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Building a Model

To modify a simulation, you create a Keras model that will be executed at each step (or some multiple of steps) during the simulation. See the :ref:`running` to see how to train your model instead, though these instructions still apply.

To begin subclass a :py:class:`.SimModel` class:

import hoomd.htf as htf
class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
  def compute(self, nlist, positions, box):
    return forces, other, important, quantities

model = MyModel(NN, output_forces=True)

where NN is the maximum number of nearest neighbors to consider (can be 0). This is an upper-bound, so choose a large number. If you are unsure, you can guess and add check_nlist = True to your constructor. This will cause the program to halt if you choose too low. output_forces indicates if the model will output forces to use in the simulation. In the :py:meth:`.SimModel.compute` function you will have three tensors that can be used:nlist, positions, box:

  • nlist is an N x NN x 4 tensor containing the nearest neighbors. An entry of all zeros indicates that less than NN nearest neighbors where present for a particular particle. The 4 right-most dimensions are x,y,z and w, which is the particle type. Particle type is an integer starting at 0. Note that the x,y,z values are a vector originating at the particle and ending at its neighbor.
  • positions is an N x 4 tensor of particle positions (x,y,z) and type.
  • box is a 3x3 tensor containing the low box coordinate (row 0), high box coordinate (row 1), and then tilt factors (row 2).

Your function can use fewer tensors, like compute(self, nlist) if desired.

Keras Model

Your models are Keras Models so that all the usual process of building layers, saving, and computing metrics apply. For example, here is a two hidden layer neural network force-field that uses the 8 nearest neighbors to compute forces.

class NlistNN(htf.SimModel):
    def setup(self, dim, top_neighs):
        self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Layer(dim)
        self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Layer(dim)
        self.last = tf.keras.layers.Layer(1)
        self.top_neighs = top_neighs

    def compute(self, nlist):
        rinv = htf.nlist_rinv(nlist)
        # closest neighbors have largest value in 1/r, take top
        top_n = tf.sort(rinv, axis=1, direction='DESCENDING')[
            :, :self.top_neighs]
        # run through NN
        x = self.dense1(top_n)
        x = self.dense2(x)
        energy = self.last(x)
        forces = htf.compute_nlist_forces(nlist, energy)
        return forces
model = NlistNN(64, dim=16, top_neighs=8)

The 64 is the nlist size, dim is the hidden layer dimension, and top_neighs is how many neighbors to consider. Refer to the Keras documentation to learn more about models.

Molecule Batching

It may be simpler to have positions or neighbor lists or forces arranged by molecule. For example, you may want to look at only a particular bond or subset of atoms in a molecule. To do this, you can instead subclass :py:class:`.MolSimModel`:

import hoomd.htf as htf
class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
  def mol_compute(self, nlist, positions, mol_nlist, mol_pos, box):
    return forces, other, important, quantities

model = MyModel(MN, NN, mol_indices)

whose argument MN is the maximum number of atoms in a molecule and mol_indices describes the molecules in your system as a list of atom indices. This can be created directly from a hoomd system via :py:func:`.find_molecules`. The mol_indices are a, possibly ragged, 2D python list where each element in the list is a list of atom indices for a molecule. For example, [[0,1], [1]] means that there are two molecules with the first containing atoms 0 and 1 and the second containing atom 1. Note that the molecules can be different size and atoms can exist in multiple molecules.

mol_compute has the following additional arguments: mol_positions and mol_nlist. These new attributes are dimension M x MN x ... where M is the number of molecules and MN is the atom index within the molecule. If your molecule has fewer than MN atoms, extra entries will be zeros. You can define a molecule to be whatever you want, and atoms need not be only in one molecule. Here's an example to compute a water angle, where we assume that the oxygens are the middle atom:

import hoomd.htf as htf

class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
  def mol_compute(self, nlist, positions, mol_nlist, mol_pos):
        # want slice for all molecules (:)
        # want h1 (0), o (1), h2(2)
        # positions are x,y,z,w. We only want x,y z (:3)
        v1 = mol_pos[:, 2, :3] - mol_pos[:, 1, :3]
        v2 = mol_pos[:, 0, :3] - mol_pos[:, 1, :3]
        # compute per-molecule dot product and divide by per molecule norm
        c = tf.einsum('ij,ij->i', v1, v2) / tf.norm(v1, axis=1) / tf.norm(v2 axis=1)
        angles = tf.math.acos(c)
    return angles

# ...set-up hoomd...
mol_indices = htf.find_molecules(hoomd_system)
model = MyModel(3, 128, mol_indices, output_forces=False)

Computing Forces

If your graph is outputting forces, they must be the first return value from your compute method. It is easiest to compute forces using the automatic differentiation of a potential energy. Call :py:func:`.compute_nlist_forces` with the argument nlist and energy. energy can be either a scalar or a tensor which depends on nlist. A tensor of forces will be returned as \sum_i(\frac{-\partial E} {\partial n_i}), where the sum is over the neighbor list. For example, to compute a 1 / r potential:

import hoomd.htf as htf
class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
  def compute(self, nlist, positions):
    #remove w since we don't care about types
    r = tf.norm(nlist[:, :, :3], axis=2)
    pairwise_energy = 0.5 * tf.math.divide_no_nan(1, r)
    # sum over neighbors
    energy = tf.reduce_sum(pairwise_energy, axis = 1)
    forces = htf.compute_nlist_forces(nlist, energy)
    return forces

Notice that in the above example that we have used the tf.math.divide_no_nan method, which allows us to safely treat a 1 / 0, which can arise because nlist contains 0s for when fewer than NN nearest neighbors are found.

There is also a method :py:func:`.compute_positions_forces` which can be used to compute position dependent forces.

Note: because nlist is a full neighbor list, you should divide by 2 if your energy is a sum of pairwise energies.

Neighbor lists

The nlist is an N x NN x 4 neighbor list tensor. You can compute a masked versions of this with :py:func:`.masked_nlist` via masked_nlist(nlist, type_tensor, type_i, type_j) where type_i and type_j are optional integers that specify the type of the origin (type_i) or neighbor (type_j). type_tensor is positions[:,3] or your own types can be chosen. You can also use :py:func:`.nlist_rinv` which gives a pre-computed 1 / r (dimension N x NN).


A virial term can be added by doing the following extra steps:

  1. Compute virial with your forces :py:func:`.compute_nlist_forces` by adding the virial=True arg.
  2. Add the modify_virial=True argument to your model constructor

Mapped quantities

If mapped quantities are desired for coarse-graining while running a simulation, you can call :py:meth:`.tfcompute.enable_mapped_nlist` to utilize hoomd to compute fast neigbhor lists. The model code can then use :py:meth:`.SimModel.mapped_nlist` and :py:meth:`.SimModel.mapped_positions` to access mapped nlist and positions. An example:

import hoomd.htf as htf
class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
  def compute(self, nlist, positions, forces):
    aa_nlist, mapped_nlist = self.mapped_nlist(nlist)
    aa_pos, mapped_pos = self.mapped_positions(positions)

Call :py:meth:`.tfcompute.enable_mapped_nlist` prior to running the simulation.

Model Saving and Loading

To save a model:

Because these models do not use standard Keras objects, to reload a model you must first use your python code to build the model and then load weights into from a file like so:

tmp_loaded_model = tf.keras.load_model('/path/to/model')
model = MyModel(16, output_forces=True)

Complete Examples

The file htf/test-py/ contains example models

Lennard-Jones with 1 Particle Type

class LJModel(htf.SimModel):
    def compute(self, nlist):
        # get r
        rinv = htf.nlist_rinv(nlist)
        inv_r6 = rinv**6
        # pairwise energy. Double count -> divide by 2
        p_energy = 4.0 / 2.0 * (inv_r6 * inv_r6 - inv_r6)
        # sum over pairwise energy
        energy = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=p_energy, axis=1)
        forces = htf.compute_nlist_forces(nlist, energy)
        return forces