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Information Deletion Attacks and Defenses

This repository includes code for the paper:

Can Sensitive Information be Deleted from LLMs? Objectives for Defending against Extraction Attacks

Vaidehi Patil*, Peter Hase*, and Mohit Bansal


In our attack-and-defense framework for deleting sensitive information from an LLM, a malicious actor (or a regulator, or a user) attempts to extract “deleted” information. We introduce new methods for defending against extraction attacks.

Table of Contents


For needed packages, first create a conda virtual environment via

conda env create -f deletion.yml

and activate it using the following command where $CONDA_PATH is the path to your conda installation

source $CONDA_PATH/bin/activate deletion

Then, install the remaining requirements:

cd third_party
python -c "import nltk;'punkt')"


The datasets we use (with single token filtering) are already included in dsets folder.

Setting parameters

First, set the global variables in experiments/, experiments/, experiments/ (i.e. CODE_DIR, BASE_DIR, and MODEL_DIR) to desired values. Set the following parameters when running the attacks:


  • --alg_name - Choose between ROME, MEMIT, FT for ROME, MEMIT and Constrained Finetuning respectively
  • --ds_name - Choose between cf_filt, zsre for CounterFact, zsRE respectively
  • --model_name - Choose between EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B, gpt2-xl, meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf for GPT-J-6B, GPT2-XL and Llama2-7b respectively
  • --edit_layers - We use 6 for GPT-J-6B, 17 for GPT2-XL and 7 for Llama2-7b
  • -n - This is the total number of datapoints to be used in the dataset. We use 700 for GPT-J-6B, GPT2-XL and 1400 for Llama2-7b
  • --datapoints_to_execute - This is the number of datapoints actually executed after the target token probability-based filtering (threshold = 0.02). We set this 700 for all models.


Set the following parameters for running attacks with the following defenses:

Fact erasure:

  • --fact_erasure

Empty response

  • --dummy_string

Error Injection

  • Neither --fact_erasure nor --dummy_string

Head Projection defense

  • --fact_erasure, --margin_loss,
  • --margin_layers 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (Please see Table 2 in Appendix A of the paper for the default defense layers we use for each model)

Max Entropy defense

  • --fact_erasure, --entropy_loss,
  • --entropy_layers 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (Please see Table 2 in Appendix A of the paper for the default defense layers we use for each model)

Input Rephrasing defense

  • --fact_erasure, --model_parap,


Set the following parameters for running attacks with the respective defenses:

Head Projection Attack

  • Run the script
  • --k: This is the top-k or bottom-k tokens that we consider in the candidate set (See paper for more details). We set 4 as the default value.
  • --layers_wb_attack 8 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (Please see Table 2 in Appendix A of the paper for the default attack layers we use for each model)

Probability Delta Attack

  • Run the script
  • --k: This is the top-k or bottom-k tokens that we consider in the candidate set (See paper for more details). We set 4 as the default value.
  • --layers_wb_attack 8 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (Please see Table 2 in Appendix A of the paper for the default attack layers we use for each model)

Input Rephrasing Attack

  • --num_attack_parap 4, --attack mg, --bb_num_samples 5

The following parameters remain common for all attacks and defenses:

  • --norm_constraint 1e-4, --kl_factor .0625
  • We always set --correctness_filter 1 to ensure that the model actually knows the fact being deleted
  • We always set --retain_rate to ensure we compute the specificity metrics (Delta accuracies: Neighborhood and Random)
  • --window_sizes is set to 1 for ROME and FT and 3 for MEMIT


Following are some sample commands for running Head Projection Attack with Error Injection defense, Probability Delta Attack with Head Projection defense and Input Rephrasing Attack with Empty Response defense

Head Projection Attack

In order to get results for the Head Projection Attack with Error Injection defense, select parameters as described above and execute the following commands

cd third_party
python3 -m experiments.evaluate --alg_name MEMIT --ds_name cf_filt --model_name EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B --run 1 --correctness_filter 1 --norm_constraint 1e-4 --kl_factor .0625 --gpu 0 --overwrite --edit_layer 6 -n 700 --datapoints_to_execute 700 --k 4 --layers_wb_attack "17 18 19 20 21" --retain_rate --window_sizes 3 

Probability Delta Attack

In order to get results for the Probability Delta Attack with Head Projection defense, select parameters as described above and execute the following commands

cd third_party
python3 -m experiments.evaluate_wb_grad --alg_name ROME --ds_name cf_filt --model_name EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B --run 1 --correctness_filter 1 --norm_constraint 1e-4 --kl_factor .0625 --fact_erasure --gpu 1 --overwrite --edit_layer 6 -n 700 --datapoints_to_execute 700 --k 2 --layers_wb_attack "8 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23" --retain_rate --margin_loss --margin_layers 8 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Input Rephrasing Attack

In order to get results for the Input Rephrasing Attack with Empty Response, select parameters as described above execute the following commands

cd third_party
python3 -m experiments.evaluate_parap_attack     --alg_name MEMIT --window_sizes 3    --ds_name cf_filt     --model_name EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B     --run 1     --correctness_filter 1     --norm_constraint 1e-4     --kl_factor .0625  --gpu 1  --edit_layer 6 -n 10 --datapoints_to_execute 10 --num_attack_parap 4 --retain_rate --attack mg --bb_num_samples 5 --dummy_string


  title={Can Sensitive Information Be Deleted From LLMs? Objectives for Defending Against Extraction Attacks},
  author={Patil, Vaidehi and Hase, Peter and Bansal, Mohit},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.17410},


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