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Extension: Native code

This page describes a particular set of features for native code interoperability. These features are "language extensions", i.e. not compatible with F#.

WARN: These features will be removed in future, especially before v1 release.


It's assumed that you know about:

  • Basics of the C language
  • Undefined behavior (UB) in C
  • Low-layer programming

Naming convention

Keywords that start with __ represent language extensions, which are unavailable in F#.


The compiler can't ensure these features to work correctly. If these features are used incorrectly at runtime, the program runs into undefined behavior (UB). Such program does anything weird with no error.

Native pointer types

milone-lang C
__constptr<T> const T *
nativeptr<T> T *
obj const void *
voidptr void *

Get pointer of value

(Not implemented. Use box and cast it to pointer.)

Pointer cast

__nativeCast function converts pointers and pointer-sized integers (nativeint / unativeint) each other.

    let p: nativeptr<int> = __nativeCast 0un
    let q: __constptr<int> = __nativeCast p

Read via pointer

__ptrRead p i reads from a pointer p by offset i (that is, p[i]). Pointer type must be __constptr<T>.

    //    p: __constptr<T>, i: int
    // => (__ptrRead p i): T

    __ptrRead p 0  //=> *p in C
    __ptrRead p i  //=> p[i] in C

Write via pointer

__ptrWrite p i writes to a pointer p by offset i (that is p[i]). Pointer type must be nativeptr<T>.

    //    p: nativeptr<T>, index: int, value: T
    // => (__ptrWrite p index value): unit

    __ptrWrite p 0 x  //=> *p = x; in C
    __ptrWrite p i x  //=> p[i] = x; in C

Function pointer types

__nativeFun<T, U> is a function pointer type. T represents the parameter list and U represents the result type.

T is a tuple type or other:

T parameter list
unit ()
T (not tuple) (T)
T1 * T2 (T1, T2)
T1 * T2 * T3 (T1, T2, T3)

U is unit or other:

U result type
unit void
U (not unit) U
    // void(*)(void)
    type ActionFun = __nativeFun<unit, unit>

    // int(*)(int)
    type IntUnaryFun = __nativeFun<int, int>

    // int(*)(int, int)
    type IntBinaryFun = __nativeFun<int * int, int>

(Currently there is no way to specify calling convention.)

Get pointer of function

__nativeFun f represents a function pointer of a function f, where f is a function defined by let-fun syntax.

Function must NOT capture any local variables.

    let f (x: int) : int = x + 1

    let fp: __nativeFun<int, int> = __nativeFun f

Call statically-linked native function

__nativeFun ("name", args...) is a special syntax to call a native function with the specified name.

An extern declaration of the function is also generated.

    // void abort(void);
    // abort();
    __nativeFun "abort"

    // void *calloc(size_t, size_t);
    // calloc(4, sizeof(int))
    let p: voidptr = __nativeFun ("calloc", unativeint 4, unativeint (__sizeOfVal 0))
    // ...

Called function must be linked statically. Otherwise, link error will occur. For example, if a program calls sqrt function then it needs to link libm. (Just including <math.h> isn't enough.) Use manifest file to specify linker options (TODO: write document of manifest file!).

Restriction: Variadic parameter functions (e.g. printf) can't be called with this syntax.

Call dynamically-linked native function

(Not implemented yet. Use dlopen on Unix and link libdl. Use LoadLibrary on Windows.)

Size of values

__sizeOfVal (expr: T) is the size of a value of a type T in bytes. expr is not evaluated.

This is similar to sizeof(expr) in C.

    // If the type of `expr` is T, __sizeOfVal(expr) is compiled to sizeof(T).
    __sizeOfVal expr

    // expr is guaranteed to not evaluate.
    let nullptr: __constptr<int> = __nativeCast (unativeint 0)
    assert (__sizeOfVal (__ptrRead nullptr 0) = 4)

Embedded naive expressions

__nativeExpr ("expression", arg1, arg2, ...) is an expression to embed a C expression into generated code. The string literal "expression" contains an arbitrary C expression. Other arguments are bound to placeholders (see below).

    // int e = errno;
    // (Note `errno` is a global variable in C.)
    let e: int = __nativeExpr "errno"

Placeholder {i} (i >= 0) in the template is each replaced with the i'th placeholder argument. Warning: Currently there's no way to escape braces.

Value placeholders

Placeholder argument is compiled to C normally and substitutes a placeholder in the template.

    // int z = x + y;
    let z: int = __nativeExpr("{0} + {1}", x, y)

Type placeholders

__type: T is a special syntax for placeholder argument. It represents a type rather than value.

    // size_t n = sizeof(struct String);
    let n: unativeint = __nativeExpr ("sizeof({0})", __type: string)

Embedded native statements

__nativeStmt ("statement", args...) is a statement to embed a C statement into generated code. The string literal "statement" contains arbitrary C statement. Other arguments are bound to placeholders (same as __nativeExpr.)

    __nativeStmt "abort();"
    // printfn("%d", 42);
    __nativeStmt """printfn("%d\n", 42);"""

Embedded native declarations

__nativeDecl ("declaration", args...) is a declaration to embed a C declaration into generated code. The string literal "declaration" contains arbitrary C declaration. Other arguments are bound to placeholders (same as __nativeExpr.)

Declarations are hoisted to top-level (even if __nativeDecl is used inside a function.)

    __nativeDecl "#include <errno.h>"

Embedded native types

__nativeType<T> is a type to embed a C type into generated code. T is an identifier, which can be undefined.

    type F = __nativeType<FILE>

    // FILE *stdin;
    let stdin: nativeptr<F> = __nativeExpr "stdin"

Recommended practice: Safe wrapper

Function is safe if it can't cause undefined behavior (UB) for any arguments.

Safe wrapper is an API which exposes a set of safe functions and types.

Avoid using these features described in this page directly from application. Instead, make a module as a safe wrapper on top of them.

(TODO: explain more precisely, add examples)