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In this level, you'll analyze a straightforward peer-to-peer lending platform where borrowers request loans by creating UTxOs specifying the loan amount (only ADA is supported) and locking collateral tokens to guarantee repayment. Anyone can fulfill the loan, activating it by sending funds to the borrower. Each loan must be repaid within the specified time frame, along with the specified interest.

Upon loan repayment, borrowers can unlock their collateral, and lenders can claim the repaid ADA. If a loan remains unpaid within the set time frame, lenders can claim the locked collateral.

Two borrowers have requested multiple loans. Your task is to uncover a hidden vulnerability and acquire some ADA for yourself. Keep in mind three key assumptions:

  • Collateral tokens locked in lending UTxOs hold no real value for you; your sole aim is to acquire ADA. Stealing collateral tokens won't lead to a successful pass of the tests. Imagine that there's no market to exchange those.
  • You seek to obtain more ADA than you started with. Merely gaining interest from the loans won't suffice.
  • Locked collateral tokens are invaluable to the borrowers. They are certainly worth more for them than the value borrowed. Even if they suspect foul play, they'll proceed through the lending protocol to reclaim the collateral tokens.

On-chain code

The on-chain code comprises two files:

  • lending: This serves as the primary validator responsible for validating all interactions involving lending UTxOs. Pay close attention to its datum as it's rather intricate, requiring careful parameter configuration for the validator to advance through various stages.

  • collateral_token: This file contains the minting policy for our collateral tokens. It's utilized by the borrowers. To ensure uniqueness for each user, tokens can only be minted if their asset name matches the hash of the user's signature. In other words, you can't mint collateral tokens that are put as collateral in someone else's loan request.

Off-chain code

As usual, create a copy of the player_template.ts named player.ts that you can run with the deno run --allow-net --allow-read ./scripts/run.ts command. The code that requires modification lies in this file in the appropriate section.

Note that the code necessitates interaction among different users. The GameData includes wallets for other users, along with their private keys. Do not use these private keys while solving the level. It is not needed. The only exception is the askForRepayment function, which simulates a borrower seeking to unlock their collateral tokens. When provided with the correct collateral token within the lending UTxO, they will repay it in full. Utilize this function solely to repay the UTxOs created during the setup. Do not exploit any vulnerability found within this function. Find a smart contract vulnerability instead.

See the player_template.ts for an example of a single interaction between a borrower and a lender.