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File metadata and controls

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Using the Config Files

In the this project base, config files are used to set different parameters for different experiments. We have provided a few config files for reference. The entire set of experiments in the paper can be performed using these config files, or making minor tweaks (discussed below). Here is a quick summary:

  1. The config files for the zero-shot experiments are present under the zero-shot_configs/ directory. Each file pertains to the T5-3B (for SRL) and Macaw-3B (for coref) experiments for each dataset. To reproduce the model size experiments, you may create new config files by replacing the model parameter value with the different model names one by one. The models currectly supported are:
    a. SRL: t5-small, t5-base, t5 (for t5-large), t5-3b, t5-11b, flan-t5-xl, unified-qa, unifiedqa-v2
    b. Coref: t5 (for t5-large), t5-3b, t5-11b, macaw-large, macaw-3b, macaw-11b, flan-t5-xl
    The iterative and GPT-4 experiments follow a different script and config file discussed later in this document.

  2. For context-style experiments (reported in the appendix), one may set the context_style parameter from None (equivalent to Rel. setting), 'highlight' (Hlght), 'full_context' (Full), or "highlight_full_context" (Full + Hlght). Note that context-style experiments are only applicable to Coreference datasets.

  3. The config files for the few-shot experiments are present under the few-shot_configs/ directory. Each file pertains to the T5-3B (for SRL) and Macaw-3B (for coref) experiments for each dataset for three shots and random seed 42. You may change the number of shots by setting the num_shots parameter (in the paper 1, 3 and 5 shots are used). You may change the random seed (42,20, and 1984 in the paper) by setting the shot_seed parameter. This ensures that a different set of shots in used for that particular run. Additionally, shot_type can take a value other than 'same' which ensures a different set of shots is picked for each instance (not used for the paper). The order_num parameter changes the order in which the shots are presented. Naturally, it may take any value from 1 to n! where n is the number of shots.

  4. The config files for the iterative prompting experiments are present under itr_configs. Note that iterative prompting is only performed for the SRL datasets.

  5. The config files for GPT-4 experiments are present under gpt_configs. Note that GPT-4 experiments are only performed for the SRL datasets.

IMPORTANT: To avoid overwriting, for every experimental setting where anything other than the model and dataset are changed, ensure that the dump_spec and read_spec are changed to something unique. The dump_spec provides a file name infix which is used to create the dump and result files. The read_spec is used to match the infix from which dumps might need to be read.