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File metadata and controls

112 lines (81 loc) · 6.86 KB


Tests a given package or runs a test set.

    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' <orchestrator_url> <orchestrator_tenant> [-input_path <input_path>] [-project_path <package>] [-testset <testset>] [-orchestrator_user <orchestrator_user> -orchestrator_pass <orchestrator_pass>] [-UserKey <auth_token> -account_name <account_name>] [-accountForApp <account_for_app> -applicationId <application_id> -applicationSecret <application_secret> -applicationScope <applicationScope>] [-environment <environment>] [-folder_organization_unit <folder_organization_unit>] [-language <language>] [-uipathCliFilePath <uipcli_path>]

    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -orchestrator_user admin -orchestrator_pass 123456 -testset "MyRobotTests"
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -orchestrator_user admin -orchestrator_pass 123456 -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -environment TestingEnv
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -orchestrator_user admin -orchestrator_pass 123456 -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -folder_organization_unit MyFolder
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -orchestrator_user admin -orchestrator_pass 123456 -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -folder_organization_unit MyFolder -environment MyEnvironment
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -accountForApp myAccountForExternalApp -applicationId myExternalAppId -applicationSecret myExternalAppSecret -applicationScope "OR.Folders.Read OR.Settings.Read" -testset "MyRobotTests"
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -UserKey a7da29a2c93a717110a82 -account_name myAccount -testset "MyRobotTests"
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -UserKey a7da29a2c93a717110a82 -account_name myAccount -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -environment TestingEnv --out junit
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -UserKey a7da29a2c93a717110a82 -account_name myAccount -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -environment TestingEnv -result_path "C:\results.json" -out uipath -language en-US
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -UserKey a7da29a2c93a717110a82 -account_name myAccount -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -environment TestingEnv -result_path "C:\results.json" -input_path "C:\UiPath\Project\input-params.json" -out uipath -language en-US
    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -UserKey a7da29a2c93a717110a82 -account_name myAccount -project_path "C:\UiPath\Project\project.json" -environment TestingEnv -result_path "C:\results.json" -input_path "C:\UiPath\Project\input-params.json" -out uipath -language en-US -attachRobotLogs "true"

#Note: if script folder location is different you need to replace C: with directory folder (e.g. '[FOLDER_VARIABLE]\scripts\UiPathPack.ps1')

if running on self-hosted agent and UiPath CLI is available on the agent machine, provide -uipathCliFilePath

    . 'C:\scripts\UiPathRunTest.ps1' -orchestrator_url "" -orchestrator_tenant default -orchestrator_user admin -orchestrator_pass 123456 -testset "MyRobotTests" -uipathCliFilePath "C:\uipathcli\uipcli.exe"

More on different authentication options here UiPathAuthenticationsOptions

Script Parameters

  • project_path The path to a test package file.

  • testset The name of the test set to execute. The test set should use the latest version of the test cases. If the test set does not belong to the default folder (organization unit) it must be prefixed with the folder name, e.g. AccountingTeam\TestSet

  • orchestrator_url Required. The URL of the Orchestrator instance.

  • orchestrator_tenant Required. The tenant of the Orchestrator instance.

  • result_path Results file path

  • accountForApp The Orchestrator CloudRPA account name. Must be used together with id, secret and scope(s) for external application.

  • applicationId The external application id. Must be used together with account, secret and scope(s) for external application.

  • applicationSecret The external application secret. Must be used together with account, id and scope(s) for external application.

  • applicationScope The space-separated list of application scopes. Must be used together with account, id and secret for external application.

  • orchestrator_user Required. The Orchestrator username used for authentication. Must be used together with the password.

  • orchestrator_pass Required. The Orchestrator password used for authentication. Must be used together with the username

  • UserKey Required. The Orchestrator OAuth2 refresh token used for authentication. Must be used together with the account name and client id.

  • account_name Required. The Orchestrator CloudRPA account name. Must be used together with the refresh token and client id.

  • folder_organization_unit The Orchestrator folder (organization unit).

  • environment The environment to deploy the package to. Must be used together with the project path. Required when not using a modern folder.

  • timeout The time in seconds for waiting to finish test set executions. (default 7200)

  • out Type of result file

  • language The orchestrator language.

  • disableTelemetry Disable telemetry data.

  • uipathCliFilePath if not provided, the script will auto download the cli from uipath public feed. the script was tested on version 23.10.8753.32995

  • SpecificCLIVersion CLI version to auto download if uipathCliFilePath not provided. Default is "23.10.8753.32995" where the script was last tested.

  • attachRobotLogs Attaches Robot Logs for each testcases along with Junit Test Report.

  • repositoryUrl Repository url where project is versioned.

  • repositoryCommit Repository commit where the project was built from.

  • repositoryBranch Repository branch where the project was built from.

  • repositoryType VCS system repository type.

  • projectUrl Automation Hub idea URL.

  • identityUrl Url of your identity server. This is only required for PaaS deployments.