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vue-router(v4.0.6)之 createWebHashHistory, createWebHistory和 createMemoryHistory 实现简析 #1

unproductive-wanyicheng opened this issue Apr 27, 2021 · 0 comments


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unproductive-wanyicheng commented Apr 27, 2021

我们先看下大概的实现 createWebHashHistory:

    * Creates a hash history. Useful for web applications with no host (e.g.
    * `file://`) or when configuring a server to handle any URL is not possible.
    * @param base - optional base to provide. Defaults to `location.pathname +
    *` If there is a `<base>` tag in the `head`, its value will be
    * ignored in favor of this parameter **but note it affects all the
    * history.pushState() calls**, meaning that if you use a `<base>` tag, it's
    * `href` value **has to match this parameter** (ignoring anything after the
    * `#`).
    * @example
    * ```js
    * // at
    * createWebHashHistory() // gives a url of ``
    * createWebHashHistory('/folder/') // gives a url of ``
    * // if the `#` is provided in the base, it won't be added by `createWebHashHistory`
    * createWebHashHistory('/folder/#/app/') // gives a url of ``
    * // you should avoid doing this because it changes the original url and breaks copying urls
    * createWebHashHistory('/other-folder/') // gives a url of ``
    * // at file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html
    * // for locations with no `host`, the base is ignored
    * createWebHashHistory('/iAmIgnored') // gives a url of `file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html#`
    * ```
function createWebHashHistory(base) {
    // Make sure this implementation is fine in terms of encoding, specially for IE11
    // for `file://`, directly use the pathname and ignore the base
    // location.pathname contains an initial `/` even at the root: ``
    base = ? base || location.pathname + : '';
    // allow the user to provide a `#` in the middle: `/base/#/app`
    if (base.indexOf('#') < 0)
        base += '#';
    if (!base.endsWith('#/') && !base.endsWith('#')) {
        warn(`A hash base must end with a "#":\n"${base}" should be "${base.replace(/#.*$/, '#')}".`);
    return createWebHistory(base);

作者给出的注释里面描述了几种例子情况,很清晰的描述了对应情况产生的url,hash history模式下,正常情况尾部会追加一个 # 符号,得到格式化的 base 路径;
而这个经过hash化的 base 会传递给 createWebHistory ,也就是普通的 history 模式,2种模式归一成一种实现,只是参数 base 不同而已;而浏览器url中带有#符号也就是带有
hash路径的时候,我们改变hash url部分,不会引起浏览器去尝试加载对应的实际资源,但是我们可以通过添加事件来捕获这个变化,从而引发router-view组件的重新渲染,
接下来看 createWebHistory 的实现:

    * Creates an HTML5 history. Most common history for single page applications.
    * @param base -
function createWebHistory(base) {
    // 格式化base路径
    base = normalizeBase(base);
    // 创建router使用的包含 修改原生window的history属性的方法及属性集合 对象
    const historyNavigation = useHistoryStateNavigation(base);
    // 创建包含监听事件等属性方法的 historyListeners 对象
    const historyListeners = useHistoryListeners(base, historyNavigation.state, historyNavigation.location, historyNavigation.replace);
    // 模拟的go方法
    function go(delta, triggerListeners = true) {
        // 暂停触发state改变的监听者们
        if (!triggerListeners)
        // 调用有原生history的方法
    // 创建history对象
    const routerHistory = assign({
        // it's overridden right after
        // 当前url 浏览器中我们看到的是哪个url,除去下面的base部分后面的路径,剩下的部分就等于这个值 2者保持同步
        // 初始化的时候这个会被 historyNavigation 的location覆盖
        location: '',
        // pathname + [search] + [#]
        // 根据base和参数得到完整的href
        createHref: createHref.bind(null, base),
    }, historyNavigation, historyListeners);

    // historyNavigation.location和state都是 {value: xxx} 类型的包裹体
    Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'location', {
        get: () => historyNavigation.location.value,
    Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'state', {
        get: () => historyNavigation.state.value,

    return routerHistory;


1. normalizeBase
    * Normalizes a base by removing any trailing slash and reading the base tag if
    * present.
    * @param base - base to normalize
function normalizeBase(base) {
    if (!base) {
        if (isBrowser) {
            // respect <base> tag
            // 从html标签中取base值
            const baseEl = document.querySelector('base');
            base = (baseEl && baseEl.getAttribute('href')) || '/';
            // strip full URL origin
            // 去除 协议 和 host 部分
            base = base.replace(/^\w+:\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
        else {
            base = '/';
    // ensure leading slash when it was removed by the regex above avoid leading
    // slash with hash because the file could be read from the disk like file://
    // and the leading slash would cause problems
    // 不是 #/path/a 的情况下 path/a -> /path/a
    if (base[0] !== '/' && base[0] !== '#')
        base = '/' + base;
    // remove the trailing slash so all other method can just do `base + fullPath`
    // to build an href
    return removeTrailingSlash(base);

// 移除尾部的 /path/a/ -> /path/a 
const TRAILING_SLASH_RE = /\/$/;
const removeTrailingSlash = (path) => path.replace(TRAILING_SLASH_RE, '');
  1. useHistoryStateNavigation
function useHistoryStateNavigation(base) {
    const { history, location } = window;
    // private variables

    // 当前location的 url 我们通过router实例的push等操作修改url后 对应这个的value url 也会被修改 2者保持同步
    let currentLocation = {
        value: createCurrentLocation(base, location),

    // state对象包裹体
    let historyState = { value: history.state };
    // build current history entry as this is a fresh navigation
    // 新开始一个页面的时候 state初始为null
    if (!historyState.value) {
        // 设置 currentLocation 的state 初始值
        changeLocation(currentLocation.value, {
            // location栈中上一个location url
            back: null,
            // location栈中当前location url
            current: currentLocation.value,
            // state栈中下一个location url
            forward: null,
            // the length is off by one, we need to decrease it
            // 当前location在栈中所处位置
            position: history.length - 1,
            // 是否是重定向
            replaced: true,
            // don't add a scroll as the user may have an anchor and we want
            // scrollBehavior to be triggered without a saved position
            // 滚动位置信息
            scroll: null,
        }, true);
    function changeLocation(to, state, replace) {
    function replace(to, data) {
    function push(to, data) {
    return {
        location: currentLocation,
        state: historyState,

可以看到 useHistoryStateNavigation 主要得到了 location对象并完成初始化,state对象并完成初始化, 声明了2个外部方法。返回体包含4个属性。


    * Creates a normalized history location from a window.location object
    * @param location -
function createCurrentLocation(base, location) {
    const { pathname, search, hash } = location;
    // allows hash based url
    const hashPos = base.indexOf('#');
    if (hashPos > -1) {
        // prepend the starting slash to hash so the url starts with /#
        // 取出哈希路径 这个是哈希模式下需要的url
        let pathFromHash = hash.slice(1);
        if (pathFromHash[0] !== '/')
            pathFromHash = '/' + pathFromHash;
        return stripBase(pathFromHash, '');
    // history模式下需要的url 不过需要去除 base部分 因为base是公共部分 我们只关注 base之后的路径部分
    const path = stripBase(pathname, base);
    return path + search + hash;

    * Strips off the base from the beginning of a location.pathname in a non
    * case-sensitive way.
    * @param pathname - location.pathname
    * @param base - base to strip off
function stripBase(pathname, base) {
    // no base or base is not found at the beginning
    // base存在的话 必须要 目标pathname的0位置开始 也就是 startswith -1 或者 大于0 都无效
    if (!base || pathname.toLowerCase().indexOf(base.toLowerCase()))
        return pathname;
    return pathname.slice(base.length) || '/';

内部方法 changeLocation:

function changeLocation(to, state, replace) {
        * if a base tag is provided and we are on a normal domain, we have to
        * respect the provided `base` attribute because pushState() will use it and
        * potentially erase anything before the `#` like at
        * where a base of
        * `/folder/#` but a base of `/` would erase the `/folder/` section. If
        * there is no host, the `<base>` tag makes no sense and if there isn't a
        * base tag we can just use everything after the `#`.
    const hashIndex = base.indexOf('#');
    // hash模式下只取hash部分地址 
    const url = hashIndex > -1
        ? ( && document.querySelector('base')
            ? base
            : base.slice(hashIndex)) + to
        : createBaseLocation() + base + to;
    try {
        // BROWSER QUIRK
        // NOTE: Safari throws a SecurityError when calling this function 100 times in 30 seconds
        // 修改history的state 并且让浏览器url定位到我们设置的url上
        history[replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState'](state, '', url);
        // 同步state到我们的history
        historyState.value = state;
    catch (err) {
            warn('Error with push/replace State', err);
        // Force the navigation, this also resets the call count
        // 失败情况下的方案 同样可以修改url
        location[replace ? 'replace' : 'assign'](url);

// history模式下获取 协议+host
let createBaseLocation = () => location.protocol + '//' +;

可以看到 changeLocation(to, state, replace) 就是把参数中的值同步到window的history中 且修改浏览器的url,是对真实history的操作封装


function replace(to, data) {
    // 构建目标state 注意assign的参数顺序
    // {} 一个新对象
    // 当前history的state
    // 新的计算出来的state buildState(historyState.value.back, to, historyState.value.forward, true)
    // 传入的state data
    // 之前的滚动信息{ position: historyState.value.position }
    // 以上参数从后往前覆盖
    const state = assign({}, history.state, buildState(historyState.value.back, 
    // keep back and forward entries but override current position
    to, historyState.value.forward, true), data, { position: historyState.value.position });

    // 调用 changeLocation 重定向覆盖即可
    changeLocation(to, state, true);
    // 更新我们的 currentLocation 的 url值
    currentLocation.value = to;

    * Creates a state object
    * 返回一个新的state对象
function buildState(back, current, forward, replaced = false, computeScroll = false) {
    return {
        position: window.history.length,
        scroll: computeScroll ? computeScrollPosition() : null,

再看下 push:

function push(to, data) {
    // 注意 assign 的几个参数顺序
    // {}
    // 我们的 historyState.value
    // 浏览器的 history.state
    // 由于是push操作 这个state是要替换当前state的 所以设置它的forward值 同时还要计算当前的滚动信息 用于回退的时候使用位置信息 { forward: to, scroll: computeScrollPosition(),}

    // Add to current entry the information of where we are going
    // as well as saving the current position
    const currentState = assign({}, 
    // use current history state to gracefully handle a wrong call to
    // history.replaceState
    historyState.value, history.state, {
        forward: to,
        scroll: computeScrollPosition(),
    // 重定向时候的限制
    if (!history.state) {
        warn(`history.state seems to have been manually replaced without preserving the necessary values. Make sure to preserve existing history state if you are manually calling history.replaceState:\n\n` +
            `history.replaceState(history.state, '', url)\n\n` +
            `You can find more information at`);
    // 替换当前的state 因为它的信息更新了 注意第三个参数replace为true
    changeLocation(currentState.current, currentState, true);
    // 计算新的to state
    // 注意buildState的三个参数
    // 更新 position 历史栈+1
    // 加入传入的data
    const state = assign({}, buildState(currentLocation.value, to, null), { position: currentState.position + 1 }, data);
    // 调用 changeLocation
    changeLocation(to, state, false);
    // 更新我们的 currentLocation 的url值
    currentLocation.value = to;

总结一下 useHistoryStateNavigation 做的事情:把我们对浏览器地址的改变操作 映射到实际的浏览器history中 并做了一些操作封装

return {
    // 2个对象属性 由于是对象 被别人直接当做成参数使用的话 如果其他调用方有修改它们的value 会导致这里同步被修改
    location: currentLocation,
    state: historyState,
    // 对外暴露2个方法

再看 const historyListeners = useHistoryListeners(base, historyNavigation.state, historyNavigation.location, historyNavigation.replace) 的实现:

function useHistoryListeners(base, historyState, currentLocation, replace) {
    // 事件监听者集合
    let listeners = [];
    // 待执行的移除监听者闭包函数集合
    let teardowns = [];
    // TODO: should it be a stack? a Dict. Check if the popstate listener
    // can trigger twice
    // 暂停state监听者触发
    let pauseState = null;
    // 事件handler
    const popStateHandler = ({ state, }) => {
    // 暂停置位
    function pauseListeners() {
        pauseState = currentLocation.value;
    // 添加监听者
    function listen(callback) {
        // setup the listener and prepare teardown callbacks
        // 每个监听者对应一个销毁者 用户可以手动调用 单个 teardown
        const teardown = () => {
            const index = listeners.indexOf(callback);
            if (index > -1)
                listeners.splice(index, 1);
        return teardown;
    // 事件handler
    function beforeUnloadListener() {
        const { history } = window;
        if (!history.state)
        history.replaceState(assign({}, history.state, { scroll: computeScrollPosition() }), '');
    // 销毁所有资源
    function destroy() {
        for (const teardown of teardowns)
        teardowns = [];
        window.removeEventListener('popstate', popStateHandler);
        window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener);
    // setup the listeners and prepare teardown callbacks
    // 监听2个事件
    window.addEventListener('popstate', popStateHandler);
    window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener);
    // 对外暴露3个方法
    return {

来看下重点的 popStateHandler:
这是 MDN 对这个事件的定义:



const popStateHandler = ({ state, }) => {
    // 计算浏览器新地址 url
    const to = createCurrentLocation(base, location);
    // 我们的location url还是旧值
    const from = currentLocation.value;
    // 我们的旧state
    const fromState = historyState.value;
    let delta = 0;
    // 没有超出栈的底部的话 这个state就有值 到最底层后就是 null 了 需要replace一下
    if (state) {
        // 同步下值到我们的状态中
        currentLocation.value = to;
        historyState.value = state;
        // ignore the popstate and reset the pauseState
        // 暂停标志在这里起作用 对某个url设置了 暂停trigger话 后面就不执行了
        if (pauseState && pauseState === from) {
            pauseState = null;
        // 计算间隔
        delta = fromState ? state.position - fromState.position : 0;
    else {
    // console.log({ deltaFromCurrent })
    // Here we could also revert the navigation by calling history.go(-delta)
    // this listener will have to be adapted to not trigger again and to wait for the url
    // to be updated before triggering the listeners. Some kind of validation function would also
    // need to be passed to the listeners so the navigation can be accepted
    // call all listeners
    // trigger一下监听者们执行
    listeners.forEach(listener => {
        listener(currentLocation.value, from, {
            // 下面的参数都是字符 表示跳转方向
            type: NavigationType.pop,
            direction: delta
                ? delta > 0
                    ? NavigationDirection.forward
                    : NavigationDirection.back
                : NavigationDirection.unknown,

var NavigationType;
(function (NavigationType) {
    NavigationType["pop"] = "pop";
    NavigationType["push"] = "push";
})(NavigationType || (NavigationType = {}));
var NavigationDirection;
(function (NavigationDirection) {
    NavigationDirection["back"] = "back";
    NavigationDirection["forward"] = "forward";
    NavigationDirection["unknown"] = "";
})(NavigationDirection || (NavigationDirection = {}));

总结一下:useHistoryListeners 做的事情:主要监听popstate事件 来同步浏览器地址到我们的状态中
// 监听2个事件
window.addEventListener('popstate', popStateHandler);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadListener);
// 对外暴露3个方法
return {

然后再看下 go:

function go(delta, triggerListeners = true) {
    // 对应上文的暂停操作
    if (!triggerListeners)
    // 其实就是原生的go 不过我们在上面监听了popstate事件了已经

// 可以看到 createHref这个方法就是为了得到 去除#之前的字符的base + 目标地址location
// remove any character before the hash
const BEFORE_HASH_RE = /^[^#]+#/;
function createHref(base, location) {
    return base.replace(BEFORE_HASH_RE, '#') + location;


const routerHistory = assign({
    // it's overridden right after
    location: '',
    createHref: createHref.bind(null, base),
}, historyNavigation, historyListeners);

routerHistory =
location: '', // 初始值 会被下面的覆盖
base, // base路径值
go, // go方法
// 2个对象属性 由于是对象 被别人直接当做成参数使用的话 如果其他调用方有修改它们的value 会导致这里同步被修改
// 覆盖上面的
location: currentLocation,
state: historyState,
// 对外暴露的几个个方法

Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'location', {
get: () => historyNavigation.location.value,
Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'state', {
get: () => historyNavigation.state.value,

到此,createWebHashHistory 和 createWebHistory 的分析基本完成,它们主要是对base的格式化不同,内部实现中对浏览器url的取值截取部分也不同,其他整体逻辑基本相同。
都是内部自己维持 2个对象 location和history来维持对浏览器地址和history的抽象,然后把方法对自己对象的操作映射到实际的浏览器history中;同时都监听了popstate事件,通过截取不同的url和计算

另外,源码还有一部分关于 createMemoryHistory 的实现, 我们也顺便看一下:

const START = '';

    * Creates a in-memory based history. The main purpose of this history is to handle SSR. It starts in a special location that is nowhere.
    * It's up to the user to replace that location with the starter location by either calling `router.push` or `router.replace`.
    * @param base - Base applied to all urls, defaults to '/'
    * @returns a history object that can be passed to the router constructor

function createMemoryHistory(base = '') {
    let listeners = [];
    // 模拟的历史记录队列
    let queue = [START];
    // 模拟的url位置 从 0 开始 默认就有一个初始值
    let position = 0;
    function setLocation(location) {
        // 直接位置+1
        // 长度和位置相等 意味着 新push了一个进来 不然长度大1
        if (position === queue.length) {
            // we are at the end, we can simply append a new entry
        // 在中间位置上的push操作 会把当前位置上的后面的队列中的历史信息都清除 这符合history的对push操作的定义
        else {
            // we are in the middle, we remove everything from here in the queue
    // trigger更新观察者 分析同上面的2个模式
    function triggerListeners(to, from, { direction, delta }) {
        const info = {
            type: NavigationType.pop,
        for (let callback of listeners) {
            callback(to, from, info);
    // 构建类似上面的history的对象 方法都比较简单 分析同上
    const routerHistory = {
        // rewritten by Object.defineProperty
        location: START,
        state: {},
        createHref: createHref.bind(null, base),
        replace(to) {
            // remove current entry and decrement position
            queue.splice(position--, 1);
        push(to, data) {
        listen(callback) {
            return () => {
                const index = listeners.indexOf(callback);
                if (index > -1)
                    listeners.splice(index, 1);
        destroy() {
            listeners = [];
        go(delta, shouldTrigger = true) {
            const from = this.location;
            const direction = 
            // we are considering delta === 0 going forward, but in abstract mode
            // using 0 for the delta doesn't make sense like it does in html5 where
            // it reloads the page
            delta < 0 ? NavigationDirection.back : NavigationDirection.forward;
            position = Math.max(0, Math.min(position + delta, queue.length - 1));
            if (shouldTrigger) {
                triggerListeners(this.location, from, {
    Object.defineProperty(routerHistory, 'location', {
        get: () => queue[position],
    return routerHistory;



@unproductive-wanyicheng unproductive-wanyicheng changed the title 测试issue是否可以用来写博客 123 Apr 30, 2021
@unproductive-wanyicheng unproductive-wanyicheng changed the title 123 vue-router(v4.0.6)之 createWebHashHistory, createWebHistory和 createMemoryHistory 实现简析 Apr 30, 2021
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