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File metadata and controls

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Database migration

Welcome to the chapter that will talk about how to do database migration with alembic. By default the database that it (sakyum) come with is an sqlite database with naming convention of default.db located in the parent folder of your project. The main talk here is to show how we can make database migrations and stuffs like that.

Migrations are very powerful and let you change your models over time, as you develop your project, without the need to delete your database or tables and make new ones - it specializes in upgrading your database live, without losing data. More will be gist later.

Alembic is a very useful library we can use for our database migrations. when we are working with Flask Framework we need a tool which can handle the database migrations. Alembic is widely used for migrations. Alembic version 1.10.2 come with (Mako=1.2.4, MarkupSafe=2.1.2, SQLAlchemy=2.0.7, greenlet=2.0.2, typing-extensions=4.5.0) extensions, let us start how to use alembic.

First we need to initialize the alembic to our working project directory (parent) directory, by running the following command:

alembic init alembic

After running this command you will see some files and folders are created in your project directory they are alembic and alembic.ini the tree structure of the alembic directory is:

└── versions

1 directory, 3 files

Notice there will be no version files in your versions directory (alembic/versions) because we haven’t made any migrations yet. Now to use alembic we need to do certain changes in these files. First, change the sqlalchemy.url in your alembic.ini file, and give it your reletive default.db path, ours look like:

# for the default.db file
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////home/usman/Desktop/schoolsite/default.db

# for mysql (if you are using mysql database)
sqlalchemy.url = mysql+mysqldb://root:root@localhost:3306/database_name

# for postgresql (if youare using postgres database)
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://user:user@localhost/test

After giving your database url, open a file that it generate in the alembic directory alembic/ find a variable called target_metadata = None, above it import your app models and the db instance of your application and replace the value of None with db.Model.metadata like in the below snippets:

from exam.models import ExamQuestionModel, ExamChoiceModel
from sakyum.contrib import db
target_metadata = db.Model.metadata

For Autogenerating Multiple MetaData collections, you can pass a list of models instead e.g:

from myapp.mymodel1 import Model1Base
from myapp.mymodel2 import Model2Base
target_metadata = [Model1Base.metadata, Model2Base.metadata]

Lastly make the migrations (Create a Migration Script) by runnig the following command:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added tables"

Before, in the alembic/versions directory there is nothing inside, but now after running the above command, alembic generate our first migration commit file in versions folder (alembic/versions), you can see the version file now in the versions folder, for simplicity the structure look like:

├── __pycache__
│   └── env.cpython-310.pyc
└── versions
    └── __pycache__
        └── ac25f12f55b0_added_tables.cpython-310.pyc

3 directories, 6 files

Every commit we did, it will generate the migration file in the (alembic/versions) directory.

Once this file generates we are ready for database migration. To migrate we are to run:

alembic upgrade head

Once you run the above command your tables will be generated in your database. This is how to use alembic for your database, there are many you can do so, hit to the alembic website for more clarification.

Each time the database models change, repeat the migrate and upgrade commands.


  • To make migrations (Create a Migration Script):

    alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added table"

  • To migrate (Running our Migration):

    alembic upgrade head

  • Getting Information:

    alembic current

    alembic history --verbose

  • Downgrading, We can illustrate a downgrade back to nothing, by calling alembic downgrade back to the beginning, which in Alembic is called base:

    alembic downgrade base

Source code for the database migration is available at official github repository of the project.