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Planning: Roadmap

Eric Bollens edited this page Mar 7, 2015 · 18 revisions

This document is intended to lay out a roadmap of planned development work. We're always looking for people interested in jumping on board, so if you are, check out our development methodology and then jump on in!

Past brainstorming can be found in the previous version of this document and in our old feature brainstorm.


Version 1.0 Beta

  • Should return results not just ordered based on best match, but also on popularity and new-ness
  • Should present ideas and projects that relate to competencies a user has listed ("suggestions")
Idea and Project Management
  • Should be possible to assign founders for an idea
  • Should be possible to assign founders and admins to a project
  • Should be able to change the start date for ideas and projects
Project Quests
  • Project founders and admins should be able to create a project quest
  • A project quest should have a description, an estimate of resources needed and a description on how to contribute
  • Users should be able to volunteer for a project quest
  • Should be possible to change your "I Like" and "Would Support" preferences
  • When "Would Support" is picked, should be possible to say "With Funding" or "With Time", and an amount
  • Should be possible to comment on an idea (a discussion thread that appears at the bottom of an idea profile)
  • Should be possible for a person to request to join a project (including a statement about why they'd like to join, how they'd like to contribute and how much they can contribute)
  • Project admins should be able to manage join requests and add people to a project from them
  • Improve people interface to be more useful for browsing (such as filtering by organization or competency)
Idea -> Project Workflow
  • When an idea is ready to become a project, should be possible to press a button to spawn a project from it
Event Calendar
  • Should be possible to post an event that you're hosting
  • Should be possible to post co-organizers for the event
  • Should be possible to RSVP for an event (and for event organizers to view the RSVPs)
  • Should be possible to see what events a user RSVP'd for
  • Get permissions from IdPs on all campuses to release eduPersonPrincipalName, givenName, cn and mail
  • Configure shibboleth2.xml in chef-NeXt for federated Shibboleth
User Interface
  • Define and implement a look-and-feel for the site including masthead, content region and footer
  • Define common user interfaces such as typography, buttons, panels, forms and user-friendly selection boxes

Version 1.1

  • Provide badges from Travis CI, Code Climate, Gemnasium, Coveralls, RubyGems, NPM, PyPI, Bower, Scrutinizr and Semaphore for projects that utilize these services
  • Should be possible for a project coordinator to commend someone on a project
  • Should be possible for an RSVP'd person to commend an event
  • Should be possible to post a recommendation for someone on their profile (approved by that person)
  • People should receive badges when they're commended for projects/events
  • Add a leaderboard for ideas with the most interest over the past X days
  • Add leaderboards for people that have received commendations for projects and/or events
  • Determine strategy and implement analytics to study trends in ideation, idea -> project workflow, etc.
  • Split infrastructure into multiple servers as dictated by load:
    • Ruby app server
    • MySQL database server
    • Elasticsearch node(s)
Quality Assurance
  • Improve test coverage
  • Improve code quality metrics

Beyond Version 1.1

These tasks are still amorphous and not fully defined yet:

  • News
  • Forums
  • Community Timeline
  • Chat Rooms (or integration with something like Slack?)
  • Private Messaging
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