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174 lines (121 loc) · 5.95 KB


File metadata and controls

174 lines (121 loc) · 5.95 KB


8.6.0+build.2 (17 January 2023)


  • Improve the client configuration parsing behavior. If absolutely no config is given, then set hosts to, which mirrors the elasticsearch8 client default behavior.

8.6.0 (11 Janary 2023)


  • Version bump elasticsearch8==8.6.0
  • Add Docker test environment for Elasticsearch 8.6.0


  • Docker test environment for 8.5.3 was still running Elasticsearch version 8.4.3. This has been corrected.

8.5.0 (11 January 2023)


  • Version bump elasticsearch8==8.5.3
  • Version bump certifi>=2022.12.7
  • Add Docker test env for Elasticsearch 8.5.3

8.1.0 (3 November 2022)

Breaking Changes

Yeah. I know. It's not semver, but I don't care. This is a needed improvement, and I'm the only one using this so far as I know, so it shouldn't affect anyone in a big way.

  • Builder now will not work unless you provide either a configdict or configfile. It will read and verify a YAML configfile if provided without needing to do any other steps now.

  • Builder.client_args is not a dictionary any more, but a subclass with regular attributes. Yes, you can get and set attributes however you like now:

    b = Builder(configdict=mydict, autoconnect=False)
    print('Provided hosts = %s' % b.client_args.hosts)
    b.client_args.hosts = ['https://sub.domain.tld:3456']
    print('Updated hosts = %s' % b.client_args.hosts)

    Yes, this will effectively change the entry for hosts and connect to it instead of whatever was provided. You can still get a full dict of the client args with Builder.client_args.asdict()

  • Builder.other_args (reading in other_settings from the config) now works the same as Builder.client_args. See the above for more info.


  • Add new classes ClientArgs and OtherArgs. Using classes like these make setting defaults, updates, and changes super simple. Now everything is an attribute! And it's still super simple to get a dict of settings back using ClientArgs.asdict() or OtherArgs.asdict(). This change makes it super simple to create this kind of object, override settings from a default or command-line options, and then export a configdict based on these objects to Builder, as you can see in the new sample script for overriding a config file with command-line settings.
  • Added sample CLI override capacity using click. This will make Curator and other projects easier. It's not even required, but a working example helps show the possibilities. You can run whatever you like with click, or stick with config files, or whatever floats your boat.
  • The above change also means pulling in click as a dependency.
  • Moved some methods out of Builder to be functions in es_client.helpers.utils instead.
  • Updated tests to work with all of these changes, and added new ones for new functions.

8.0.5 (28 October 2022)


  • Version bumped elasticsearch8 module to 8.4.3
  • Version bumped certifi module to 2022.9.24
  • Added Docker tests for Elasticsearch 8.4.3

8.0.4 (23 August 2022)


  • Hopefully the last niggling detail. Removed erroneous reference to AWS ES and boto3 compatibility from the description sent to PyPi.

8.0.3 (23 August 2022)


  • Added setup_requires section to setup.cfg. es_client doesn't _need_ to have setuptools to install.
  • Unpinned from top-level version of setuptools to allow anything greater than setuptools>=59.0.1 to fit with Curator's need for cx_Freeze, which can't currently use setuptools>60.10.0

8.0.2 (23 August 2022)


  • Several more doc fixes to make things work on

8.0.1 (23 August 2022)


  • Update test platform from ancient nose and UnitTest framework to use pytest. This also allows the client to run on Python 3.10.
  • Update README.rst so both GitHub and PyPi reflects what's in the documentation.

8.0.0 (22 August 2022)

New Features

  • Use elasticsearch8==8.3.3 library with this release.
  • Updated all APIs to reflect updated library usage patterns as many APIs have changed.
  • Native support for API keys
  • Native support for Cloud ID URL types
  • Updated tests for better coverage
  • Removed all AWS authentication as the elasticsearch8 library no longer connects to AWS ES instances.

1.1.1 (19 April 2018)


  • Disregard root-level keys other than elasticsearch in the supplied configuration dictionary. This makes it much easier to pass in a complete configuration and only extract the elasticsearch part.
  • Validate that a dictionary was passed, as opposed to other types.

1.1.0 (19 April 2018)

New Features

  • Add YAML configuration file reading capability so that part is included here, rather than having to be bolted on by the user later on.


  • Moved some of the utility functions to the Builder class as they were not needed outside the class. While this would be a semver breaking change, the library is young enough that I think it will be okay, and it doesn't break anything else.
  • Put the default Elasticsearch version min and max values in

1.0.1 (12 April 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • It was late, and I forgot to update to include subdirectories of es_client. This has been addressed in this release.

1.0.0 (11 April 2018)

Initial Release