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Bootstrap CMS

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Copyright © Graham Campbell 2013


I'd appriciate it if you'd leave my name in the footer unless you have changed my source significatly. If you do feel you have changed it significantly, i'd still appreciate some kind of link back. Thank you, and enjoy!

What Is Bootstrap CMS?

Bootstrap CMS is a PHP CMS powered by Laravel 4.0 with Sentry 2.0.

  • Bootstrap CMS was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell.
  • Bootstrap CMS uses Travis CI to run tests to check if it's working as it should.
  • Bootstrap CMS uses Scrutinizer CI to run additional tests and checks.
  • Bootstrap CMS uses Composer to load and manage dependencies.
  • Bootstrap CMS provides a change log, releases, and a wiki.
  • Bootstrap CMS is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3, available here.

What Does Testing Release Mean?

Basically, expect no support what so ever. This includes, but is not exclusive to:

  • No support or help will be given during installation or updating.
    • No database migration support between updates
    • Updates may not be backwards compatible
  • Some of the config may be for features that don't exist yet.
    • Some config may even brake the entire site
    • Just remember, this software comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
  • Technically, this software comes with no support after the testing stage either.
    • This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE
    • See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details

System Requirements

Bootstrap CMS was designed to run on a Linux machine with PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.5.

  • PHP 5.4.7+ or PHP 5.5+ is required.
  • MySQL 5.1+, 5.5+, or 5.6+ is required. MySQL 5.7+ may work, but is untested.
  • You will need Composer installed to load the dependencies of Bootstrap CMS.
  • You will need to configure the site in the app/config folder before production.
  • Some features require a cache server like Redis and a queuing server like Beanstalkd.


Please check the system requirements before installing Bootstrap CMS.

  1. You may install by cloning from github, or via composer.
  • Github: git clone
  • Composer: composer create-project graham-campbell/bootstrap-cms --prefer-dist
  1. From a command line open in the folder, run composer install.
  2. Enter your database details into app/config/databse.php.
  3. Run php artisan app:install to setup and seed your database.
  4. You will need to enter your mail server details into app/config/mail.php.
  • You can disable verification emails on registration in app/config/cms.php
  • Mail is still required for other functions like password resets
  • I'd recommend queuing email sending for greater performance (see below)
  1. Finally, setup an Apache VirtualHost to point to the "public" folder.
  • For development, you can simply run php artisan serve
  1. Additionally, you may to setup some of Bootstrap CMS's other features (see below).
  • Some things, like caching and queuing, are disabled out of the box
  • This is to allow Bootstrap CMS to work with minimal setup

Setting Up Queuing

Note that beanstalkd requires a local server, while sqs and iron are cloud based.

  1. Choose your poison - I'd recommend IronMQ.
  2. Enter your queuing server details into app/config/queue.php.
  3. You can also set a separate mail queue in app/config/mail.php.
  4. For IronMQ, the queue subscription path is /queue/receive.
  5. You can find out more about queuing by heading over to the Laravel Docs.

Setting Up Caching

Note that caching will not work with Laravel's file or database cache drivers.

  1. Choose your poison - I'd recommend Redis.
  2. Enter your cache server details into app/config/cache.php.
  3. Enable Bootstrap CMS's caching in app/config/cms.php.

Setting Up Analytics

Bootstrap CMS natively supports Google Analytics (other services to come later).

  1. Setup a web property on Google Analytics.
  2. Enter your tracking id into app/config/analytics.php.
  3. Enable Google Analytics in app/config/analytics.php.

Setting Up Themes

Bootstrap CMS also ships with 13 themes from Bootswatch.

  1. You can set your theme in app/config/theme.php.
  2. You can also set your nav bar style in app/config/theme.php.
  3. After making theme changes, you will have to run php artisan app:update.

Updating Your Fork

The latest and greatest source can be found on GitHub.
Before submitting a pull request, you should ensure that your fork is up to date.

You may fork Bootstrap CMS:

git remote add upstream git://

The first command is only necessary the first time. If you have issues merging, you will need to get a merge tool such as P4Merge.

You can then update the branch:

git pull --rebase upstream master
git push --force origin <branch_name>

Once it is set up, run git mergetool. Once all conflicts are fixed, run git rebase --continue, and git push --force origin <branch_name>.


Bootstrap CMS - A CMS Powered By Laravel 4
Copyright (C) 2013 Graham Campbell

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Bootstrap CMS Is A PHP CMS Powered By Laravel 4.0 With Sentry 2.0







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