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File metadata and controls

312 lines (235 loc) · 12.5 KB
  • Feature Name: security_advisories
  • Start Date: 2016-08-24
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)

Summary should offer an API to release security advisories for crates. Cargo should offer a new command for the same purpose and warn about vulnerable crate versions during compilation.


Keeping on top of security vulnerabilities for all dependencies of a typical Rust application is currently extremely hard, if not impossible. Particularly for Rust this task is relatively hard, since Rust's broader community prefers many single-purpose crates over larger "collections" of tools (like Boost in C++).

One might think that a regular cargo update may help in such situations. However, the application developer still does not know which updates were security updates, and which were not, and therefore doesn't know if a new release of their application is needed or not. cargo update doesn't even suffice to automatically recieve all security updates. Here's an example. Assume that:

  • There are two crates, A and B.
  • The latest version of B is 1.0.0, which is a complete rewrite and comes with an entirely new API. There are no bugfixes, but the API of 0.x became gradually more quirky, to a point that it had to be completely overhauled.
  • A depends on B = ^0.9.0, and did so before B = 1.0.0 was released. The author of A doesn't care about updating their code because why change a running system?
  • The author of B doesn't officially support 0.9 anymore. No bugfixes or security updates.

If there is now a security issue in all existing versions of B (including the 0.9 and 1.0 series), B will get a security patch. However, that patch will only be available for 1.0 as a backport is costly. The author of A is never notified that they were running a vulnerable version of B all the time, unless they take extra measures to keep themselves informed. Especially in open-source development (not sponsored by a multinational company) that is unlikely to be the case.

Cargo and other tooling that builds on top of the proposed new API for could alert crate users of their vulnerabilities, which in turn spurs them to update their dependencies accordingly. Even if that does not happen, the additional metadata at least makes it clear which crates are potentially dangerous to use and which ones not. This not only helps Rust programmers, but potentially also distributors (such as packagers of Linux distros) and end-users.

Detailed design

Similar to yanking, should provide an API that allows a user of Cargo to attach an arbitrary amount of so-called security advisories to crates they own.

Each advisory gets assigned an ID that is unique within the set of advisories for the affected crate. Every advisory should have a unique URL, for example<crate>/advisory/<id>, where <id> is the advisory's ID. On that URL a human-readable representation of the advisory should be stored.

Other pages on should link to those advisories prominently where appropriate.


cargo advisory

A command called advisory will be added to Cargo. Here is an excerpt of its help page:

$ cargo advisory --help
Generate and upload security advisories for the given or the current crate.

    cargo advisory [options] -- [<crate>]
    --filename PATH      The filename to use. Defaults to `./Advisory.toml`.
                         If `-` is given, generated advisories are printed to
                         stdout and advisories to upload are read from stdin.

    --vers VERSION       Versions to release this advisory for. Can be
                         specified multiple times. Only valid in conjunction
                         with --generate.

    --upload/--generate  Whether to upload or generate a advisory. The default
                         is to generate. These options are mutually exclusive.

Like yank it takes a --vers option, with two differences:

  • if a version is not specified, advisory will default to all existing versions.

  • Version ranges such as <1.2.6, >1.0.0 can be specified. This is comparable to the syntax used for specifying dependencies in the Cargo.toml, with the exception that x.y.z is not equivalent to ^x.y.z, but means the exact version.

Here's the workflow:

  1. The user invokes cargo advisory without the --upload option. Cargo will generate a file under filename. Cargo should abort if the file already exists. The content looks like this:

    package = "mypackage"
    versions = ["1.2.0", "1.2.3", "1.2.4", "1.2.5"]
    # It is strongly recommended to request a CVE, or alternatively a DWF, and
    # reference the assigned number here.
    # - CVE:
    # - DWF:
    dwf = []
    # dwf = ["CVE-YYYY-XXXX"]
    # dwf = ["CVE-YYYY-XXXX", "CVE-ZZZZ-WWWW"]
    # URL to a long-form description of this issue, e.g. a blogpost announcing
    # the release or a changelog entry (optional)
    url = false
    # Enter a short-form description of the vulnerability here. Preferrably a
    # single paragraph (required)
    description = """
  2. The user invokes cargo advisory --upload. Cargo verifies the passed file against the following rules:

    • the file exists and is valid TOML
    • When an optional key is false, this is semantically equivalent to it being omitted.
    • the description contains not only whitespace. More text than a paragraph should be allowed, but not necessarily recommended.
    • package exists on
    • versions is non-empty and only contains versions of package published on
    • dwf an array of strings. May be empty.

    If not, Cargo should print one or more error messages and exit.

  3. When the advisory is found to be valid, Cargo should print a summary, ask the user for confirmation and upload it to the package index. The vulnerability ID assigned by and optionally the corresponding URL should be printed to stdout.

The recommended workflow is to first file the advisory with cargo advisory, and then release the versions that contain the security fix.

Using vulnerable packages

  • cargo build and cargo install will emit a warning for each vulnerable package used, regardless of whether this package is already compiled, downloaded or otherwise cached, or whether it is a direct dependency or not:

    Downloading foo vx.y.z
    Downloading bar vx.y.z
    Warning: bar vx.y.z (dependency of foo vx.y.z) is vulnerable. See for details.
  • cargo publish will refuse to upload a crate if any version of a direct dependency satisfying the constraints in Cargo.toml is vulnerable. Indirect dependencies should not trigger this behavior.

    For example, if I have a dependency such as bar = "^1.2.3", this means publish should refuse to upload my crate even if bar=1.2.3 is not vulnerable, as another version satisfying that constraint may be.

The author of a crate that directly depends on a vulnerable crate may still use vulnerable packages using switch in their Cargo.toml. If iron==0.4.x has an advisory with the ID deadbeef, the dependent author may use the allow-vulnerable parameter to disable the warnings for build and install and the errors for publish due to this vulnerability:

iron = { version = "0.4", allow-vulnerable = ["deadbeef"] }

This only affects the warnings for deadbeef for the current crate. Cargo will still print warnings:

  • for other vulnerabilities. Each warning has to be explicitly disabled by appending its ID to that array.
  • if another package in the dependency graph uses a version of iron that has the deadbeef vulnerability, but does not have allow-vulnerable = ["deadbeef"] set.

Note that deadbeef represents the vulnerability ID assigned by, not a CVE or DWF ID. Cargo must reject nonexistent vulnerability IDs with a fatal error.


There is a risk that users will abuse this system to mark their versions as deprecated or to call out other kinds of critical bugs such as data loss. This would make the entire advisory system as semantically worthless.


Ability to mark versions as deprecated

The problem of people using unsupported versions that don't recieve security updates can be also mitigated by adding the ability to mark versions as unsupported. npm has this feature in the form of npm deprecate.

However, there's a big difference between a version being unsupported and a version actually having issues. People who use versions that are semver-incompatible with the latest one are usually aware that they should eventually update (and in fact there's already tooling to keep on top of that, such as cargo-outdated), but, like in the example in Motivation, don't yet have a good reason to do so. A security issue would be a good reason, but marking a package as deprecated does not imply that.

Extending yanking for security advisories

It has been proposed to extend the semantics of yanking such that it could be used for security advisories. While this alternative meets the popular aesthetic preference of having generic commands with a large variety of usecases (over single-purpose commands), using yanking this way has a few drawbacks:

  • Cargo doesn't allow yanked packages to be used in new packages. In the author's opinion, people who know what they're doing should be allowed to depend on vulnerable packages, as they might use the crate in a way that poses no security threat.

    Some vulnerabilities can be mitigated in ways other than upgrading a crate, like making local configuration changes. Some vulnerabilities may affect optional functionality not everyone is using, or functionality that can be compiled out by e.g. disabling certain cargo feature settings for that crate. Some may be relatively innocuous and/or hard-to-exploit and therefore not warrant an immediate upgrade. Sometimes no action (other than setting allow-vulnerable) is required at all because the dependent crate never used the vulnerable functionality to begin with.

    At the same time it doesn't make sense to depend on packages that don't compile, and currently yanking is primarily used to mark such packages.

  • Cargo doesn't give any advice about further procedure when yanking a package. I think in the context of security vulnerabilities this is very much needed, as few OSS maintainers are exposed to this problem regularly enough to know what they're doing.

  • Lastly, the data exposed via the would be a lot less structured. Automatic security notifications via third-party tooling would be impossible because there is no way to determine whether a package was yanked because of a security vulnerability or not.

Most of these problems can be fixed by asking the user to attach a "reason" to their yanked packages, such as security, deprecation, broken (and then make Cargo's behavior dependent on that). However, at that that point yank is no longer generic (as in a function having type parameters), but simply a lot of single-purpose commands stuffed into one (as in function overloading in Java). And the name "yank" wouldn't make sense for crate versions that may still be available (depending on the "reason").

Unresolved questions


  • It may be counterintuitive that one can specify CVEs in the DWF parameter. Should it be called cve instead even though it can also be used for DWFs?


  • CVEs are more popular
  • Applying for a CVE number is a manual process and requires review by a human. DWFs can be automatically managed assigned by

What to do if dwf = false

  • could apply for blocks of DWF IDs and automatically assign them if the user didn't specify one in the advisory.


  • Scoring vulnerabilities. Should a new field for the usage of CVSS be created?

Undoing an advisory

Should it be possible to undo an advisory?

Moderator intervention

Should moderators intervene if a crate is vulnerable but is not marked as vulnerable?

Commiting Advisory.toml

Should cargo new/init add Advisory.toml to .gitignore?