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Adventure Finder

This application is a NestJS-based command line utility that sends the current temperature of the Limmat river in Zurich along with an encouraging message in German to a specified WhatsApp number. The temperature data is fetched from HydroProWeb, and the encouraging message is generated using ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI.


  • Fetches the current water temperature of the Limmat river in Zurich.
  • Generates an encouraging message in German using ChatGPT.
  • Sends the combined message (temperature + encouraging message) to a specified WhatsApp number.

Setup and Installation


  • Node.js (Version 21 recommended)
  • A NestJS environment
  • An OpenAI API key for ChatGPT message generation
  • A WhatsApp number and a CallMeBot API key for message sending


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-name>
  2. Install Dependencies

    Run npm install to install the required packages.

  3. Set Environment Variables

    You need to set up the following environment variables:

    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key for accessing ChatGPT.
    • PHONE_NUMBERS: The WhatsApp numbers where the message will be sent (seperated by a comma).
    • CALL_ME_BOT_API_KEYS: Your CallMeBot API keys for sending WhatsApp messages (seperated by a comma).

    These can be set in a .env file in your project root or configured as secrets in your GitHub repository for GitHub Actions.

  4. Build the Project

    Compile the TypeScript source code to JavaScript using NestJS CLI:

    npm run build
  5. Run the Command

    Execute the command to send the WhatsApp message:

    npm run start:prod -- generate-ice-bath-message

GitHub Action: Automated Message Dispatch

The GitHub Action Run NestJS Command is configured to automate the execution of the generate-ice-bath-message command under certain conditions.

Trigger Conditions

  • On Push/Pull Request to Main Branch: The action is triggered whenever code is pushed to the main branch or a pull request is made against it.
  • Scheduled Runs: Additionally, the command is scheduled to run automatically at 09:00 UTC every day.

Jobs and Steps

  1. Checkout: The latest code is checked out from the main branch.
  2. Set up Node.js: Node.js is set up with the specified version (21), ensuring compatibility.
  3. Install Dependencies: All project dependencies are installed using npm ci for a clean installation.
  4. Build the Project: The project is built using npm run build, compiling the TypeScript code.
  5. Run NestJS Command: The generate-ice-bath-message command is executed with necessary environment variables (OPENAI_API_KEY, PHONE_NUMBERS, CALL_ME_BOT_API_KEYS) provided from the repository's secrets.

This GitHub Action ensures that the application can automatically send out messages based on the schedule or code updates, keeping the information flow automated and up-to-date.