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./WFT Workflow Foundation Toolbox

0.2.2 Features :

  • Core (WFT.Core namespace)
    • Xml InstanceStore & Memory InstanceStore Providers
  • Toolbox (WFT.Activities namespace)
    • Common Activities  (WFT.Activities namespace)
      • For : Run activities (sequential) repeatedly until a specified expression evaluates to false
      • ParralelFor : Run in parallel activities repeatedly until a specified expression evaluates to falsen evaluates to false
      • CrontabDelay : Delays execution for a specified crontab expression
      • GetWorkflowID : Get the Workflow Instance ID
      • CreateBookmark : Create a bookmark
      • CreateBookmark<T> : Create a bookmark with a return value
      • EvaluateExpression : Execute an expression with the activity context in parameter
      • EvaluateExpressionWithResult<Result> : Execute an expression with result of type Result and with the activity context in parameter
      • EvaluateLambda : Execute an lambda expression with the activity context in parameter
      • EvaluateLambdaWithResult<Result> : Execute a lambda expression with result of type Result and with the activity context in parameter
    • Net Activities (WFT.Activities.Net namespace)
      • SendMail : Send a mail
    • Xml Activities (WFT.Activities.Xml namespace)
      • FormatXml : Format xml string with indentation
      • XslTransform : Transform a xml content with a xsl stylesheet
      • ReadXmlValue: Read xml and return a string value with a xpath expression
      • ReadXmlValues : Read xml and return collection IEnumerable<String>) values with a xpath expression
      • ReadXmlValues<Collection> : Read xml and return collection values with a xpath expression. The collection must implement IEnumerable<String>
      • AddXmlAttribute : Add a xml attribute with single value
      • AddXmlAttributes : Add a xml attribute values ​​to multiple elements
      • CreateXmlChild : Create a xml child
      • CreateXmlChilds : Create xml childs
      • InsertXmlNode : Insert a xml node
      • InsertXmlNodes : Insert xml nodes
      • RemoveXmlAttribute : Remove a xml attribute
      • RemoveXmlChildrens : Remove xml childrens objects
      • RemoveXmlNode : Remove a xml node
      • ReplaceXmlNode : Replace an xml node
      • SetXmlAttributeValue : Set value to an attribute
      • SetXmlAttributeValues : Set values to  attributes
      • SetXmlNodeValue : Set value to a xml node
      • SetXmlNodeValues : Set values to xml nodes
  • Activity Designers (WFT.Activities.Designers namespace)
    • IconActivityDesigner : Basic activity designer display a icon (DesignerIconAttribute must be specified in the activity associated to this designer)
  • Extension Methods (WFT namespace)
    • For the type System.Activities.Activity
      • Dictionary<string, object> Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> inputs = null, bool validateActivity = true) : Invoke an activity
      • void RunSync(Action<WorkflowApplication, BookmarkInfo> resumeBookmarkAction = null, bool validateActivity = true) : Begins the execution (sync) of a workflow instance.
      • Validate() : Validate an activity
    • For the type System.Activities.ActivityContext
      • T GetReferenceValue<T>(LocationReference reference) : Get the value of a location reference (variable) outside of the activity of type T
      • T GetArgumentValue<T>(string argumentName) : Get a argument value
      • void SetArgumentValue<T>(string argumentName, T value) : Set argument value
    • For the type System.String
      • DateTime? GetNextCronOccurrence() : Gets the next occurrence of a crontab string Expression
      • string GetXmValue(string xpath, string xPathIterationNode = "") : Get a xml value with a xpath expression
      • List<string> GetXmlNodes(string xPath, string xPathIterationNode = "") : Get xml values with a xpath expression
      • string AddXmlAttribute(string sourceXPath, string attributeName, List<string> values) : Add a xml attribute
      • string SetXmlAttributeValue(string xPath, List<string> values) : Set xml attribute value
      • string SetXmlValue(string xPath, List<string> values, XmlNodeOperation operation) : Set a xml value
      • string RemoveXmlObject(string xPath, XmlRemoveOperation operation): Remove a xml object
      • string TransformXml(this string xml, string xsl) : Transform a xml with a xsl
      • XmlReader GetXmlReader() : Get a xml reader
    • For the type System.Type
      • ImageDrawing GetImageDrawingFromResource(string resourceName) : Get ImageDrawing Instance From Resource Image File
      • ImageSource GetImageSourceFromResource(string resourceName) : Get ImageSource Instance From Resource Image File
    • For the type System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression
      • Expression GetReferenceValue(Type type, LocationReference reference, bool isOutArgument = false) : Get the expression value of a location reference (variable) outside of the activity with the activity context expression
      • Expression GetReferenceValue<T>(LocationReference reference, bool isOutArgument = false) : Get the expression value of a location reference (variable) of type T outside of the activity with the activity context expression
    • For the type System.Linq.Expressions.Expression
      • Expression GetActivityExpressionValue<T>(Expression<Func<ActivityContext, T>> expression) : Get the value expression of an expression with result of type T