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Avatax Client

Pure Scala library for interaction with Avatax APIs.

Project is split into following modules:

  • core - Zero-dependency project - Scala ADT of data transfer objects. Based on docs & official sdk.
  • client - client interface
  • client-akka - akka-http + play-json client for AvaTax
  • client-pekko - pekko-http + play-json client for AvaTax
  • play-json - formats and derivation for AvaTax data types


Add following to your build.sbt

  • akka
Global / resolvers += Resolver.url("upstartcommerce", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

libraryDependencies += "org.upstartcommerce" %% "avataxsdk-client-akka" % "0.1.0" // or whatever latest version is
  • pekko
Global / resolvers += Resolver.url("upstartcommerce", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

libraryDependencies += "org.upstartcommerce" %% "avataxsdk-client-pekko" % "0.1.0" // or whatever latest version is
  • core/data model only
Global / resolvers += Resolver.url("upstartcommerce", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

libraryDependencies += "org.upstartcommerce" %% "avataxsdk-core" % "0.1.0"


Basic usage is:

  implicit val sys: ActorSystem       = ActorSystem()
  implicit val mat: Materializer      = Materializer(sys)
  val client = AkkaAvataxClient(...) // or PekkoAvataxClient

  /** request a result  */
  val valid = client.taxRates.byPostalCode("US", "35802")
  val invalid = client.taxRates.byPostalCode("USUS", "123123123123")
  val req:Future[Either[ErrorInfo, TaxRateModel]]  = invalid().map(Right.apply).recover {
    case AvataxException(ErrorResult(Some(e))) => Left(e)

  /** stream by batch sizes of 50 */
  val streamReq = client.definitions.listCurrencies(FiltrableQueryOptions().withTop(50)).stream
  streamReq.runForeach(x => println(x))

See example subproject for more examples.

There is a good reference for data model here

Please avoid blocking (awaiting) on futures from this api.


First full compilation will take a long time (+-10minutes) due to huge amount of api surface area - data types available, for which json has to be derived. Followup incremental compilations should be fast.