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File metadata and controls

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Auction Component

The Auction component is found at:



The Auction component is a fundamental component of a frontend React application for handling auctions, particularly in the context of a Decentralized Application (DApp) or blockchain-related project. It is found in the frontend_react/src/components/ directory and is named Auction.js. It makes use of the ethers.js library for interaction with the Ethereum blockchain and employs the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for decentralized file storage.

Key Features

  • Manages states related to auction details, images, finish time, current data, loading status, and historic data.
  • Uses React's useState and useEffect hooks for state management and side-effects handling.
  • Interacts with the UpgradeableAuctions smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Utilizes multiple functions to fetch and manipulate auction data, including historical data.
  • Contains a variety of auction types with corresponding information and controls.
  • Renders progress circular progress bars to display the progress of the auction and sold token progress.
  • Includes the PriceChart component to visually represent price data over time.
  • Handles downloading of files from IPFS.
  • Uses the Mantine UI library for theming and notifications.