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File metadata and controls

243 lines (186 loc) · 8.48 KB


Default builder type: CloudStack VMware (OVA), CloudStack KVM (QCOW2) or CloudStack Citrix Xen (VHD)

Require Cloud Account: Yes

The CloudStack builder provides information for building and publishing the machine image to the CloudStack cloud platform. This builder supports KVM (CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)), Xen (CloudStack Citrix Xen (VHD)) or VMware (CloudStack VMware (OVA)) based images for CloudStack. These builder types are the default names provided by UForge AppCenter.


These builder type names can be changed by your UForge administrator. To get the available builder types, please refer to :ref:`command-line-format`

The CloudStack builder requires cloud account information to upload and register the machine image to the CloudStack platform.

The CloudStack builder section has the following definition when using YAML:

- type: CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)
  # the rest of the definition goes here.

If you are using JSON:

  "builders": [
      "type": "CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)",
      ...the rest of the definition goes here.

Building a Machine Image

For building an image, the valid keys are:

  • type (mandatory): a string providing the machine image type to build. Default builder type for CloudStack: CloudStack VMware (OVA), CloudStack KVM (QCOW2) or CloudStack Citrix Xen (VHD). To get the available builder type, please refer to :ref:`command-line-format`
  • hardwareSettings (mandatory): an object providing hardware settings to be used for the machine image. If an OVF machine image is being built, then the hardware settings are mandatory. The following valid keys for hardware settings are:
  • memory (mandatory): an integer providing the amount of RAM to provide to an instance provisioned from the machine image (in MB).
  • installation (optional): an object providing low-level installation or first boot options. These override any installation options in the :ref:`template-stack` section. The following valid keys for installation are: * diskSize (mandatory): an integer providing the disk size of the machine image to create. Note, this overrides any disk size information in the stack. This cannot be used if an advanced partitioning table is defined in the stack.


When building from a scan, your yaml or json file must contain an installation section in builders. This is mandatory when you create a new template, but might be missing when you build from a scan. Make sure it is present or your build will fail.

Publishing a Machine Image

To publish an image, the valid keys are:

  • type (mandatory): a string providing the machine image type to build. Default builder type for CloudStack: CloudStack VMware (OVA), CloudStack KVM (QCOW2) or CloudStack Citrix Xen (VHD). To get the available builder type, please refer to :ref:`command-line-format`
  • account (mandatory): an object providing the CloudStack cloud account information required to publish the built machine image.
  • imageName (mandatory): a string providing the displayed name of the machine image.
  • zone (mandatory): a string providing the zone to publish the machine image.
  • description (mandatory): a string providing a description of what the machine image does.
  • publicImage (optional): a boolean flag to determine in the machine image is to be public.
  • featured (optional): a boolean flag to determine in the machine image is to be "featured".

CloudStack Cloud Account

Key: account Used to authenticate the CloudStack platform.

The CloudStack cloud account has the following valid keys:

  • type (mandatory): a string providing the cloud account type. Default platform type for CloudStack is CloudStack. To get the available platform type, please refer to :ref:`command-line-platform`
  • name (mandatory): a string providing the name of the cloud account. This name can be used in a builder section to reference the rest of the cloud account information.
  • publicApiKey (mandatory): a string providing your public API key. If you do not have a public/secret key pair, please refer to the CloudStack documentation to generate them, or contact your cloud administrator
  • secretApiKey (mandatory): a string providing your secret API key. If you do not have a public/secret key pair, please refer to the CloudStack documentation to generate them, or contact your cloud administrator
  • endpointUrl (mandatory): a string providing the API URL endpoint of the cloudstack management console to upload the machine image to. For example: http://cloudstackhostname:8080/client/api
  • file (optional): a string providing the location of the account information. This can be a pathname (relative or absolute) or an URL.


In the case where name or file is used to reference a cloud account, all the other keys are no longer required in the account definition for the builder.


The following example shows a CloudStack builder with all the information to build and publish a machine image to CloudStack.

If you are using YAML:

- type: CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)
    memory: '1024'
    type: CloudStack
    name: My CloudStack account
    publicApiKey: mypublicapikey
    secretApiKey: mysecretapiKey
    endpointUrl: myendpointurl
  imageName: CentOS Core
  zone: zone1
  description: my description

If you are using JSON:

  "builders": [
      "type": "CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)",
      "hardwareSetting": {
        "memory": "1024"
      "account": {
        "type": "CloudStack",
        "name": "My CloudStack account",
        "publicApiKey": "mypublicapikey",
        "secretApiKey": "mysecretapiKey",
        "endpointUrl": "myendpointurl"
      "imageName": "CentOS Core",
      "zone": "zone1",
      "description": "my description"

Referencing the Cloud Account

To help with security, the cloud account information can be referenced by the builder section. This example is the same as the previous example but with the account information in another file. Create a YAML file cloudstack-account.yml.

- type: CloudStack
  name: My CloudStack account
  publicApiKey: mypublicapikey
  secretApiKey: mysecretapiKey
  endpointUrl: myendpointurl

If you are using JSON, create a JSON file cloudstack-account.json:

  "accounts": [
      "type": "CloudStack",
      "name": "My CloudStack account",
      "publicApiKey": "mypublicapikey",
      "secretApiKey": "mysecretapiKey",
      "endpointUrl": "myendpointurl"

The builder section can either reference by using file or name.

Reference by file:

If you are using YAML:

- type: CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)
    memory: '1024'
    file: "/path/to/cloudstack-account.yml"
  imageName: CentOS Core
  zone: zone1
  description: my description

If you are using JSON:

  "builders": [
      "type": "CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)",
      "hardwareSetting": {
        "memory": "1024"
      "account": {
        "file": "/path/to/cloudstack-account.json"
      "imageName": "CentOS Core",
      "zone": "zone1",
      "description": "my description"

Reference by name, note the cloud account must already be created by using account create.

If you are using YAML:

- type: CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)
    memory: '1024'
    name: My CloudStack Account
  imageName: CentOS Core
  zone: zone1
  description: my description

If you are using JSON:

  "builders": [
      "type": "CloudStack KVM (QCOW2)",
      "hardwareSetting": {
        "memory": "1024"
      "account": {
        "name": "My CloudStack Account"
      "imageName": "CentOS Core",
      "zone": "zone1",
      "description": "my description"