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File metadata and controls

164 lines (126 loc) · 5.63 KB

Terraform context module

CI License: Apache 2.0

Terraform module for generating consistent names and tags.

This module is not tied to any specific cloud provider but has generally been used with Amazon Web Services to generate unique names and billing tags for infrastructure resources.

Getting started


Installation and usage

Add the following Terraform to your stack:

module "context" {
  source  = ""
  version = "0.3.0"

  organization = var.context.organization
  application  = var.context.application
  account      = var.context.account
  environment  = var.context.environment
  stack        = var.context.stack

variable "context" {
  description = "Single object for setting the entire context."

  type = object({
    organization = optional(string)
    application  = string
    account      = string
    environment  = optional(string)
    stack        = string

When using Terragrunt, you can use a generate block to create the context.

generate "context" {
  contents = <<EOF
module "context" { ... }
variable "context" { ... }

  if_exists = "overwrite"
  path      = ""

The outputs from the context module can be used to uniquely name and tag your infrastructure resources.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "assets" {
  bucket =
  tags   = merge(module.context.tags, var.tags)

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "api_token" {
  name  = join("/", [module.context.path, "API-TOKEN"])
  tags  = merge(module.context.tags, var.tags)
  type  = "SecureString"
  value = "CorrectHorseBatteryStaple"

Automate the composition of CLI commands and pass in the context as JSON, an apply command might look something like this:

TF_WORKSPACE=hyperglug_live_assets terraform apply \
  -lock="true" \
  -lock-timeout="1m" \
  -var='context={"organization":"honestempire","application":"hyperglug","account":"live","environment":"live","stack":"assets"}' \

With the examples above, the following names and tags are generated:

bucket_id = "hyperglug-live-assets"

bucket_tags = tomap({
  "Account"      = "live"
  "Application"  = "hyperglug"
  "Organization" = "honestempire"
  "Stack"        = "assets"
  "Environment"  = "live"

ssm_parameter_name = "/hyperglug/live/assets/API-TOKEN"


Name Description Type Default Required
account The name of the account. string n/a yes
application The name of the application. string n/a yes
environment The name of the environment. string n/a yes
organization The name of the organization. string n/a yes
stack The name of the stack. string n/a yes


Name Default Description
organization null The name of the organization.
application null The name of the application.
account null The name of the account.
environment null The name of the environment.
order ["application", "account", "environment", "stack"] Labels in the order they should be applied.
stack null The name of the stack.


The outputs have been separated into two tables, the first table contains the outputs that are most likely to be provided as inputs to other resources. The ID output is a hyphenated concatenation of the application, account, environment and stack inputs, and can be used for resource names, the path is slash-delimited, and can be used for SSM parameter prefixes, for example.

Name Description
id The disambiguated ID of the module.
path The disambiguated ID delimited with slashes.
tags The normalised map of tags.

The next table contains the outputs that are really just normalised versions of the input variables.

Name Description
organization The normalised name of the organization.
application The normalised name of the application.
account The normalised name of the account.
environment The normalised name of the environment.
stack The normalised name of the stack.


© 2021 Daniel Morris
Made available under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.