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Twilio for Krayin

This package enable the user to use Twilio services.

Actually it supports only SMS.

What do you need before?

  1. Krayin CRM (actually this package is tested on 1.x.x and Laravel 8+)
  2. Twilio

How to install it?

This package is hosted on Composer, so you only need to require it.

  1. composer require und3fined-it/krayin-twilio


  1. Go into your backoffice
  2. Go into Twilio settings
  3. Fill up the form and save it.
  4. Give it a try!

How to implement it with other packages?

  1. Message composing
    You can generate a direct sms compose link passing the "to" parameter.
    route("admin.twilio.sms.create", ["to" => "XXXXXXXXX"])