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184 lines (122 loc) · 7.82 KB

Quick start

First we recomend you to create a virtual environment to avoid conflict (upgrade/downgrade of some of your system libraries) when installing sakyum, this is just a recomendation, it still work even if you install it without using virtual environment

Install and update the latest release from pypi. Basically the library was uploaded using sdist (Source Distribution) and bdist_wheel (Built Distribution), this software (library) as from v0.0.9 it is compatible and also tested with windows OS and others as well, such as linux, macOS and possibly some others too!.

You will notice we use --upgrade in the installation command, this will make sure it install the latest release from pypi (in case you have a version which is not the latest), you can still ommit the --upgrade and use the version you want then wait for the installation to finish.:

pip install --upgrade sakyum

This quick start will walk you through creating project called schoolsite and a basic application called exam in the project. User will be able to register, login/logout, create exam questions/choices, and edit or delete their own question/choices. All using sakyum, you will be able to clone it on github. it is located inside example directory of the base repository.

Create flask project using sakyum

Now after the installation, let create a project called schoolsite to do so paste the following command on your termianl:

python -c "from sakyum import project; project('schoolsite')"

or create a file and paste the below codes which is equivalent of the above, and then run the file

from sakyum import project


Both the command you type on terminal or the code you paste in a file (after running the file) will create a project called schoolsite now cd into the schoolsite directory, if you do ls within the directory you just enter you will see a module called and some directories (some in the form of package) media, static, templates and a directory with thesame name of your parent directory which is schoolsite.

Tree structure of the project using tree . command look like:

├── media
│   └── default_img.png
├── schoolsite
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── static
│   └── schoolsite
│       ├── index.js
│       ├── media
│       └── style.css
├── templates
│   ├── admin
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── schoolsite
│       └── index.html

8 directories, 10 files

Boot up the flask server by running the below command:

python boot

Now visit the local url this will take you to the index page of your project with some links in the page.

Create flask project app using sakyum

Since we create a project, let create an app within the project. To start an app within the project (schoolsite) shutdown the flask development server by pressing ( CTRL+C ). If you do ls in that same directory you will see it create a default.db file (an sqlite file) which is our default database. Now run the following command in other to create your app, by giving the name you want your app to be, in our case we will call our app exam:

python create_app -a exam

# or

python create_app --app exam

this will create an app (a new package called exam) within the project (schoolsite), the -a flag is equivalent to --app which is a flag for the app name in this example it is called exam

Now the tree . structure of the project after creating exam app look like:

├── default.db
├── exam
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── media
│   └── default_img.png
├── schoolsite
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── static
│   ├── exam
│   │   ├── index.js
│   │   ├── media
│   │   └── style.css
│   └── schoolsite
│       ├── index.js
│       ├── media
│       └── style.css
├── templates
│   ├── admin
│   │   └── index.html
│   ├── exam
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── schoolsite
│       └── index.html

12 directories, 19 files

You notice it create a package name with thesame name of the app (exam) with some files in it, also a directory named exam inside templates and static folder with default html page together with css and js files (in static folder)

Register an app

Once the app is created it is time to register the app, to do so open a file schoolsite/ and import your exam app blueprint which is in (exam/, default name given to an app blueprint, is the app name so our exam app blueprint name is exam, after importing it, append (register) the app blueprint in a list called reg_blueprints in that same file of schoolsite/

**WARNING** don't ommit the registered blueprint you see in the `reg_blueprints` list **(blueprint.default, blueprint.errors, blueprint.auth, base)** blueprints just append your app blueprint

importing blueprint

from exam.views import exam

after that, append it in the list reg_blueprints provided in the file by

registering blueprint

reg_blueprints = [

once you register the app, boot up the flask webserver again by:

python boot

This will bring the flask development server on port 5000 you can give it a different port by including a flag -p or --port flag which is for port number:

python boot -p 7000

# or

python boot --port 7000

The above command will bring the development serve on port 7000 visit the localhost url with the port number, it will show you your project index page (schoolsite). To get to the app (exam) default page, visit the url with your app name in our case:

this will take you to the app (exam) index page, and you can also vist the admin page with this url

Also, you can give your desire ip address/host by using -H or --host flag, e.g:

python boot -p 7000 -H

# or

python boot --port 7000 --host

For development server, you can give a debug value to True by specifying -d flag or --debug e.g:

python boot -p 7000 -d True

# or

python boot --port 7000 --debug True

You can change your default profile picture by moving to and select your new picture from your file system.

With this, you can do many and many stuffs now! From here you are ready to keep write more views in the app as well as in the project and do many stuffs just like the way you do if you use flask only.

Source code for this quick start is available at official github repository of the project.