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181 lines (153 loc) · 9.68 KB

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181 lines (153 loc) · 9.68 KB

breaking changes

python 2 incorrectness:

  • long
    • when adding two long objects the result is likely to be an int
  • method
    • unbound methods are no longer supported
  • The base class for all type objects will be object even if the base class is not specified

skulpt api

  • Sk.builtin.object.prototype.genericGetAttr -> Sk.generic.getAttr
  • Sk.builtin.object.prototype.genericSetAttr -> Sk.generic.setAttr
  • Sk.builtin.typeLookup removed
  • biginter.js replaced by the jsbi library
  • Sk.abstr.inherits removed - inheritance exclusively dealt with by Sk.abstr.setUpInheritance
  • Sk.misceval.objectRepr returns a js string (previously Sk.builtin.str)
  • Sk.__future__.python3 becomes the default. Those wishing to use python2 must define this in the Sk.configure object.
  • Sk.abstr.binary_op_, Sk.abstr.binary_iop_, Sk.abstr.unary_op_ removed - use Sk.abstr.numberBinOp, Sk.abstr.numberInplaceBinOp, Sk.abstr.numberUnaryOp instead.

slot changes only relevant for those developers and those writing slotfunctions directly - hopefully very few users

  • mp$length replaced by sq$length in the codebase
  • sq$ass_item/sq$ass_slice replaced with mp$ass_subscript
  • nb$nonzero replaced with nb$bool and switch version takes care of mapping the appropriate dunder method.
  • mp$del_subscript replaced by mp$ass_subscript (as per Cpython)
    • deleting vs setting an item is based on the call signature
    • mp$ass_subscript(key, value) -> set item
    • mp$ass_subscript(key) -> delete item
  • If a dunder func is defined on a user defined class then the slot function is guaranteed.
    • e.g. __len__ defined guarantees sq$length.
    • A slot function defined by skulpt in this way throws the appropriate errors and converts the return value to the appropriate object.
    • sq$length: __len__ is called using Sk.misceval.callsim(OrSuspend)Array.
    • The result is checked to be an int and then converted to number since sq$length expects a number.
  • tp$str removed from some builtins as per Python 3.8 changes
  • If tp$richcompare is defined - wrapper functions ob$eq etc are created during - this way Sk.misceval.richCompareBool need only check for the existance of an ob$* slot.
    • in fact - the existance of these slots is guaranteed since they are inherited from Sk.builtin.object
  • tp$mro/tp$bases are Js Arrays rather than Sk.builtin.tuple
  • tp$str and $r for errors were changed as per Cpython.
  • nb$int_ -> nb$int
  • nb$lng -> nb$long
  • nb$float_ -> nb$float
  • return values for certain slot functions have changed
    • tp$hash - should return a javascript number less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER can be postive or negative
    • nb$index - should return a javascript number or BigInt (older browsers should be a JSBI BigInt)
    • tp$richcompare/ob$* - should return a javascript boolean
  • tp$name was removed from instances of Sk.builtin.func and Sk.buitin.method in favour of $name since it's tp$name should be the type name


  • sk$acceptable_as_base_class used for some type objects
  • sk$object every skulpt object will have this flag. An easy way to determine if you have a skulpt object or a javascript object
  • hp$type all instance of sk$klass types
  • sk$prototypical do we need to walk up the MRO or can we just check the prototype
  • sk$builtinBase the most derived base which is a native skulpt class
  • sk$baseClass builtin classes that are direct childs of object

other internal changes

  • the use of numPromoteFunc was removed for performance improvements in the implementation of Sk.asbtr.numberBinOp
    • It was performance beneficial to leave the promoting to the respective nb$ slots
    • int binop slots only deal with instance of int
    • float binop slots deal with instances of float and int
    • complex binop slots deal with instances of complex, float and int
  • since long was effectively removed when a number is larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER it's .v value is a BigInt. if BigInt is not available in the browser then the JSBI library is used to replicate BigInt functionality.
  • set and frozenset now share much of their implementation
  • collections module rewritten using new api
  • itertools module rewritten using new api - these are now type objects rather than instances of generator
  • operator module rewritten using new api
  • math module adapted to the new api
  • dict and set throw errors if the objects change size during iteration as per Cpython.
    • fully tested
  • Sk.builtin.check* moved to src/check.js
  • number.js removed
  • numtype.js removed
  • seqtype.js removed
  • Sk.builtin.check* moved to src/check.js
  • mp$subscript should not be called by a js object (see changes in random.js)
  • quick$lookup added to dict.prototype which is a fast way to lookup up str keys
  • dict.prototype.entries rather than has values that are arrays of key value pairs
  •$hash will no longer add $savedHash_ to the object - instead it uses a javascript map and assigns objects to a random number less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER rather than incrementing the hash value each time.
  •$hash for integers this will be the same value as$hash for non integers this will be a random number less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Previously this was the number rounded down - but this creates a lot of collisions.

call signatures of builtins

  • new is required for (almost) all builtin types
    • 3 exceptions - Sk.builtin.bool, Sk.builtin.none, Sk.builtin.NotImplemented
    • These 3 will always return their respective constant(s) and are thus not required to be used as constructors.
  • Restricted parameters for directly accessing a constructor of an Sk.builtin type
  • assertion failures raised in dev mode if new is not used
type params notes
Sk.builtin.int_ `{number JSBI (bigint)
Sk.builtin.float_ `{number undefined}`
Sk.builtin.complex {number, number}
Sk.builtin.list {Array=} Array of py objects or can be called with a python iterable
Sk.builtin.tuple {Array=} Array of py objects can be called with a python iterable
Sk.builtin.set {Array=} Array of py objects or can be called with a python iterable
Sk.builtin.dict {Array=} key/value pairs - only python objects
Sk.builtin.str {*}
Sk.builtin.bool {*}

Major changes

  • All type objects are now callable using their respective tp$call methods inherited from Sk.builtin.type
  • All native type objects will require a tp$new and tp$init method (maybe inherited by Sk.builtin.object)
  • All type objects are javascript instances of Sk.builtin.type
  • All single inherited objects follow javascript inheritance
  • All native type objects now have the following and replaces the use of Sk.builtin.func for all dunder function/methods.
    • wrapper_descriptors aka slot_wrappers
    • method_descriptors
    • classmethod_descriptors
    • getset_descriptors aka attributes/member_descriptors
  • Sk.builtin.sk_method is an alternative to Sk.builtin.func and is used by the above descriptor types
  • mangled names are never passed to the user but instead are an attribute on Sk.builtin.str instances as $mangled
  • mappingproxy added
  • $d removed on all type objects.
  • attributes of a type object now only appear on the prototype. Previously these appeared on both the type object and the prototype


  • dict, set, tuple are suspendable
  • map, filter, zip, reversed, enumerate are suspendable
  • classmethod, property, staticmethod have native skulpt implementations
  • super can now be unbound see this explanation
  • Sk.builtin.func objects gain a qualname in compile code
  • API for building native types
    • Sk.abstr.buildNativeClass
  • range_iterator class added
  • reverse iterators added for list, dict_views, range
  • | operator valid for dict, dict_keys, dict_items
  • Couter has number slots added


  • objectHash
  • buildNativeClass
  • buildIteratorClass
  • setUpBuiltinMro
  • setUpMethods
  • setUpGetSets
  • setUpSlots
  • setUpClassMethod
  • setUpBaseInheritance
  • setUpModuleMethod
  • checkNoKwargs
  • checkNoArgs
  • checkOneArg
  • checkArgsLen
  • copyKeywordsToNamedArgs


  • getAttr
  • setAttr
  • selfIter
  • new
  • newMethodDef
  • iterNextWithArray
  • iterNextWithArrayCheckSize
  • iterLengthHintWithArrayMethodDef
  • iterReverseLengthHintMethodDef
  • getSetDict


  • asIndex - will return the internal representation of the integer - or undefined if tho indexable - could be a number or a bigint (JSBI) only used
  • asIndexOrThrow - does asIndex but throws an error if the number is not indexable - with an optional message parameter.
  • asIndexSized - throws an error if the object is not indexable, returns a Number always, Option to throw an error if the index is larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. This is the goto method for most buitins now.
  • Iterator - a python class that easily wraps an iterator
  • arrayFromIterable - optional canSuspend implementation that returns an array from a python iterator


  • contains all the information about mapping slots to dunders and vice versa.