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Generating API Documentation

You can use Doctor to generate Sphinx documentation for your API. It will introspect the list of routes for your Flask app, and will use the values from your schema to generate a list of parameters for those routes.

For example, to generate API documentation for the example Flask app, you would add to the extensions list in Sphinx's file:

extensions = [

You'll also need to import and instantiate in

from import AutoFlaskHarness
autoflask_harness = AutoFlaskHarness(

This harness class provides setup and teardown handlers that are used to load your Flask application. The documentation directives use the harness to introspect and make mock requests against your app. If you have custom setup and teardown steps that you would like to take (such as loading fixtures into a database), you can subclass it and customize it. Take a look at for a list of the hooks that are available.

If you are adding extra logic to the harness and subclassing, make note of the signature of The sphinx_app parameter is not the Flask application. To access the Flask application object, use e.g.

from import AutoFlaskHarness
from myapp import db
class MyCustomHarness(AutoFlaskHarness):
    def setup_app(self, sphinx_app):
        super(MyCustomHarness, self).setup_app(sphinx_app)
            db.init_app( # initialize sqlalchemy db extension

Then, add an autoflask directive to one of your rst files:

API Documentation

.. autoflask::

When you run Sphinx, it will render documentation like this:

You can specify a heading to group together related api routes when generating api documentation. To do this, simply pass a value to the heading kwarg when defining your Route.

from doctor.routing import delete, get, put, post, Route

routes = (
    Route('/', methods=(
        get(status, title='Show API Version'),), heading='API Status'),
    Route('/note/', methods=(
        get(get_notes, title='Get Notes'),
        post(create_note, title='Create Note'), heading='Notes')
    Route('/note/<int:note_id>/', methods=(
        delete(delete_note, title='Delete Note'),
        get(get_note, title='Get Note'),
        put(update_note, title='Update Note'), heading='Notes')

Customizing API Endpoint Headings

You can specify a short title when creating the routes which will show up as a sub link below the group heading. To do this, pass a value to title kwarg when defining your http methods for a route. If a title is not provided, one will be generated based on the http method. The automatic title will be one of Retrieve, Delete, Create, or Update.

from doctor.routing import delete, get, put, post, Route

routes = (
    Route('/', methods=(
        get(status, title='Show API Version'),)),
    Route('/note/', methods=(
        get(get_notes, title='Get Notes'),
        post(create_note, title='Create Note'))
    Route('/note/<int:note_id>/', methods=(
        delete(delete_note, title='Delete Note'),
        get(get_note, title='Get Note'),
        put(update_note, title='Update Note'))

Overriding Example Values For Specific Endpoints

By default doctor will use the example value you specified on your custom type or if one wasn't given, the default example for the subclass of your type. Sometimes you need to set a very specific value for a parameter in a request when generating documentation. doctor supports this behavior by using This method allows you to override parameters on a per request basis. To do this subclass the and override the method. Then you can define example values for a particular route and method.

from import AutoFlaskHarness

class MyHarness(AutoFlaskHarness):
    def setup_app(self, sphinx_app):
        super(MyHarness, self).setup_app(sphinx_app)
        self.define_example_values('GET', '^/foo/bar/?$', {'foobar': 1})

The above code sample will change the parameters sent when sending a GET request to /foo/bar when generating documentation for that route. You can call this method for as many routes as you need to provide custom parameters.

Remember if you create your own harness you'll need to update the harness class that you instantiate in


For a flask api the 2nd parameter passed to is the route pattern as a string. e.g. /foo/bar/.

Documenting and Sending Headers on Requests

If you need to pass header values for a request you can define them in two ways.

The first method will add the header to all requests when generating documentation. An example where this may be useful is an Authorization header. To add this simply define a headers dict on your harness. If you would like to provide a definition in the documentation for the header, also define a header_definitions dict where the header key matches the header you wish to document.

from import AutoFlaskHarness

class MyHarness(AutoFlaskHarness):
    headers = {'Authorization': 'testtoken'}
    header_definitions = {
        'Authorization': 'The auth token for the authenticated user.'}

    def setup_app(self, sphinx_app):
        super(MyHarness, self).setup_app(sphinx_app)

If you need to define a header for a specific route and method you can set those up in your harness using

from import AutoFlaskHarness

class MyHarness(AutoFlaskHarness):
    headers = {'Authorization': 'testtoken'}
    header_definitions = {
        'Authorization': 'The auth token for the authenticated user.',
        'X-GeoIp-Country': 'An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.'}

    def setup_app(self, sphinx_app):
        super(MyHarness, self).setup_app(sphinx_app)
        self.define_header_values('GET', '/foo/bar/', {'X-GeoIp-Country': 'US'})

The above harness will send the Authorization header on all requests and will additionally send the X-GeoIp-Country header on a GET request to /foo/bar/.

Module Documentation