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File metadata and controls

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Setup Guide


  • Pull the latest version of the project Install node.js v18
  • Install pnpm with (npm install -g pnpm)

To Run Frontend:

In frontend_react

run: pnpm i

In /src/contracts_hardhat


pnpm add -D hardhat

pnpm hardhat compile

In frontend_react

run: pnpm start

To Run Backend:

In backend_dotnet

run: dotnet run

To set up metamask

Create a wallet Go to settings -> networks -> Add a network

Network Name: Mumbai Testnet (Optional)


Chain ID: 80001

Currency Symbol: MATIC

Block Explorer URL (optional):

After the network, go to assets -> Import Tokens and enter the current address of SUCoin.

Press save and use this Metamask settings while entering the website. This process is automatic for users when they first enter the website. They just need to agree on the changes.

Docker Setup

Docker Commands


docker compose build

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d


-d flag is not required if the containers will run on a screen

REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL and REACT_APP_FRONTEND_URL need to be set accordingly inside the docker-compose.yml file

Shutting down the containers

run: docker compose down

if it does not work,


docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

For Linux Enviroments

podman-compose can be used instead of docker compose and podman instead of docker if root access is not available

To keep the containers running in the background when the terminal is closed, create a new screen and run the commands inside of it

Screen controls

To create a new screen

run: screen -S

Deattach the current screen

Press CTRL+A and then D

Reattach a screen

run: screen -x

To terminate the current screen

Press CTRL+A and then K then Y and then Enter

Smart Contract Deployment

When the project will operate on the Polygon Mainnet, Contracts have to be redeployed with the instructions below:

Sucoin, Project Register and BokkyPooBahsRedBlackTreeLibrary Contracts need to be deployed manually before all the others and their address needs to be set in the deploy_maestro.js file at frontend_react/src/contracts_hardhat/scripts/deploy_maestro.js

Sucoin is handled by the Supayment team. Please contact them to learn the address of the contract.

Project Register is in frontend_react/src/contracts_hardhat/contracts

BokkyPooBahsRedBlackTreeLibrary is in the libraries folder of the same directory.

Deploy them using Remix or any other contract deployment tool. To learn how to deploy contracts using Remix, please refer here

After these steps, hardhat.config.js file needs to be updated for the polygon mainnet. the necessary steps can be found here at the Setting up the contract section.

Now the rest of the contracts are ready to be deployed. To deploy them with hardhat run the following commands in the frontend_react/src/contracts_hardhat directory:

pnpm hardhat compile

pnpm hardhat run scripts/deploy_maestro.js –polygon_mumbai

After the contracts are deployed, their addresses will be printed to the console. These addresses need to be set in the location of the contract addresses in the project before booting up.

Locations of Contract Addresses

Enviorment Variables:

  • REACT_APP_MAESTRO_ADDRESS for Maestro(Auction) Contract
  • REACT_APP_PROJECT_REGISTER_ADDRESS for ProjectRegister Contract
  • REACT_APP_SUCOIN_ADDRESS for Sucoin Contract

They can also be set in the following files:

  • backend_dotnet/Constants/ContractConstants.cs
  • frontend_react/src/config.js