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460 lines (313 loc) · 15.1 KB


File metadata and controls

460 lines (313 loc) · 15.1 KB

Core API


You can use pyuploadcare in any Python project. You need to pass your project keys to Uploadcare client:

from pyuploadcare import Uploadcare
uploadcare = Uploadcare(
    public_key='<your public key>',
    secret_key='<your private key>'

Uploading files

Upload single file. File.upload method can accept file object or URL. Depending of file object size direct or multipart upload method will be chosen:

with open('file.txt', 'rb') as file_object:
    ucare_file: File = uploadcare.upload(file_object)

Upload file from url:

ucare_file: File = uploadcare.upload("")

Use upload_from_url or upload_from_url_sync to access additional parameters, such as check_duplicates and save_duplicates, when uploading from url:

file_from_url: FileFromUrl = uploadcare.upload_from_url(

ucare_file: File = uploadcare.upload_from_url_sync(

Upload multiple files. Direct upload method is used:

file1 = open('file1.txt', 'rb')
file2 = open('file2.txt', 'rb')
ucare_files: List[File] = uploadcare.upload_files([file1, file2])

Send single file via multipart upload:

with open('file.txt', 'rb') as file_object:
    ucare_file: File = uploadcare.upload(file_object)

Uploadcare.upload method accepts optional callback function to track uploading progress. Example of using callback function for printing progress:

>>> def print_progress(info: UploadProgress):
...     print(f'{info.done}/{} B')

>>> # multipart upload is used
>>> with open('big_file.jpg', 'rb') as fh:
...    uploadcare.upload(fh, callback=print_progress)
0/11000000 B
5242880/11000000 B
10485760/11000000 B
11000000/11000000 B

>>> # upload from url is used
>>> uploadcare.upload("", callback=print_progress)
32590/32590 B

>>> # direct upload is used. Callback is called just once after successful upload
>>> with open('small_file.jpg', 'rb') as fh:
...     uploadcare.upload(fh, callback=print_progress)
56780/56780 B

Manage files and file groups

Get a list of files:

files: FileList = uploadcare.list_files(stored=True, limit=10)
for file in files:

Get an existing file:

file: File = uploadcare.file("740e1b8c-1ad8-4324-b7ec-112c79d8eac2")

Store a single file:

file: File = uploadcare.file("740e1b8c-1ad8-4324-b7ec-112c79d8eac2")

Store multiple files:

files = [

Delete a single file:

file: File = uploadcare.file("740e1b8c-1ad8-4324-b7ec-112c79d8eac2")

Delete multiple files:

files = [

Create a file group:

file_1: File = uploadcare.file('6c5e9526-b0fe-4739-8975-72e8d5ee6342')
file_2: File = uploadcare.file('a771f854-c2cb-408a-8c36-71af77811f3b')
file_group: FileGroup = uploadcare.create_file_group([file_1, file_2])

Get a file group:

file_group: FileGroup = uploadcare.file_group('0513dda0-582f-447d-846f-096e5df9e2bb~2')

Stores all group's files:

file_group: FileGroup = uploadcare.file_group('0513dda0-582f-447d-846f-096e5df9e2bb~2')

List file groups:

file_groups: List[FileGroup] = uploadcare.list_file_groups(limit=10)
for file_group in file_groups:

Delete file groups:

file_group: FileGroup = uploadcare.file_group('0513dda0-582f-447d-846f-096e5df9e2bb~2')

To delete a file group and all the files it contains:

file_group: FileGroup = uploadcare.file_group('0513dda0-582f-447d-846f-096e5df9e2bb~2')

Get project info:

project_info: ProjectInfo = uploadcare.get_project_info()

Arbitrary file metadata

You can store some additional information for a file (metadata documentation). Access is organized in key-value manner. Metadata may be initially set while uploading:

custom_metadata = {
    "specific_key_1": "some_value_1",
    "specific_key_2": "constant_for_this_planet",
with open('file.txt', 'rb') as file_object:
    ucare_file: File = uploadcare.upload(file_object, metadata=custom_metadata)

While uploading multiple files at once you can set common metadata that will be applied for every file in collection:

file1 = open('file1.txt', 'rb')
file2 = open('file2.txt', 'rb')
ucare_files: List[File] = uploadcare.upload_files(
    [file1, file2],
# don't forget to close the files, of course

Value may be set by key:

md_key, md_value = "new_key_for_filemeta", "obvious_value"
uploadcare.metadata_api.update_or_create_key(file_id, md_key, md_value)

Value may be deleted by key:

uploadcare.metadata_api.delete_key(file_id, mkey=md_key)

Value may be retrieved by key:

meta_value = uploadcare.metadata_api.get_key(file_id, mkey=md_key)

Or the whole metadata may be got at once:

file_metadata = uploadcare.metadata_api.get_all_metadata(file_id)

But you should better use a special attribute of

file_metadata =["metadata"]

Video conversion

Uploadcare can encode video files from all popular formats, adjust their quality, format and dimensions, cut out a video fragment, and generate thumbnails via REST API.

After each video file upload you obtain a file identifier in UUID format. Then you can use this file identifier to convert your video in multiple ways:

file = uploadcare.file('740e1b8c-1ad8-4324-b7ec-112c79d8eac2')
transformation = (
        .size(width=640, height=480, resize_mode=ResizeMode.add_padding)
        .cut(start_time='2:30.535', length='2:20.0')
converted_file: File = file.convert(transformation)

or you can use API directly to convert single or multiple files:

transformation = VideoTransformation().format(VideoFormat.webm).thumbs(2)
paths: List[str] = [

response = uploadcare.video_convert_api.convert(paths)
video_convert_info = response.result[0]
converted_file = uploadcare.file(video_convert_info.uuid)

video_convert_status = uploadcare.video_convert_api.status(video_convert_info.token)

Document Conversion

Uploadcare allows converting documents to the following target formats: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, odt, ods, rtf, txt, pdf, jpg, png. Document Conversion works via our REST API.

After each document file upload you obtain a file identifier in UUID format. Then you can use this file identifier to convert your document to a new format:

file = uploadcare.file('0e1cac48-1296-417f-9e7f-9bf13e330dcf')
transformation = DocumentTransformation().format(DocumentFormat.pdf)
converted_file: File = file.convert(transformation)

or create an image of a particular page (if using image format):

file = uploadcare.file('5dddafa0-a742-4a51-ac40-ae491201ff97')
transformation = DocumentTransformation().format(DocumentFormat.png).page(1)
converted_file: File = file.convert(transformation)

or create a file group of converted pages of a multipage document:

file = uploadcare.file('0e1cac48-1296-417f-9e7f-9bf13e330dcf')
transformation = DocumentTransformation().format(DocumentFormat.jpg)
file.convert(transformation, save_in_group=True)
converted_group: FileGroup = file.get_converted_document_group(DocumentFormat.jpg)

or you can use API directly to convert single or multiple files:

transformation = DocumentTransformation().format(DocumentFormat.pdf)

paths: List[str] = [

response = uploadcare.document_convert_api.convert([path])
document_convert_info = response.result[0]
converted_file = uploadcare.file(document_convert_info.uuid)

document_convert_status = uploadcare.document_convert_api.status(document_convert_info.token)

File actions (addons)

To perform operation provided by addon you need to select the file and to set parameters of execution. Parameters are always specified by particular addon. For example, AWS Rekognition addon has no params to setup:

from pyuploadcare.api.addon_entities import AddonRemoveBGExecutionParams
remove_bg_params = AddonRemoveBGExecutionParams(

from pyuploadcare.api.addon_entities import AddonClamAVExecutionParams
clamav_params = AddonClamAVExecutionParams(purge_infected=True)

To execute addon call an API execute method with the file and parameters:

target_file = uploadcare.file("59fccca5-3af7-462f-905b-ed7de83b9762")
# params - from previous step
remove_bg_result = uploadcare.addons_api.execute(

aws_recognition_result = uploadcare.addons_api.execute(

aws_moderation_result = uploadcare.addons_api.execute(

clamav_result = uploadcare.addons_api.execute(

Each of these *_result objects contains not the result of operation itself, but request_id of invoked task, so we can check the state of execution. To check status of performed task use status method:

addon_task_status = uploadcare.addons_api.status(request_id, addon)

If addon execution produces new data for file (like an AWS recognition does), this data will be placed at appdata complex attribute of (see addons documentation):



Create a webhook:

webhook: Webhook = uploadcare.create_webhook("https://path/to/webhook")

Create a webhook with a signing secret:

webhook = uploadcare.create_webhook(

List webhooks:

webhooks: List[Webhook] = list(uploadcare.list_webhooks(limit=10))

Update a webhook:

webhook: Webhook = uploadcare.update_webhook(webhook_id, is_active=False)

Update a webhook's signing secret:

webhook: Webhook = uploadcare.update_webhook(webhook_id, signing_secret="7kMVZivndx0ErgvhRKAr")

Delete a webhook:


Secure delivery

You can use your own custom domain and CDN provider for deliver files with authenticated URLs (see original documentation).

Generate secure URL for file:

from pyuploadcare import Uploadcare
from pyuploadcare.secure_url import AkamaiSecureUrlBuilderWithAclToken

secure_url_bulder = AkamaiSecureUrlBuilderWithAclToken(
    "<your cdn>",
    "<your secret for token generation>"

uploadcare = Uploadcare(
    public_key='<your public key>',
    secret_key='<your private key>',

secure_url = uploadcare.generate_secure_url('52da3bfc-7cd8-4861-8b05-126fef7a6994')

Generate just the token:

token = uploadcare.get_secure_url_token('52da3bfc-7cd8-4861-8b05-126fef7a6994')

Generate secure URL for file with transformations:

secure_url = uploadcare.generate_secure_url(

Generate secure URL for file, with the same signature valid for its transformations:

secure_url = uploadcare.generate_secure_url(

Generate secure URL for file by its URL (please notice the usage of a different builder class):

from pyuploadcare import Uploadcare
from pyuploadcare.secure_url import AkamaiSecureUrlBuilderWithUrlToken

secure_url_bulder = AkamaiSecureUrlBuilderWithUrlToken(
    "<your cdn>",
    "<your secret for token generation>"

uploadcare = Uploadcare(
    public_key='<your public key>',
    secret_key='<your private key>',

secure_url = uploadcare.generate_secure_url(

Image processing

Uploadcare allows to apply image transformations to files. File.cdn_url attribute returns CDN url:

>>> file_ = File('a771f854-c2cb-408a-8c36-71af77811f3b')
>>> file_.cdn_url

You can set default effects by string:

>>> file_.set_effects('effect/flip/-/effect/mirror/')
>>> file_.cdn_url

or by image transformation builder:

>>> file_.set_effects(ImageTransformation().grayscale().flip())
>>> file_.cdn_url

To check out the list of available transformations, please refer to the URL API reference and to ImageTransformation class source code.

Useful links