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Releases: ultraleap/UnityPlugin

Unity Plugin 5.6.0

04 Apr 14:17
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openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Headline features of 5.6.0 include:

  • The LeapServiceProvider now provides a list of connected devices (LeapServiceProvider.Devices)
  • Example scene for multiple devices
  • Generic Hand Model that has an Arm and no metacarpal bones (added to example scene 'Rigged Hands (Desktop) (Standard)')
  • In 'Multiple Device Mode' = 'Specific', Serial Numbers can be changed at Runtime via the Inspector or via code (new public property LeapServiceProvider.SpecificSerialNumber)
  • Allow mesh hands that use the hand binder to be scaled during editor
  • Updated the LeapC.dll client to


  • Lag and stuttering when using multiple devices
  • Scene View opens when connecting / disconnecting devices
  • Fixed issues with multi-device interpolation failing

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Plugin 5.5.0

17 Mar 14:26
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openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Other headline features of 5.5.0 include:

  • Hand Binder Scale feature, uniformly scale the 3D model model up or down based on the ratio between the leap data and the 3D model. This will require a rebind to calculate the correct scale.
  • tracking service version check for multiple device mode. Warning appears if trying to select the 'specific' multi device mode in a service version < 5.3.6
  • Serial numbers for 'multiple device mode' = 'Specific' can be chosen from a drop down list in the inspector instead of a text field. Using Device indices is no longer supported.

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Plugin 5.4.0

04 Mar 12:31
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openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Other headline features of 5.4.0 include:

  • Basic support for specifying which device a LeapProvider should connect to. Can be specified by device index (obsolete) or serial number. If multiple service providers are in a scene set to use the multiple device mode, they must be set to use the same tracking optimization mode. Multiple Device Mode is only supported on the Ultraleap Tracking Service version 5.3.6 and above.
  • Added ability to get / set custom capsule hand colours in code
  • Updated LeapC.dll client to latest service release. Service supports multiple devices.


  • Fixed issue with incorrect enum ordering in eLeapEventType (now matches LeapC.h ordering). Inserted eLeapEventType_TrackingMode

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Plugin 5.3.0

18 Feb 13:04
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openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Other headline features of 5.3.0 include:

  • Clear devices list on disconnect of service Connection.cs
  • Hand Model Base feature parity with the interaction hand
  • LeapXRServiceProvider getter and setter for MainCamera. Enables V5.3.0 plugin support for MRTK

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Plugin 5.2.0

27 Jan 17:24
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openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Other headline features of 5.2.0 include:

  • Adding SIR170 leapc/device.
  • Adding 3DI leapc/device
  • Adding option to grasp interaction objects with a specific hand
  • Update main camera provider to enable work on supporting MRTK
  • Moving Simple Facing Camera Callback out of Examples

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Plugin 5.1.0

11 Jan 15:43
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openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Other headline features of 5.1.0 include:

  • Adding coloring options to the capsule hands
  • New option to initialise only the index finger in the interaction hand
  • Size of the Skeleton hand assets has been significantly reduced

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Plugin 5.0.0

08 Dec 10:30
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Repository restructured into two UPM packages listed on OpenUPM:

openupm-tracking openupm-tracking-preview

  • Tracking contains stable content including Core, Hands and the Interaction Engine.
  • Tracking Preview contains experimental/pre-release content.

Other headline features of 5.0.0 include:

  • Support for Unity HDRP and URP including materials and shaders in all examples
  • Service Provider (XR, Desktop and Screentop) prefabs
  • Experimental support for Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 based headsets within the Tracking Preview package.

Full Changelog (Tracking Package)


Community Support

Thanks to our contributors:

@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Modules 4.9.1

27 Oct 10:16
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Release Notes for Unity Modules 4.9.1

Notable changes:

  • Version 4.9.1 of the Unity Modules is only intended to be used with Version 5.2 of the tracking service (or more recent releases), it is not backwards compatible with previous service releases. For details about service compatibility with Unity Modules and how to upgrade projects, consult the Migration Guide.
  • 32-bit support has been dropped as it is no longer supported by the V5.2 tracking service
  • To use V5.2 you must upgrade your project to this version of the Unity modules.
  • The documentation and API reference has been upgraded for branding and to reflect changes to the modules.
  • A new tracking mode setting has been added to the LeapServiceProvider to disable setting a tracking mode on start. If set, the (current) service tracking mode is left unchanged by the application when it connects to the service.
  • The scripts have been changed to switch to using the Unity pose class, retiring the Leap pose class. A number of extension methods have been added to the Unity pose class to create a similar public API to the retired class.

Bug fixes:

  • The version number in Core (Version.txt) has been updated to the correct version.
  • Some deprecated Unity enumeration values have been removed from the scripts.
  • Minor changes have been made to improve Unity 2020 support. However, Unity 2020 is not officially supported by this release.
  • Smaller editor window size for hands module
  • Fixed memory leak with MemoryManager using V5.2 tracking service where MemoryManager was hanging onto (image) buffers even when pooling was off.
  • Turned on memory pooling in MemoryManager to reduce memory churn in apps with image streaming enabled (with V5.2 tracking service).
  • Switched image buffers in memory manager to use a ConcurrentDictionary to prevent corruption in scenes with multiple LeapServiceProviders with V5.2 tracking service.

Known Issues:

  • A set of ghost / floating hands is sometimes seen on scene startup. They may appear for a for a small interval <2s before correct tracking starts. This is not seen consistently and has been observed behaviour with previous releases.
  • The infrared viewer shader does not render correctly in both eyes with headsets / plugins that do not support multi pass rendering - e.g. Windows Mixed Reality.
  • Infrared Viewer scenes sometimes display the image upside down, this is only an issue during the editor and will not exist in builds.
  • Some of the interaction engine demo scenes (with interactable objects - e.g. interaction objects) do not initialise the player position at the correct height (e.g. for a seated user). The position of the camera has to be adjusted in the scene view or adjusted on the scene components (the XRHeightOffset script). The magnitude of the height adjustment seems to vary depending on the headset. Behaviour is better for a standing experience. This is mainly seen when using the new Unity XR Plugin system - e.g. with Unity 2019.4. This is not officially supported by this release.

Thanks to our contributors:
@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP


24 May 14:53
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This release is for 2019 LTS

Major upgrade to Hands Module

  • New process for Automatically binding a rigged hand to leap data
  • New process for Manually binding a rigged hand to leap data
  • Optionally add positional and rotational offsets to any connected leap data point
  • RiggedHand.cs will be removed in a future release as its functionality is now covered by the hands module.

Thanks to our contributors:
@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP

Unity Modules 4.7.1

20 Jan 00:54
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This release is compatible with 2019.1 and above.

Since UnityModules 4.6.0, this release:

  • Updates the LeapC.dll's to be compatible with the V5.0.0. Gemini developer preview release.
  • Adds Support for new "ScreenTop" Tracking Mode; Compatible with 4.9+ Services
  • Consolidates editor scripts and add an .asmdef to remove the errors/warnings related to SpatialTracking.
  • Adds backwards compatibility back to 2017.4
  • Adds a convenience function for the Projected Hand Ray Direction
  • Optimizes the rendering performance of Capsule Hands with Instancing
  • Adds Advanced Mode Menus to the LeapServiceProviders to tidy up their Inspector
  • Adds Server Namespaces (INTERNAL ONLY)

Thanks to our contributors:
@MaxPalmer-UH / @DrMaxP