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Jenkins setup on Ubuntu with HockeyApp

Step 1: Install Jenkins on Ubuntu

Step 2: Setup Jenkins Profile

  • Go to browser and open localhost:8080. Jenkins open login form with this /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • Please open terminal and type this on terminal
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

and pressed enter. Terminal show password please copy terminal password and paste jenkins form and click setup.

  • Now after that, Jenkins setup all plugin which have required. So please wait some time and after completed jenkins plugins go to next.
  • Now jenkins open form page. Please fill all field like username, password, and email ext. After that Jenkins open Home page where you have create job

Step 3: Setup Jenkins Configure System

  • Go to manage Jenkins from jenkins home page. Your URL is http://localhost:8080/manage.
  • Go to Configure System. Your URL is http://localhost:8080/configure.
  • Go to Global properties point. Here you have to set Android Home and android SDK path. So please follow this Step.
    • Click on Environment variables checkbox and fill this field
    • Name - ANDROID_HOME
    • Value - /home/umesh/Android/Sdk // Your android sdk path
  • Go to Extended E-mail Notification point.
    • Fill this field
    • SMTP server -
    • Default user E-mail suffix -
  • Go to E-mail Notification point
    • Fill this field
    • SMTP server -
    • Default user E-mail suffix -
    • Click Advanced... on right side
    • Fill this field
    • Check Enable Use SMTP Authentication
    • User Name - // Your Email-id
    • Password - 123456789 // Any string here, not required email password
    • Check Enable Use SSL
    • SMTP Port - 456
    • Reply-To Address -
    • Charset - UTF-8
    • Test configuration by sending test e-mail. please fill your email-id and click to Test configuration button after some time you got message on your email-id.
    • Click apply and save

Step 4: Setup Jenkins Global Tool Configuration

  • Go to manage Jenkins from jenkins home page. Your URL is http://localhost:8080/manage.
  • Go to Global Tool Configuration. Your URL is http://localhost:8080/configureTools/.
  • Now you have to setup JDK, Gradle and Git
  • Setup JDK
    • Fill this field
    • Name - JAVA_HOME
    • JAVA_HOME - /home/umesh/Documents/software/android-studio/jre // your jdk path
  • Setup git. Git is already setup. If not then follow this.
    • Name - Default
    • Path to Git executable - git
  • Setup Gradle
    • Name - Gradle 4.4
    • Check Enable Install automatically
    • Set gradle version Gradle 4.4
  • Click apply and save.

Step 5: Create Job

  • Click on New Item from Jenkins Home Page.
  • Now Enter an item name Example. My First Android Project
  • Select Freestyle project and click OK button. Now your URL is http://localhost:8080/job/My%20First%20Android%20Project/configure
  • Fill all field on this project configure
    • Enter Description Example This is my first android project on jenkins

    • Enable Git

      • Repository URL - automation.git // this is your git repository url.
      • Credentials - jenkins password
    • Build

      • Select Invoke Gradle script from App build step from dropdown.
      • Enable Invoke Gradle with Gradle Version - `Gradle 4.4
      • Enter Task - clean build --stacktrace --debug
    • Jenkins Script in Build Section

      • Select Execute shell and write this script in Command edit box.
         ./gradlew clean assembleDevelopmentDebug --stacktrace  // for debug apk
         ./gradlew clean assembleDevelopmentRelease --stacktrace  // for release apk, but you have to setup jks fine in app.gradle.

    • Post-build Actions

      • Select Archive the artifacts from Add post-build action dropdown
      • Files to archive - **/*.apk // It will be show error but don't worry.
      • Now select Upload to HockeyApp from Add post-build action dropdown
      • First of all you add plugin HockeyApp in Jenkins so that follow this step.
      • Go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugin -> Available -> Search By HockeyApp Plugin and install it.
      • Now Login with HockeyApp account
      • Now click on right side button. it will show Account Settings click on it.
      • Click API Token and create API Token and copy and paste on Jenkins.
      • Add HockeyApp API Token - 46c642196f212ca00d32d87514fa98c8
      • Enable Upload App from Upload Method
      • App File (.ipa,, .apk) - **/*.apk
      • Enable Allow Download

  • Apply and save.

Step 6: Build Now

  • Go to Jenkins Home page
  • Click on Build Now. It will take few minutes
  • If you want to see Console. Click on circle(0 #1) in Build History
  • After create APK file you can see suucess message in Console
  • Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to SUCCESS
    Archiving artifacts
    Uploading to HockeyApp...
    /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/My New Project/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-  
    HockeyApp Upload Speed: 539.71Kbps
    /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/My New 
    HockeyApp Upload Speed: 1.11Mbps
    Finished: SUCCESS
  • Now go to HockeyApp and you can see your APK.


Copyright 2018 Umesh Kumar

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Set up Jenkins on Ubuntu with HockeyApp







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