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File metadata and controls

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Uttori Storage Provider - JSON File

Uttori Storage Provider using JSON files on disk.

This repo exports both a Uttori Plugin compliant Plugin class as well as the underlying StorageProvider class.


npm install --save @uttori/storage-provider-json-file


  contentDirectory: '',
  historyDirectory: '',
  extension: 'json',
  spacesDocument: null,
  spacesHistory: null,
  updateTimestamps: true,
  useHistory: true,
  // Registration Events
  events: {
    add: ['storage-add'],
    delete: ['storage-delete'],
    get: ['storage-get'],
    getHistory: ['storage-get-history'],
    getRevision: ['storage-get-revision'],
    getQuery: ['storage-query'],
    update: ['storage-update'],
    validateConfig: ['validate-config'],


// When part of UttoriWiki:
import { Plugin as StorageProviderJSON } from '@uttori/storage-provider-json-file';

// When stand alone:
import StorageProvider from '@uttori/storage-provider-json-file';

const s = new StorageProvider({
  contentDirectory: 'example/content',
  historyDirectory: 'example/history',
  extension: 'json',
  spacesDocument: null,
  spacesHistory: null,
await s.add({
  title: 'Example Title',
  slug: 'example-title',
  content: '## Example Title',
  html: '',
  updateDate: 1459310452001,
  createDate: 1459310452001,
  tags: ['Example Tag'],
  customData: {
    keyA: 'value-a',
    keyB: 'value-b',
    keyC: 'value-c',
const results = await s.getQuery('SELECT tags FROM documents WHERE slug IS_NOT_NULL ORDER BY slug ASC LIMIT 1');
  results === [
      { tags: ['Example Tag'] },
const results = await s.getQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM documents WHERE slug IS_NOT_NULL ORDER BY RANDOM ASC LIMIT -1');
  results === 1

API Reference



Storage for Uttori documents using JSON files stored on the local file system.




Storage for Uttori documents using JSON files stored on the local file system.

Kind: global class

Name Type Description
config StorageProviderConfig The configuration object.
documents Record.<string, UttoriDocument> The collection of documents where the slug is the key and the value is the document.

new StorageProvider(config)

Creates an instance of StorageProvider.

Param Type Description
config StorageProviderConfig A configuration object.

Example (Init StorageProvider)

const storageProvider = new StorageProvider({ contentDirectory: 'content', historyDirectory: 'history', spacesDocument: 2 });

storageProvider.documents : Record.<string, UttoriDocument>

The collection of documents where the slug is the key and the value is the document.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider

storageProvider.all ⇒ Promise.<Record.<string, UttoriDocument>>

Returns all documents.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider
Returns: Promise.<Record.<string, UttoriDocument>> - All documents.

 { first-document: { slug: 'first-document', ... }, ...}

storageProvider.getQuery ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<UttoriDocument>|number)>

Returns all documents matching a given query.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider
Returns: Promise.<(Array.<UttoriDocument>|number)> - Promise object represents all matching documents.

Param Type Description
query string The conditions on which documents should be returned.

storageProvider.get ⇒ Promise.<(UttoriDocument|undefined)>

Returns a document for a given slug.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider
Returns: Promise.<(UttoriDocument|undefined)> - Promise object represents the returned UttoriDocument.

Param Type Description
slug string The slug of the document to be returned.


Saves a document to the file system.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider

Param Type Description
document UttoriDocument The document to be added to the collection.

storageProvider.updateValid ℗

Updates a document and saves to the file system.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider
Access: private

Param Type Description
document UttoriDocument The document to be updated in the collection.
originalSlug string The original slug identifying the document, or the slug if it has not changed.


Updates a document and figures out how to save to the file system.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider

Param Type Description
params object The params object.
params.document UttoriDocument The document to be updated in the collection.
params.originalSlug string The original slug identifying the document, or the slug if it has not changed.


Removes a document from the file system.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider

Param Type Description
slug string The slug identifying the document.

storageProvider.getHistory ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>

Returns the history of edits for a given slug.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider
Returns: Promise.<Array.<string>> - Promise object represents the returned history.

Param Type Description
slug string The slug of the document to get history for.

storageProvider.getRevision ⇒ Promise.<(UttoriDocument|undefined)>

Returns a specifc revision from the history of edits for a given slug and revision timestamp.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider
Returns: Promise.<(UttoriDocument|undefined)> - Promise object represents the returned revision of the document.

Param Type Description
params object The params object.
params.slug string The slug of the document to be returned.
params.revision string | number The unix timestamp of the history to be returned.


Updates History for a given slug, renaming the store file and history directory as needed.

Kind: instance property of StorageProvider

Param Type Description
slug string The slug of the document to update history for.
content string The revision of the document to be saved.
[originalSlug] string The original slug identifying the document, or the slug if it has not changed.


Ensure a directory exists, and if not create it.

Kind: static method of StorageProvider

Param Type Description
directory string The directory to ensure exists.


Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[slug] string The unique identifier for the document.
[createDate] number | Date The creation date of the document.
[updateDate] number | Date The last date the document was updated.


Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
contentDirectory string The directory to store documents.
historyDirectory string The directory to store document histories.
[extension] string The file extension to use for file.
[updateTimestamps] boolean Should update times be marked at the time of edit.
[useHistory] boolean Should history entries be created.
[useCache] boolean Should we cache files in memory?
[spacesDocument] number The spaces parameter for JSON stringifying documents.
[spacesHistory] number The spaces parameter for JSON stringifying history.
[events] Record.<string, Array.<string>> The events to listen for.


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

npm install
npm test
DEBUG=Uttori* npm test

