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riccardomurri committed Jul 9, 2016
1 parent 659dfbf commit 2a39a72
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355 changes: 6 additions & 349 deletions docs/programmers/tutorials/workflows/part02.tex
Expand Up @@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ \part{Workflow scaffolding}
\item Run the following command:
> python --help
$ python --help
Where does the program description in the help text come from?
Is there anything weird in other parts of the help text?
\item Run the following command:
> python
$ python
What happens?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ \part{The \texttt{Application} object}
inputs = [
will make files \emph{values.dat} and \emph{stats.csv} available in
the command execution directory.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ \part{The \texttt{Application} object}
\frametitle{The \texttt{stdout} parameter}
This specifies that the command's \texttt{standard output} should be
This specifies that the command's \emph{standard output} should be
saved into a file named \texttt{stdout.txt} and retrieved along with
the other output files.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,349 +757,6 @@ \part{The \texttt{Application} object}
\frametitle{Application lifecycle}
$ ./ lena.jpg
~\em [\ldots]~
NEW 1/1 (100.0%)
RUNNING 0/1 (0.0%)
STOPPED 0/1 (0.0%)
SUBMITTED 0/1 (0.0%)
TERMINATED 0/1 (0.0%)
TERMINATING 0/1 (0.0%)
UNKNOWN 0/1 (0.0%)
total 1/1 (100.0%)
\texttt{Application} objects can be in one of several states.

(A session-based script prints a table of all managed applications and their states.)

>>> print(app.execution.state)
The current state is stored in the \texttt{.execution.state} instance attribute.


\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state NEW}

\textbf{NEW} is the state of ``just created'' Application objects.

The Application has not yet been sent off to a compute
resource: it only exists locally.

\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state SUBMITTED}

\emph{SUBMITTED} applications have been successfully sent to a
computational resource.

(The transition to \emph{RUNNING} happens automatically, as we
do not control the remote execution.)

\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state RUNNING}

\emph{RUNNING} state happens when the computational job associated to an
application starts executing on the computational resource.

\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state STOPPED}

A task is in \emph{STOPPED} state when its execution has been
blocked at the remote site and GC3Pie cannot recover

User or sysadmin intervention is required for a task to get out
of \emph{STOPPED} state.

\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state UNKNOWN}

A task is in \emph{UNKNOWN} state when GC3Pie can no
longer monitor it at the remote site.

(As this might be due to network failures, jobs \emph{can} get
out of \emph{UNKNOWN} automatically.)

\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state TERMINATING}

\emph{TERMINATING} state when a computational job has finished
running, for whatever reason.

(Transition to \emph{TERMINATED} only happens when \texttt{fetch\_output} is called.)

\frametitle{Application lifecycle: state TERMINATED}

A job is \emph{TERMINATED} when its final output has been
retrieved and is available locally.

The exit code of \emph{TERMINATED} jobs can be inspected to
find out whether the termination was successful or unsuccessful,
or if the program was forcibly ended.

\frametitle{Post-processing features, I}

When the remote computation is done, the \texttt{terminated} method
of the application instance is called.

The path to the output directory is available as
\lstinline|self.output_dir|; if \texttt{stdout} and \texttt{srderr}
have been captured, the paths to the capture files are available as
\lstinline|self.stdout| and \lstinline|self.stderr|.

\frametitle{Post-processing features, II}

For example, the following code logs a warning message if the
standard error output is non-empty:
class MyApp(Application):
# ...
def terminated(self):
error_file = self.output_dir+"/"+self.stderr
error_size = os.stat(error_file).st_size
if error_size > 0:
"Application %s reported errors!", self)


Modify the \texttt{GrayscaleApp} application to print a message
``\texttt{Conversion of '\emph{filename}' done.}'' whenever
running the \texttt{convert} program terminates.

\frametitle{A successful run or not?}

There's a \emph{single TERMINATED state}, whatever the task outcome.
You have to inspect the ``return code'' to determine the
cause of ``task death''.

Attribute `.execution.returncode` provides a numeric termination
status (with the same format and meaning as the POSIX termination

The termination status combines two fields: the ``termination
signal'' and the ``exit code''.


\frametitle{Termination signal, I}

The \texttt{.execution.signal} instance attribute is non-zero if
the program was killed by a signal (e.g., memory error / segmentation fault).

The \texttt{.execution.signal} instance attribute is zero only if
the program run until termination. (\textbf{Beware!} This does not
mean that it run \emph{correctly}: just that it halted by itself.)

\frametitle{Termination signal, II}

Read \texttt{man 7 signal} for a list of OS signals and their
numeric values.

{\bfseries Note that GC3Pie overloads some signal codes (unused
by the OS) to represent its own specific errors.}

For instance, if program \texttt{app} was cancelled by the user,
\texttt{.execution.signal} will take the value 121:
>>> print(app.execution.signal)

\frametitle{Exit code}

The \texttt{.execution.exitcode} instance attribute holds the
numeric exitcode of the executed command, or \texttt{None} if the
command has not finished running yet.

{\bfseries Note that the \texttt{.execution.exitcode} is guaranteed
to have a valid value only if the \texttt{.execution.signal}
attribute has the value 0.}

The \texttt{.execution.exitcode} is the same exitcode that you
would see when running a command directly in the terminal shell. (By
convention, code 0 is successful termination, every other value
indicates an error.)


Write a \texttt{TermStatusApp} application, which is like a
generic \texttt{Application} class with the addition that ---upon
termination--- it prints:
\item whether the program has been killed by a signal, and the signal number;
\item whether the program has terminated by exiting, and the exit code.

Verify that it works by plugging the class into the ``grayscale''
session-based script.

\begin{exercise*}[2.F] \emph{(Difficult)} \small

MATLAB has the annoying habit of exiting with code 0 even when some error occurred.

Write a \texttt{MatlabApp} application, which:
\item is constructed by giving the path to a MATLAB `\texttt{.m}'
script file, like this: \texttt{app = MatlabApp("ra.m")};
\item Runs the following command:
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -nojvm \emph{file.m}
where \emph{file.m} is the file given to the
\texttt{MatlabApp()} constructor.
\item captures the standard error output (\texttt{stderr}) of the
MATLAB script and, if the string ``\texttt{Out of memory.}''
occurs in it, sets the application exitcode to 11.

Verify that it works by running a MATLAB script that allocates an
array of random size. (For some random values, the size will
exceed the amount of available memory.)

%%% Local Variables:
Expand Down
Binary file added docs/programmers/tutorials/workflows/part03.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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