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Hacktoberfest 2023 Umbraco package contributions

Packages are an essential part of the Umbraco ecosystem, so package contributions are again eligible for Umbraco's Hacktoberfest.

PLEASE NOTE: all contributions must be on a package that supports (or adds support for) the current version of Umbraco, i.e. v10+.

On this page there is Hacktoberfest guidance for:

Package contributors

If you are interested in contributing to an Umbraco package, check out the repositories on the Hacktoberfest package repo list.

We recommend you start by reading the contributing guidelines of the repo (hopefully there are some). It's always a good idea to comment on the issue you'd like to work on. This lets the maintainer, and other potential contributors, know that you are about to work on it.

Package creators

If you are looking for inspiration for a new package, check out this list of Umbraco package ideas. This repo is also a great place to add your own idea if you are looking for feedback or guidance before you get started.

If you release a new open source package during October this will count towards Umbraco's Hacktoberfest. Once you've published the package on the Umbraco Marketplace please add it to the list of new packages on Umbraco's Hacktoberfest Activity Log.

If you would like to encourage other people to contribute to your new package, please follow the 'Package maintainers' instructions below.

Package maintainers

To get your repository ready for the official Hacktoberfest:

  • Add the hacktoberfest topic to your repository to opt-in to the official Hacktoberfest. This also helps people know you're looking for contributions

  • Identify the issues that have a well-defined scope and are self-contained, and then add labels to them such as 'Help wanted'

If you would like contributions to your package to count towards Umbraco's Hacktoberfest:

  • Submit a pull request to the Hacktoberfest 2023 package repo list that adds your package to the list (in alphabetical order). Ideally add it with a 'deep link' to those issues that you want help with

For issues to be considered valid they must be valuable contributions, which is up to the discretion of the package team and will be based on the Hacktoberfest quality standards, as well as relating to v10 of Umbraco.

Check out the Hacktoberfest resources for maintainers for more information.