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Catalyst | Node.js API

This is the repo for Not-Equal Catalyst's API. It is a ChowChow app, using node.js & express, written in TypeScript and deployed through Docker. It serves data from a redis database, which is put there by catalyst-trello-scraper.

What is Not-Equal Catalyst?

Table of Contents

What is this

This repo provides a http API to fetch projects from a redis cache which have been put there by unplatform/catalyst-trello-scraper. Cards are retrieved from a redis instances and are sent to the client as JSON. Lightweight analytics are written to a mongo database.

The endpoints follow a meta-data envelope, where data is the endpoint payload:

  "meta": {
    "success": true,
    "messages": [],
    "status": 200,
    "name": "@openlab/catalyst-node-api",
    "version": "0.2.0"
  "data": { "msg": "Hey!" }


This repo generates a Docker image which runs the node.js server on port 3000.

Here's an example with docker-compose:

version: '3'

    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3000:3000
      REDIS_URL: redis://your_redis_url
      MONGO_URL: mongodb://your_mongo_url
      LOG_LEVEL: info

Get the latest version

Environment variables

There are some required and some option environment variables, shown below.

Variable Description
WEB_URL required Where the web ui is, used to set cors headers
REDIS_URL required The connection details of the redis database
MONGO_URL required The connection details of the mongo database
LOG_LEVEL (optional) How much logging to generate
ENABLE_SOCKETS (optional) Enable the websocket analytics server

For information about LOG_LEVEL see chowchow-logger. Logs are written to /app/logs which is an internal volume by default, You can bind those logs to the host machine if you want.


There are 5 endpoints

Route Description
GET: / An endpoint to let you know everything is working
GET: /cards Retrieve cards from the redis database
GET: /labels Get the labels which can be filtered by
GET: /content Retrieve site config from the redis database
GET: /stats Get analytics stats about site usage

There are also development endpoints when NODE_ENV=development

Route Description
GET: /dev/errors Get errors that have happened in the webapp
GET: /dev/stats Get raw stats
GET: /dev/searches Get searches that have occured


The site uses sockets for anonymous analytics. A JSON payload is expected with a root level type which is used to route the socket to a handler. Any message with unknown type or incorrect body is silently ignored.

Type Description
echo A test socket which echo's back your body (sans type)
page_view Register a page was viewed, params: path
project_action Register an action on a project, params: project, link
client_error Tell the API about an error, params: message, stack
search_action Register a user search, params: search, filters



To develop on this repo you will need to have Docker and node.js installed on your dev machine and have an understanding of them. This guide assumes you have the repo checked out and are on macOS, but equivalent commands are available. You will also need a Trello account which is used to pull the data from.

You'll only need to follow this setup once for your dev machine.

# Install dependancies
npm install

# Setup your environment
cp .env.example .env

# Follow these instructions to get your Trello credentials

Regular use

These are the commands you'll regularly run to develop the API, in no particular order.

# Start up a redis instance seeded it with projects and mongo for analytics
# -> Run this in a new terminal tab
# -> Stop this with a Ctrl+C
# -> See `docker-compose.yml` for how it works
docker-compose up

# Run the API in development mode
# -> Runs the TypeScript directly with `ts-node` and loads the .env
# -> Uses `nodemon` to watch for changes, which will restart the app on save.
npm run dev

# Run unit tests
# -> Looks for files named `*.spec.ts` in the src directory
npm run test

Irregular use

These are commands you might need to run but probably won't, also in no particular order.

# Generate the table of contents for this readme
# -> It'll replace content between the toc-head and toc-tail HTML comments
npm run gen-readme-toc

# Manually lint code with TypeScript's `tsc`
npm run lint

# Manually format code
# -> This repo is setup to automatically format code on git-push
npm run prettier

# Manually transpile TypeScript to JavaScript
# -> This is part of the docker build which is triggered when deploying
# -> Writes files to dist, which is git-ignored
npm run build

# Manually start code from transpilled JavaScript
# -> It'll automatically load your local .env
npm run start


All commits to this repo must follow Conventional Commits. This ensures changes are structured and means the can be automatically generated.

This standard is enforced through a commit-msg hook using yorkie.

Code Structure

Folder Contents
dist Where the transpilled JavaScript is built to
logs Where access and error logs are stored
node_modules Where npm's modules get installed into
src Where the code of the app is

Code formatting

This repo uses Prettier to automatically format code to a consistent standard. This works using the husky and lint-staged packages to automatically format code whenever you commit code. This means that code that is pushed to the repo is always formatted to a consistent standard.

You can manually run the formatter with npm run prettier if you want.

Prettier is slightly configured in .prettierrc.yml and also ignores files using .prettierignore.


This API is currently very simple and doesn't have any unit tests yet

This repo uses unit tests to ensure that everything is working correctly, guide development, avoid bad code and reduce defects. The Jest package is used to run unit tests. Tests are any file in src/ that end with .spec.ts, by convention they are inline with the source code, in a parallel folder called __tests__.

# Run the tests
npm test -s

# Generate code coverage
npm run coverage -s


Building the image

This repo uses a GitLab CI to build a Docker image when you push a git tag. This is designed to be used with the npm version command so all docker images are semantically versioned. The :latest docker tag is not used.

This job runs using the .gitlab-ci.yml file which runs a docker build using the Dockerfile and only runs when you push a tag.

It pushes these docker images to the GitLab registry of the repo. A slight nuance is that it will replace a preceding v in tag names, formatting v1.0.0 to 1.0.0.

# Generate a new release
# -> Generates a new version based on the commits since the last version
# -> Generates the based on those commits
# -> There is a "preversion" script to lint & run tests
npm run release

# Push the new version
# -> The GitLab CI will build a new docker image for it
git push --follow-tags

Future work

  • n/a