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Appendix: Type Conversion between Java and TypeScript

Appendix: Type Conversion between Java and TypeScript

TypeScript to Java

When calling a Java endpoint method from TypeScript, ConnectClient serializes TypeScript call parameters to JSON and sends them to Java backend where they are deserialized into Java types using the Jackson JSON processing library. The return value of the Java endpoint method is sent back to TypeScript through the same pipeline in the opposite direction.

The default Vaadin JSON ObjectMapper closely follows the Spring Boot auto-configuration defaults. One notable difference is that in Vaadin, the default object mapper is configured to discover private properties. I.e. all the fields, getters, setters or constructors are discoverable even if they are declared as private. This is done in order to make serialization / deserialization of custom objects easier.

The visibility level of the default ObjectMapper can be configured by setting the spring.jackson.visibility property (in common application properties). Other properties of the default ObjectMapper can be customized by following the Spring Boot documentation on the subject. Alternatively, the entire ObjectMapper can be replaced with a custom one by providing an ObjectMapper bean with the qualifier defined in com.vaadin.connect.VaadinConnectController#VAADIN_ENDPOINT_MAPPER_BEAN_QUALIFIER.

The default ObjectMapper always converts TypeScript values to JSON object before sending them to the backend, so that the values need to be compliant with the JSON specification which only accepts values from the following types: string, number, array, boolean, JSON object or null. This implies that NaN and Infinity are non-compliant. If sent, the server will return an error response (400 Bad Request). Sending undefined parameter from TypeScript results as default values for primitive types, null for Java object, or Optional.empty() for Optional.

The default conversion rules are summarized as follows (the TypeScript compliant values are converted to the corresponding values, otherwise the backend returns an error message):

To receive primitive types in Java

Type boolean:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • A boolean value: truetrue and falsefalse

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value that is not a valid boolean type in TypeScript.

Type char:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • A single character string: 'a''a'

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any string value that has more than one characters.

    • Any value that is not a valid string type in TypeScript.

  • UTF-16 and Unicode: Both Java and TypeScript internally use UTF-16 for string encoding. This makes string conversion between backend and frontend trivial. However, using UTF-16 has its limitations and corner cases. Most notably, a string like "🥑" might seem like a single-character which can be passed to Java as a char. However, both in TypeScript and Java it is actually a two-character string (because the U+1F951 symbol takes 2 characters in UTF-16: \uD83E\uDD51). Thus, it is not a valid value for the Java char type.

Type byte:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An integer or decimal number in range of -129 < X < 256: 100, 100.0 and 100.9100

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value which is not a number in TypeScript.

    • Any number value which is out of the compliant range.

  • Overflow number: if TypeScript sends a value which is greater than Java’s Byte.MAX_VALUE (28 - 1), the bits gets rolled over. For example, sends a value 128 (Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1), Java side receives -128(Byte.MIN_VALUE).

  • Underflow number: if Java side expects a byte value but TypeScript sends an underflow number, e.g. -129 (Byte.MIN_VALUE - 1), the backend returns an error.

Type short:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An integer or decimal number in range of -216 < X < 216 - 1: 100, 100.0 and 100.9100

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value which is not a number in TypeScript.

    • Any number value which is out of the compliant range.

  • Overflow and underflow numbers are not accepted for short.

Type int:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An integer or decimal number: 100, 100.0 and 100.9100

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value which is not a number in TypeScript.

  • Overflow number: if TypeScript sends a value which is greater than Java’s Integer.MAX_VALUE (231 - 1), the bits gets rolled over. For example, sending a value 231 (Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1), Java side receives -231 (Integer.MIN_VALUE).

  • Underflow number: it is vice versa with overflow number. Sending -231 - 1 (Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1), Java side gets 231 - 1 (Integer.MAX_VALUE).

Type long:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An integer or decimal number: 100, 100.0 and 100.9100

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value which is not a number in TypeScript.

  • Overflow and underflow numbers: bits get rolled over when receiving overflow/underflow number i.e. 263-263, -263 - 1263 - 1

Type float and double:

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An integer or decimal number: 100 and 100.0100.0, 100.9100.9

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value which is not a number in TypeScript.

  • Overflow and underflow numbers are converted to Infinity and -Infinity respectively.

To receive boxed primitive types in Java

The conversion works the same as primitive type.

To receive a String in Java

Any String values are kept the same when sent from TypeScript to Java backend.

To receive date time types in Java


  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • A string that represents an epoch timestamp in milliseconds: '1546300800000' is converted to a java.util.Date instance which contains value of the date 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000.

  • Noncompliant values:

    • A non-number string: 'foo'


  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • A string that represents an epoch timestamp in seconds: '1546300800' is converted to a java.time.Instant instance which contains value of the 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z.

  • Noncompliant values:

    • A non-number string: 'foo'


  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • A string which follows the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#ISO_LOCAL_DATE format yyyy-MM-dd: '2018-12-16', '2019-01-01'.

  • Noncompliant values:

    • An incorrect format string: 'foo'


  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • A string which follows the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME format:

      • With full time: '2019-01-01T12:34:56'

      • Without seconds: '2019-01-01T12:34'

      • With full time and milliseconds: '2019-01-01T12:34:56.78'

  • Noncompliant values:

    • An incorrect format string: 'foo'

To receive an Enum in Java

  • TypeScript compliant value:

    • A string with the same name as an enum: assume that we have an [enum-declaration], then sending "FIRST" from TypeScript would result an instance of FIRST with value=1 in Java.

Enum declaration
public enum TestEnum {

  FIRST(1), SECOND(2), THIRD(3);

  private final int value;

  TestEnum(int value) {
    this.value = value;

  public int getValue() {
    return this.value;
  • Noncompliant values:

    • A non-matched string with name of the expected Enum type.

    • Any other types: boolean, object or array.

To receive an array in Java

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An array of items with expected type in Java, for example:

      • Expected in Java int[]: [1, 2, 3][1,2,3], [1.9, 2, 3][1,2,3]

      • Expected in Java String[]: ["foo","bar"]["foo","bar"]

      • Expected in Java Object[]: ["foo", 1, null, "bar"]["foo", 1, null, "bar"]

  • Noncompliant values:

    • A non-array input: "foo", "[1,2,3]", 1

To receive a collection in Java

  • TypeScript compliant values:

    • An array of items with expected type in Java (or types which can be converted to expected types), for example, if you expected in Java:

      • Collection<Integer>: [1, 2, 3][1,2,3]

      • Collection<String>: ["foo","bar"]["foo","bar"]

      • Set<Integer>: [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3][1, 2, 3]

  • Noncompliant values:

    • A non-array input: "foo", "[1,2,3]", 1

To receive a map in Java

  • TypeScript compliant value:

    • A TypeScript object with string key and value in expected type in Java. For example: the expected type in Java is Map<String, Integer>, the compliant object in TypeScript should be in type of { [key: string]: number; }, e.g. {one: 1, two: 2}.

  • Noncompliant values:

    • Any value from other types.

Due to the fact that the TypeScript code is generated from OpenAPI (TypeScript Endpoints Generator) and the OpenAPI specification has a limitation for map type, the map key is always a string in TypeScript.

To receive a bean in Java

A bean is parsed from the input JSON object which maps the keys of JSON object to the property name of the bean object. You can also use Jackson’s annotation to customize your bean object. For more information about the annotations, please have a look at Jackson Annotations.

  • Example: assume that we have [bean-example], a valid input for the bean looks like

  "name": "MyBean",
  "address": "MyAddress",
  "age": 10,
  "isAdmin": true,
  "customProperty": "customValue"
Bean example
public class MyBean {
  public String name;
  public String address;
  public int age;
  public boolean isAdmin;
  private String customProperty;

  public String getCustomProperty() {
    return customProperty;

  public void setCustomProperty(String customProperty) {
    this.customProperty = customProperty;

Java to TypeScript

The same object mapper used when converting from TypeScript to Java deserializes the return values in Java to the corresponding JSON object before sending them to client-side.

Serialization can be customized by using annotations to the object to serialize as described in the Customizing Serialization article.

Type number

All the Java types which extend java.lang.Number are deserialized to number in TypeScript. There are a few exceptional cases with extremely large or small numbers. The safe integer range is from -(253 - 1) to 253 - 1. It means only numbers in this range can be represented exactly and correctly compared them (more information about safe integer).

Practically, not all long number in Java can be converted correctly in TypeScript since its range is -263 to 263 - 1. The unsafe numbers are rounded using the rules defined in IEEE-754 standard.

The special values such as NaN, POSITIVE_INFINITY and NEGATIVE_INFINITY are converted into string when sent to TypeScript.

Type string

The primitive type char, its boxed type Character and String in Java are converted to string type in TypeScript.

Type boolean

boolean and Boolean in Java are converted to boolean type when received in TypeScript.

Array of items

Normal array types such as int[], MyBean[] and all the types which implement or extend java.lang.Collection becomes array when they are sent to TypeScript.


Any kinds of objects in Java are converted to corresponding defined types in TypeScript. For example, if your endpoint methods returns a MyBean type, so when you called the method, you will receive an object in type of MyBean. In case of the generator can’t get information about your bean, it returns an object in any.


All types which inherit from java.lang.Map becomes objects in TypeScript with string keys and values in corresponding type. For instance: Map<String, Integer>{ [key: string]: number; }.


By default, the ObjectMapper converts Java’s date time to a string in TypeScript with the following formats:

  • java.util.Date of 00:00:00 January 1st, 2019'2019-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000'

  • java.time.Instant of 00:00:00 January 1st, 2019'2019-01-01T00:00:00Z'

  • java.time.LocalDate of 00:00:00 January 1st, 2019'2019-01-01'

  • java.time.LocalDateTime of 00:00:00 January 1st, 2019'2019-01-01T00:00:00'


Returning null from Java throws a validation exception to TypeScript unless the return type is Optional or the endpoint method is annotated with @Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable).