correct input & output variables to the function call
  • Since we only declare a function and not a complete connection object, it is up to the user code to make sure that function parameters like scale factors (see below) are in the correct units, and of type Number (rather than string or quantity). Likewise, it is up to the user-provided code to ensure that the returned values have the correct sign.
  • The function signature of any custom function must adhere to a format, where the first argument(s) are of type float, and the second argument is a tuple (which can be empty):
def custom(c0:float, t: tuple)  # valid
def custom(c0:float, c1:float, t: tuple) # valid
def custom(c0:float, c1:int, t: tuple) # invalid

The reason behind this rigid scheme has to do with memory management, but it is typically easy to adhere to them.

A worked example

Let's consider a simple case where we define a custom function my_burial() that returns a flux as a function of concentration. For this, we need a parameter that passes a concentration, and a parameter that passes a scaling factor. Since both are float, we could use this signature with an empty tuple

def my_burial(concentration: float, scale: float, t: tuple) -> float:

However, to demonstrate the use of a tuple to pass one or more parameters, I will pass the scaling factor as a tuple in the below example:

def my_burial(concentration: float, p: tuple) -> float:
    """Calculate a flux as a function of concentration

    concentration : float
        substance concentration
    p : tuple
        where the first element is the scaling factor

        flux in model mass unit / time

    Notes: the scale information is passed as a tuple, so we need
    extract it from the tuple before using it

    f is a burial flux, so we need to return a negative number.
    (scale,) = p

    f = concentration * scale

    return -f

ESBMTK needs to import this function into the code that builds the equation system, so this requires that we place this function into a module file (e.g.,, and that we register this file and any custom functions with the model code. ESBMTK provides the register_user_function() function which is used like this

register_user_function(M, "my_functions", "my_burial")

Note that the last argument can also be a list of function names.

Next, we need to create code that maps the model variables required by my_burial() to the actual function call. Most of this work is done by the :pyesbmtk.extended_classes.ExternalCode() class. In the following example, we wrap this task into a dedicated function, but this is not a hard requirement. I add this function to the file, but you can also keep it with the code that defines the model. Since we want to use this function to calculate a flux between two reservoirs (or a sink/source), we need to pass the source and sink reservoirs, as well as the species and the scale information, to add_my_burial().

Notes on the below code:

  • If my_buria() is defined in the same file as add_my_burial() there is no need to import my_burial()
  • The function_input_data keyword requires the Species instance, not the array with the concentration values (i.e., Species.c). More than one argument can be given.
  • The return_values keyword expects a dictionary. If the return value is a flux, the dictionary key must be preceded by F_. The key format must be {Species.full_name}.{}. The id_string must be unique within the model, and must not contain blanks or dots. If the return value is a Species, the dictionary entry reads like this {f"R_{rg.full_name}.Hplus": rg.swc.hplus}, where dictionary value is used to set the initial condition.
  • In the last step, the register_return_values parses the return value dictionary and creates the necessary :pyesbmtk.esbmtk.Flux() or :pyesbmtk.esbmtk.Species() instances. This step may move to the init-section of the :pyesbmtk.extended_classes.ExternalCode() class definition in a future version.
def add_my_burial(source, sink, species, scale) -> None:
    """This function initializes a user supplied function
    so that it can be used within the ESBMTK eco-system

    source : Source | Species | Reservoir
        A source
    sink : Sink | Species | Reservoir
        A sink
    species : SpeciesProperties
        A model species
    scale : float
        A scaling factor

    from esbmtk import ExternalCode, register_return_values

    p = (scale,)  # convert float into tuple
    ec = ExternalCode(
            {f"F_{sink.full_name}.{}": "id_string"},

    register_return_values(ec, source)

Once these functions are defined, we can use them in the model definition as follows

# register the new module and function with the model
register_user_function(M, "my_functions", "my_burial")

# import the add_my_burial into this script file
from my_functions import add_my_burial

# add the my_burial_function to the model objects.
    M.D_b,  # Source
    M.burial,  # Sink
    M.PO4,  # SpeciesProperties
    M.D_b.volume.magnitude / 2000.0,  # Scale

Note that M.D_b.volume.magnitude is not a number but a quantity. So one needs to query the numerical value with .magnitude or add code to add_my_burial to query the type of the input arguments and convert as necessary.

The file in the examples directory shows a working example.

Debugging custom function integration

The current custom function integration interface is not very user-friendly and often requires investigating the actual file. In the default operating mode, ESBMTK will recreate this file for each model run, so that print statements and breakpoints that have been placed in have no effect. Use the parse_model keyword in the model instance to keep the edited for the next run:

M = Model(
    stop="1000 yr",  # end time of model
    max_timestep="1 yr",  # upper limit of time step
    element=["Phosphor"],  # list of element definitions
    parse_model=False,  # do not overwrite