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Specification for Telescope

1. Overview

  • This class simulates a telescope.
  • This class uses the position information of celestial bodies and returns the following data:
    • Flags that show whether the bright celestial bodies(the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun) are in the forbidden angle of the telescope
    • Positions of the celestial bodies on the image sensor
    • Positions of stars on the image sensor

1. functions

  • MainRoutine runs the following three functions:
    • JudgeForbiddenAngle
      • Function to judge whether the celestial body is in the forbidden angle.
    • Observe
      • Function to
        • judge whether the celestial body(provided by CelesInfo) is in the field of view.
        • output position of its image on the image sensor, if it is in the field of view.
    • ObserveStars
      • Function to output some HIP IDs of the brightest stars in the field of view, using HipparcosCatalogue.
      • Specify how many stars this function outputs in telescope.ini.

2. files

  • telescope.cpp , telescope.hpp
    • Definitions and declarations of the class
  • hipparcos_catalogue.cpp , hipparcos_catalogue.hpp
    • Definitions and declarations of the class to read Hipparcos catalogue.

3. how to use

  • Set the parameters in telescope.ini
  • Create instance by using initialization function InitTelescope.
    • Each telescope is numbered as "Telescope1,…"
  • To use HipparcosCatalogue data, hip_main.csv is necessary. s2e-core/scripts/Common/ is the script to download it. Run the following code using Git bash in s2e-core/scripts/:

2. Explanation of Algorithm

1. JudgeForbiddenAngle

1. overview

  • Function to judge whether a celestial body is in the forbidden angle.

2. input and output

  • input
    • The position vector of the celestial body in the body-fixed coordinate.
      • This position vector is provided by CelestialInformation.
    • The forbidden angle about the celestial body
      • Specify the forbidden angle in telescope.ini.
  • output
    • true: The celestial body is in forbidden angle
    • false: The celestial body is not in forbidden angle

3. process to judge

  • The judging process is calculated in the telescope's component coordinate. $q_{b2c}$ is the quaternion to convert from the body coordinate(B) to the component coordinate(C). Specify $q_{b2c}$ in telescope.ini. The X-axis of the component coordinate is defined as the line of sight of the telescope.

2. Observe

1. overview

  • This function judges whether the celestial bodies(provided by CelestialInformation) are in the field of view and outputs the position of them on the image sensor if they are in the field of view
  • If they are not in the field of view, this function outputs $(-1,-1)$.

2. input and output

  • input
    • The reference to the position of the celestial body on the image sensor
    • The position vector of the celestial body in the body-fixed coordinate
      • CelestialInformation provides the position vector.
  • output
    • (void)
      • This function rewrites the "reference to the celestial body's position on the image sensor" given as the input.

3. algorithm

1. Calculate process to judge whether the celestial body is in the field of view
  • A 2D coordinate on the image sensor is defined to handle the position on the image sensor. The definition is as follows:
    • The X-axis of the image sensor coordinate corresponds with the Z-axis of the component coordinate.
    • The Y-axis of the image sensor coordinate corresponds with the Y-axis of the component coordinate.
  • Then, the inclination angle from the X-axis of the celestial body's direction in the XZ plane of the component coordinate is calculated using $(x_c, y_c, z_c)$ as follows:
  • In the same way, the inclination angle from the X-axis of the celestial body's direction in the XY plane of the component coordinate is calculated as follows:
  • They are written as arg_x and arg_y in the code. In this manual, $\theta_x$ and $\theta_y$ are used for them. If $\theta_x$ is within FOV_x and $\theta_y$ is within FOV_y, the celestial body is judged to be in the field of view.
The relationship between the component coordinate(C) and the sensor coordinate(imgsensor) Fig. 1. The relationship between the component coordinate(C) and the sensor coordinate(imgsensor)
2. Calculate process for calculating the position of the image
  • The origin of the sensor coordinate is the corner of the image sensor, so $x_{imgsensor}$ and $y_{imgsensor}$ have positive values. The unit of them is pixel(pix). In this manual, $N_x$ and $N_y$ are used for the total number of pixels along x, y axes of the sensor coordinate (They are x_num_of_pix and y_num_of_pix in the code). In the same way, X and Y are used for the position of the celestial body on the image sensor (They are pos_imgsensor[0] and pos_imgsensor[1]). Then, X and Y are calculated as follows:
$$X=\frac{N_x}{2}\times\frac{\tan(\theta_x)}{\tan(FOV_x)}+\frac{N_x}{2}$$ $$Y=\frac{N_y}{2}\times\frac{\tan(\theta_y)}{\tan(FOV_y)}+\frac{N_y}{2}$$

If the celestial body is not in the field of view, the output is $X=Y=-1$.

3. ObserveStars

1. overview

  • Function to output some HIP IDs of the brightest stars in the field of view, using HipparcosCatalogue

2. input and output

  • input
    • (void)
  • output
    • (void)

3. main process

When ObserveStars is called in the MainRoutine, this function works as follows:

  1. Clear star_in_sight
  2. Judge the brightest star (provided by HipparcosCatalogue) is in the field of view
  3. If the star is in the field of view, push the information (such as the HIP ID and its position on the image sensor) to star_in_sight
  4. Go to step 2. to judge the next brightest star
  5. Exit the loop when the number of elements of star_in_sight reaches the specified number

4. error handling

If all the data in HipparcosCatalogue are checked before the number of elements of star_in_sight reaches the specified number, the data of lacking element is filled with -1.

3. Results of verifications

In this section, the output of the functions when some angular velocity is input is verified.

1. Input of angular velocity around X-axis of the body coordinate

1. overview

  • input $ω_b=[0.100]^T$ .

2. conditions for the verification

  • input files
    • sample_simulation_base.ini
    • telescope.ini
  • initial condition
    • sample_simulation_base.ini
      Simulation start date[UTC] : 2017/12/01 11:00:00.0
      Simulation finish time[sec] : 1500
      Quaternion : q_i2b=[0 0 0 1]^T
    • telescope.ini
      q_b2c=[0 0 0 1]^T
      sun_forbidden_angle = 60
      earth_forbidden_angle = 60
      moon_forbidden_angle = 60
      x_num_of_pix = 2048
      y_num_of_pix = 2048
      x_fov_par_pix = 0.02
      y_fov_par_pix = 0.02
    • sample_simulation_base.ini
      max_magnitude = 5.0
      calculation = ENABLE
      logging = DISABLE

The disturbance torque in the main function of sample_case.cpp is commented out.

3. result

  1. judge for forbidden angle
    • The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon is as follows:
The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon
Then, the result of the judge for the forbidden angles is as follows:
result of the judge for the forbidden angles about the Sun, the Earth, the Moon result of the judge for the forbidden angles about the Sun, the Earth, the Moon
The above figures show that the judge correctly detects when a celestial body in its forbidden angle.
  1. Observe function
    • Only the Moon and the Earth are in the field of view (See the figure "The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon"). The track of the image of the Moon on the image sensor is as follows:
The track of the image of the Moon on the image sensor The track of the image of the Moon on the image sensor
This figure shows the track makes a circle. This result seems to be reasonable, because the angular velocity around the X-axis of the body coordinate correspond with that of the component coordinate, for $q_{b2c}=[0~0~0~1]^T$ . The 3D plot of MOON_POS_B for further verification is as follows:
3D plot of MOON_POS_B 3D plot of MOON_POS_B
Considering that the projection of the track of MOON_POS_B to the YZ plane corresponds the track of the image on the image sensor because the line of sight is the X-axis, the result also seems to be reasonable. Next, the track of the image of the Moon on the image sensor is as follows:
The track of the image of the Earth on the image sensor The track of the image of the Earth on the image sensor

In addition, the 3D plot of EARTH_POS_B is as follows:

3D plot of EARTH_POS_B 3D plot of EARTH_POS_B
As well as the Moon case, this result seems to be reasonable because the projection of the track of the Earth to the YZ plane corresponds with the track of the image.
  1. ObserveStarsfunction
  • The first, second, and third HIP ID outputs were 113368, 9884, and 3419. Their track on the image sensor are as follows:
The stars' track on the image sensor The stars' track on the image sensor

The tracks make circles, which are the reasonable outputs because of the same reason stated in the verification of Observe function. In addition, the each Vmag of HIP ID=113368,9884,and 3419 is 1.17,2.01,and 2.04, so it is verified that the outputs are in order of brightness.

2. input of angular velocity around y axis of the body coordinate

1. overview

  • The angular velocity input is $ω_b=[0.100]^T$ .The other condition is the same as the case of 1. Note that the verification of the case around z axis is omitted because y and z are equivalent under this condition.

2. result

  1. judge for forbidden angle
  • The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon is as follows:
The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon Then, the result of the judge for the forbidden angles is as follows: The result of the judge for the forbidden angles The result of the judge for the forbidden angles
These above figures show that the judge is correctly conducted when a celestial body in its forbidden angle.
  1. Observe function
  • The figure "The angle from the line of sight about the direction of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon" shows that the earth is mainly in the field of view, so this section discusses only about the Earth. The track of the image of the Earth is as follows (For the sake of ease, only 4 tracks in the field of view are displayed):
The track of the image of the Earth on the image sensor The track of the image of the Earth on the image sensor
In addition, the 3D plot of EARTH_POS_B is as follows:
3D plot of EARTH_POS_B 3D plot of EARTH_POS_B
The 3D plot of EARTH_POS_B shows that the track of EARTH_POS_B is a spiral which axis is at right angle to the line of sight. In this case, it can be showed that the track on image sensor forms a hyperbola(The proof for this is omitted). Considering this fact, the result seems to be reasonable.
  1. ObserveStars function
  • The tracks of the stars are partially as follows:
The stars' track on the image sensor The stars' track on the image sensor
As mentioned in `Observe` function section, they form hyperbolas which axis of symmetry is Y=1024. In addition, it was confirmed that the data was output in order of the brightness on each time (The result is complicated, so it is not list in this manual).

4. References