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File metadata and controls

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GMCP support of Webmud3

In UNItopia there is now more modules and messages supported, here now following the status:

by module/message


  • Core.Ping
    • Client=>MUD: Ping request from webmud3 menu to MUD
    • MUD=>Client: Response from MUD to client.
  • Core.Goodbye (Parameter "goodbye-message")
    • MUD=>Client: Logoff process in progress.
    • Webmud3 Client-Implementation missing for correct resource handling
  • Core.Hello
    • MUD=>Client: Core.Hello { "name": "UNItopia" }
    • Client=>MUD: Core.Hello { "client": "WebMud3","version":"v0.6" }
  • Core.Supports
    • MUD=>Client: Core.Supports.List ???
    • Client=>MUD: Core.Supports.Set [ "Char 1","Sound 1" ]
    • Client=>MUD: Core.Supports.Add [ "Char 1","Sound 1" ]
    • Client=>MUD: Core.Supports.Remove [ "Char 1","Sound 1" ]

Char (Chacter)

  • MUD=>Client: Char.Name { "name": "Leo", "fullname": "Leo, der Goetterbote", "gender": "maennlich" }
    • Sent by UNItopia once at logon (and on changes?)
    • Not shown/processed yet in WebMud3
  • MUD=>Client: Char.StatusVars { "race": "Rasse", "guild": "Gilde", "rank": "Gildenrang" }
    • Sent by UNItopia once at logon, defines naming conventoion for status
    • Not shown/processed yet in WebMud3
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Status { "race": "Mensch", "guild": "Bardengilde", "rank": "Bannsaenger" }
    • Sent by UNItopia on logon and on changes shows current Status of characer.
    • Not shown/processed yet in WebMud3
  • (?) MUD=>Client: Char.VitalsVars sent once on logon define shown vitals
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Vitals { "hp": 100, "maxhp": 150, "sp": "120", "maxsp": 120, "string": "AP:100/150 ZP:120/120" }
    • Sent by UNItopia on changes shows current vital values of characer.
    • Not shown/processed yet in WebMud3
  • (?) MUD=>Client: Char.StatsVars sent once on logon define shown Stats
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Stats { "str": 85, "int": 100, "con": 80, "dex": 98 }
    • Sent by UNItopia on changes shows current vital values of characer.
    • Not shown/processed yet in WebMud3
  • Client=MUD: Core.BrowserInfo (from webmud3-backend to Mud)
  • Client=>MUD: Char.Login
    • Concept: From a characterdashboard get jwt-Token from backend/dbus
    • Concept: user charactername plus token to sent via gmcp prior to logon.
    • Char.Login and getLoginToken to be implemented in UNItopia first.

Char.Items (Inventory of Character) V1 (imlemtend on unitopia side!)

  • MUD=>Client: Char.Items.List { "location": "inv", "items": [ { "name": "Ein Gummigoettchen", "category": "Nahrung" } ] }
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Items.Add { "location": "inv", "item": { "name": "Ein Gummigoettchen", "category": "Nahrung" } }
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Items.Remove { "location": "inv", "item": { "name": "Ein Gummigoettchen", "category": "Nahrung" } }
  • Client=>MUD: Char.Items.Inv request on partial refresh...

Char.Items (Inventory of Character) V2 (under design)

  • MUD=>Client: Char.Items.List { "location": "inv", "items": [ { "name": "Ein Gummigoettchen", "category": "Nahrung" } ] }
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Items.Add { "location": "inv", "item": { "name": "Ein Gummigoettchen", "category": "Nahrung" } }
  • MUD=>Client: Char.Items.Remove { "location": "inv", "item": { "name": "Ein Gummigoettchen", "category": "Nahrung" } }
  • Client=>MUD: Char.Items.Inv TODO: request on partial refresh or sub container...

Modul Numpad

  • MUD=>Client: Numpad.SendLevel { "prefix":"", "keys": { 'Numpad7': "nordwesten", ... }}
  • Client=>MUD: Numpad.Update( "prefix":"", "key":"Numpad7", "value": "nordwesten" } => numpad_update
  • Client=>MUD: Numpad.GetAll => numpad_send_all
  • Client=>MUD: Numpad.GetLevel { "prefix":"" } => numpad_send_level

Modul Sound

  • MUD=>Client: Sound.Url (base url to get alls ounds relative to this url for this mud)
  • MUD=>Client: Sound.Event (file:soundpath)

Module Input

  • Client=>MuD: Input.complete request input completion with proposal string
  • MUD=>Client: Input.CompleteText return full text
  • MUD=>Client: Input.CompleteChoice return choice if wiz level
  • MUD=>Client: Input.CompleteNone return no result

Module Files

  • MUD=>Client: Files.DirectoryList (init and on any change dir)
  • Client=>MUD: Files.ChDir change dir by client/click
  • Client=>MUD: Files.OpenFile open file for reading or editing
  • Mud=>Client: Files.url
  • Mud=>Client: Files.currentpath
  • Client=>MUD: Files.FileSaved => gmcp_edit_saved
  • Client=>MUD: Files.FileCanceled => gmcp_edit_drop_tempfile
  • gmcp_get_jwt/get_jwt(string filepath)
  • gmxp_send_files_url, gmcp_start_edit, uses_gmcp_edit

Module Room

  • MUD=>Client Room.Info(name,domain,exits)

Modul Comm

  • MUD=>Client: Comm.Say (player (source),text:msg)
  • MUD=>Client: Comm.Soul (player (source),text:msg)
  • MUD=>Client: Comm.Tell (player (source),text:msg)