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File metadata and controls

132 lines (93 loc) · 3.42 KB


To use Pinferencia's frontend with your model, there are some requirements of your model's predict function.


Currently, there are mainly two major catogory of the template's inputs and outputs. More (audio and video) will be supported in the future.

Base Templates

Template Input Output
Text to Text Text Text
Text to Image Text Image
Image to Text Image Text
Camera to Text Image Text
Image to Image Image Image
Camera to Image Image Image

Derived Templates

Template Input Output
Translation Text Text
Image Classification Image Text
Image Style Transfer Image Image


Based on the schema of the request, frontend end may parse the input into a list or simply a single string.

!!! info "Define Schema" About how to define schema of request and response, please visit How to Define the Schema of Request and Response of Your Service?

If you define your schema request as a list, for example, List[str], or simply list:

  1. The predict function must be able to accept a list of data as inputs.
  2. For text input, the input will be a list of strings.
  3. For image input, the input will be a list of strings representing the base64 encoded images.


  1. The predict function must be able to accept a single data as the input.
  2. For text input, the input will be a single string.
  3. For image input, the input will be a single string representing the base64 encoded image.


If you define your schema response as a list, for example, List[str], or simply list:

  1. The predict function must produce a list of data as outputs.
  2. For text output, the output must be a list.
  3. For image output, the output must be a list of strings representing the base64 encoded images.


  1. The predict function must produce a single data as the output.
  2. For text output, the output should be a single string.
  3. For image output, the output should be a single string representing the base64 encoded image.

!!! tip "Text Output"

The frontend will try to parse the text outputs into a table, a json or pure texts.

=== "Table"

    If the output is similar to below:

    ```json title="If the schema of the response is a list"
            {"a": 1, "b": 2},
            {"a": 3, "b": 4},
            {"a": 5, "b": 6}


    ```json title="If the schema of the response is a not list"
        {"a": 1, "b": 2},
        {"a": 3, "b": 4},
        {"a": 5, "b": 6}

    It will be displayed as a table.

=== "Text"

    If the output is similar to below:

    ```json title="If the schema of the response is a list"
        "Text output."

    ```json title="If the schema of the response is a not list"
    "Text output."

    It will be displayed as a text.

=== "JSON"

    All other format of outputs will be displayed as a JSON.

    For example,

            {"a": 1, "b": 2},


        "a": 1,
        "b": 2